Elfyau's DF v1.4 Enhancement Shaman **Updated 28-May-24**

thanks for the reply. i will give it a shot

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Is there a way to make this more automated? Like fully one button. I’ve been fiddling with a few ENH macros and all seem to have the procs by adding them in and contently moving my character so they only go off when instant.

@Xero_the_Clown a few replies above we go over making it into 2 macros (both just one button no mods)

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sorry missed it while scimming thru thread i guess.

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All good! I hope they help you get to do what you want with the macro!

hello, you dont have aoe macro ? juste 1 macro ?

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that is correct. AoE is inside the macro with mod key.

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The rotations are almost identical with the difference being a swap of lightning bolt for chain lightning so I felt there was no need to create another 2 macros for it.

i dont know why, but I think the macro doesn’t do all the spell

What do you think it is missing?

I am getting like 20k under sims on ST, and about 120k under sims for AOE. These sims were for 5min tests on 1 and 5 target dummies. 64kST & 224kAOE. My shammy is 422ilvl, 51% mastery, 17% haste, 20% crit, 13% vers with only 2p atm. I should be doing 63 Lava Lashes, doing about 40.

I added a new extra lashes and burst to lines and it seem to jump up like 10k, however when i just ran a couple dungeons things seem to just not fire. really weird.

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@Xero_the_Clown Everything really is about timing and for every person/toon it is different, make a copy of the macro and try re-ordering the blocks and see what works for you and your toon

just weird that is preforms better on target dummies for me then in runs it does like half the dps lol. ENH is def a harder set to get working compared to like ret pally.

is it me or is enhancement not bursty? ill start at like 14k then within like 2 mins of combat of a dummy ill get to around 35-40k although im only 392

Im doing only 2 k dps in Mage Tower with this macro. Too low.

lol, well it hasnt been updated since july. so you might want to try and tinker with it some to see if you can get better results (maybe get newer talent code).

do you know a good macro for Mage tower?

nope. never done it.

Elfyau will be indisposed for awhile. RL and his health has hit hard. please be patient for any updates or responses til he can. i will help as best i can when needed.

Can you update the Talents and Macro if possible? At least the Talents are outdated. Thank you.

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