Elfyau's DF v1.4 Beastmaster Hunter **Updated 26-April-24**

it doesnt need to be in the macro. its not used enough to be cast constantly. better off as a seperate key.

Could you add Death Chakram to the rotation; I know some folks run it on a separate key but I like having it in the rotation. Thanks.

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if he does, it will be awhile before he does. he not coming back to do any updates to the spec macro for awhile. he working on other specs at the moment, when his health and family time isnt taking his time away.

hi all need help on wich one do i set the ms klick speed there is 2 of them as u can see and what set on the delay one

all his macros run 250ms

ye i know that but on wich one shuld i set it u see the photos right

@ragge888 I am not sure what you would put in there - as mine is just set at default

the first pic is where it should say 250. that is usually set as the default til someone changes it.

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When I run the marco and try to move my character freezes alot. How can I change this?

Are any of your trinkets use/cast @location?

I have a ''on use" trinket but its not bind to @location

Dont run into this problem with other macro’s

And those ‘Freezes’ are more that I cant use my mouse to change the camera.

something else must be causing this. talked to other who use this macro and none of them or myself are getting freezes. it is very weird that it is happening to you.

Try disabling the trinkets in the macro and see if anything changes.

Hi all,

Firstly absolutely love this and your other macros, thank you :slight_smile:

Can anyone help me please, after a while while using the macro, I stop getting the warnings that “there is nothing to attack” is all well and good going about daily business but in M+ & Raids it pull mobs/bosses because i havent realised i havent turned the key off. I also use AHK for the key to repeat
Any advice would be helpful… TIA Tom

Are you using a toggle?

what is a toggle please?

you press the button to start the AHK script then press it again to stop it

yes that is what i have,

check this post out:

It has an AHK script you can change that is hold and release (the macro will only work while holding it down.

please forgive me but i am not sure what i would have to change, would i just remove this part of it?

Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”)