Elfyau's DF v1.4 Destruction Warlock **Updated 15-May-24**

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Warlock macros!! To find the plugins you can go to curseforge or your curse client and search for either “Elfyau” or “GSE” and they should show up in the results.

Hark! A ballad of brimstone and fury! This macro is a poetic ode to the destructive potential, a rhythmic dance of empowered spells and chaotic effects. Talents are chosen for synergy, rotations flowing with a destructive, exhilarating tempo. But even the most melodic Warlock craves constructive criticism. Test it, share your infernal verses, and together we’ll refine this macro into a symphony of demonic wonder!





Usage Information

v1.4 Made @250ms
SHIFT:- Hold for Rain of Fire (@cursor(AOE DPS))
ALT:- Summon Infernal ( @cursor) - If not landing @cursor go into game options>combat and set cast @focus to none

If my macros were a dragon, you, my Patreons, would be the fearless slayers keeping it fed with fire-breathing motivation! Your support is the magic elixir that keeps me coding like a caffeinated gnome on a sugar rush. So let’s raise a toast (or a pixelated potion)! Cheers to you, you magnificent bunch!

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.



Usage Information

v1.4 Made @250ms
ALT:- Summon Infernal ( @cursor) - If not landing @cursor go into game options>combat and set cast @focus to none

If my macros were a dragon, you, my Patreons, would be the fearless slayers keeping it fed with fire-breathing motivation! Your support is the magic elixir that keeps me coding like a caffeinated gnome on a sugar rush. So let’s raise a toast (or a pixelated potion)! Cheers to you, you magnificent bunch!

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.



Usage Information

v1.4 Made @250ms
ALT:- Summon Infernal ( @cursor) - If not landing @cursor go into game options>combat and set cast @focus to none

If my macros were a dragon, you, my Patreons, would be the fearless slayers keeping it fed with fire-breathing motivation! Your support is the magic elixir that keeps me coding like a caffeinated gnome on a sugar rush. So let’s raise a toast (or a pixelated potion)! Cheers to you, you magnificent bunch!

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.

Your feedback is the rocket fuel that blasts these macros into legend! Every click, every comment, every nitpick - consider it a vote for future awesomeness.

Tell me how I can make them smoother, stronger, faster. Together, we’ll craft tools that take your gameplay to the next level. Let’s unlock the macro magic! :sparkles:

P.S. Like what I do? Why not Shout me a coffee? Also, if you have a chance to check out my Twitch , I use GSE macros on all of my toons! Or catch me on other social platforms!!


It works well. Thank you!

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Any chance demo lock macro before DF release date?

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I promise I an trying :slight_smile:


The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

Hi Elfyau,

I have a similar macro to yours, and am having an issue in both mine and yours. It happens when I am casting Chaos Bolt, and cancel the cast to sidestep a boss mechanic, it then casts incinerate instead of Chaos Bolt (even when I have soul shards available).

Not sure if you ever ran into this or not, but I was able to recreate the issue with your macro as well.

Lemme know, thanks

it does this because the macro/GSe considers it cast and moves to the next point in the macro. That and possibly still spamming the macro after Chaos Bolt is cast therefore the macro has moved on before we stop and start.

Having an odd issue getting this to work with a mouse and just holding the button down. When I do so I can see in WoW that it is repeating the 1 key which is where the macro is. But the Macro only fires once, I have to repeat press the button and it will work then but not when holding. Figure something easy I am missing but not sure what. - Not thinking it is macro related as happens on other class.

what mouse and software are you using?

Ursie, try going into Options > Troubleshooting > Upgrade Macro Stubs.

Can you reset the talent points for 10.0.5, I’m getting an error when importing the talent


I have trouble with the modifier (shift and alt). If i press the alt or shift button the macro stops. Which means i cannot use rain of fire and my infernal. What i am doing wrong? Sorry i am new with GSE

you might have (either blizzard or another addon) is using those buttons for something else, so there a conflict when you press them. you need to clear those key bindings.

Ok thanks. The ALT modifier works now, but the shift-modifier not. also the CTRL doesn’t work. I play with the german client, is that maybe the problem or it doesn’t matter?

The talents won’t import from either here or the macro info.

its old macro and talents. he hasnt released a new updated version.

If you need talents for this, the following is the updated string (may need modifications)

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plz, update this awesome macro.

@alex-krycek do the talents need updating?


Yes i think :stuck_out_tongue: