Elfyau's DF v1.4 Beastmaster Hunter **Updated 26-April-24**

I set it to this

Updated macros stubs and reloaded. Retried and still isn’t pressing the buttons.

I also tried to set it to this

updated macro stubs again and reloaded still same thing.

The only ones that I can confirm are being popped off are these keypress and release boxes at the bottom and Call of the wild. I see that going on cooldown and Hunter’s mark being applied, and the pet will /startattack as as my hunter’s basic attacks but not any of the other spells.

Appears Bestial Wrath, Barbed Shot and potentially Kill shot just are the only ones not firing. Bu I have made no changes in weeks.

Here is the raw edit as well if that helps.

[“Variables”] = {
[“KeyRelease”] = {
[1] = “/startattack”,
[2] = “/petattack”
[“KeyPress”] = {
[1] = “/startattack”,
[2] = “/cast Hunter’s Mark”
[“Actions”] = {
[1] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Interval”] = 15,
[“Type”] = “Repeat”
[2] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/cast [nochanneling] Kill Shot”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Interval”] = 4,
[“Type”] = “Repeat”
[3] = {
[1] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/cast [nochanneling] Barbed Shot”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[2] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Multi-Shot, Kill Command”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[3] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Multi-Shot, Kill Command”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[“Type”] = “Loop”,
[“Repeat”] = 2,
[“StepFunction”] = “Priority”
[4] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/cast [nochanneling] Mend Pet”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Interval”] = 5,
[“Type”] = “Repeat”
[5] = {
[1] = “/cast Call of the Wild”,
[2] = “/cast Call of the Wild”,
[“Interval”] = 10,
[“Type”] = “Repeat”
[“InbuiltVariables”] = {
[“Ring2”] = false,
[“Head”] = false,
[“Trinket1”] = true,
[“Trinket2”] = true,
[“Neck”] = false,
[“Combat”] = true,
[“Belt”] = false,
[“Ring1”] = false

Do any other macros do this or just this one? What trinkets do you have?

have you installed any new addons before this started to happen?

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Did you try KeyUp instead of KeyDown

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i see only a different in all and in my strings are ".

[“Actions”] = {
[1] = {
[1] = “~~KeyPress~~ ”,
[2] = “/cast [nochanneling] Bestial Wrath”,
[3] = “~~KeyRelease~~ ”,

~~ left or?

and only Block 5
/cast Call of the Wild
has no KeyPress or KeyRelease

I checked on my prot paladin my 2nd main toon, and can confirm it’s also skipping spells and not pressing.

I’ve disabled all addons except GSE and confirm it still does it.

I also check to see if setting it to keyup instead like recommended and still doesn’t work.

It’s flabbergasting because it all just randomly stopped and just before it stopped maybe a hour ago before it stopped I was pumping numbers high into the 200-300k dps range in mythic 16s just before it.

I’m a beast at hunter because of you ELF! :disappointed:

EDIT: thank you everyone who is taking the time to try to help me!

For it to “just stop” something changed and you need to identify what that was. No one will be magically able to crystal ball it however from what you are describing there are two settings - keyup and keydown. For it to cycle the macro stubs are not clicking the invisible GSE Button because of a mismatch between the macro stubs and the way that cvar is configured. After you change that one way or the other recreate the macro stubs to be sure, log out and back in. Then if it still doesn’t work - set it to the reverse, recreate the stubs and log out and back in.

if that still doesn’t work you have a serious problem in your UI and need to figure out what you have done.

These are my current trinkets too since you asked ELF. They were firing fine until they stopped.

I’m wondering since people seem to think my UI is messed up, if maybe just fresh installing would fix it and just redo the macro. Cause if that fixes it I’m down, but will be bummed up if do that and still doesn’t work.

But I have bug catcher and since I disabled Buff Buddy, I have no errors. So idk. :man_shrugging: I’m lost in the sauce.

Also as far as this goes, I didn’t edit any of those keypress things I only changed or removed spells.

The ~ ‘s I have not touched at all

I /reloaded when I tested it earlier with the stub updates and change to key down and up but I don’t think I logged out I’ll try that again and then prolly just end up fresh installing from there if doesn’t work. I will update when I test this in an hour or so. On the way back now.


It’s working now I just fresh installed and resetup the addon. No I idea what specifically it was but I’ll be monitoring it as I add my addons back! Thanks guys!


Hey all, working on getting this set of Macros set in particular. I deleted the Elfyau macros logged out and deleted the Elfyau Hunter macros from the GSE folder and reinstalled from CurseForge. Now I’m seeing them as v1.3, but I’m still not able to see most of the spell icons for some reason. I can see Call of the Wild pop up, but that is the only one that is not a ?

From General Tab, I have Show Current Spells enabled, and Set Default Icon QuestionMark disabled, and still seeing ?s. This is very odd to me because I imported the Zerg macro and the spell icons work correctly. I have Cleared Keybings, Updated Macro Stubs and even tried changing Action Button settings around to see if that might change anything, but set back to ActionButtonUseKeyDown and Force CVar state to KeyDown, and still have not been able to determine the issue.

I am running GSE 3.1.56 Patreon edition if that might make a difference? I thought I saw this was made using 3.1.51?

After trying to reinstall everything again, I am no longer seeing Call of the Wild icon, however if I leave my mouse over the macro button, I am only seeing Call of the Wild showing in the Tooltip description as it rotates through.

Not seeing the icon change doesn’t mean that it’s not working, it just means that it’s more complicated than wow’s function for determining the icon can deduce. GSE sends the entire action to WoW and says “change the icon to that.” Its icon function is a bit primitive.

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is this updated for 10.2.5?

Unless there is a major update to a class. most macros made will work for all current xpac versions of the game. only issue that pops up, is usually needing to update the talent link.


I also have another question, for this macro, can you add the pet commands in? like *bite/claw/smack/dash?

also let’s say for ST/AOE
Multi Mobs using AoE, untill 1 mob left, at this point, should I be changing to ST? or just finish the mob wave with AoE untill next wave to decide wheather if its single mob or multi mobs?

Can somone tell me if is working or not? i have it and the icon spell doesn’t switch but i think the spell go?
Somone have news or suggest ? Thanks

If the spells are going off, then its working.

Ok i belive that xD i get the talents and macro by original post, is correct or i need to find the updates scrolling?

Elf updates his macros in the OP.

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