Elfyau's DF v1.4 Enhancement Shaman **Updated 28-May-24**

it son his list, he will get to it when it comes up on the list. please be patient.

as for the talents. copy the code and put it into the wowhead talent calc and you will get a new code

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I installed everything but when i click the action button it only auto attacks. What do i need to adjust? Its on 250ms

do you have it on the numbered action bar?

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Yes, i had it on keybind 1 on the original actionbar. Is that not the correct one?

Are you referring to the bar numbered 1 through =?

yes. I did the force key down and now it cast some spells but there are ‘’?‘’ in the rotation.
what do i need to do with that?
Thanks for responding :slight_smile: !!!

You don’t need to do anything other than put it in your actionbar - sometimes the spells don’t show up but if you keep clicking it it will keep casting everything in the macro

Sorry for the stalking :smile:
but i think i"m doing something wrong.
ST Im at 40k dps
AOE just under 100k.
my ilevel is 461

Are you running it @250ms? Please also be aware that this macro is outdated

The macro has been updated and can be found in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

why do you insist on cast lightning, chain lightning, primordial wave, without linking them to ctrl, shift and alt, it’s a pure waste of dps, it launches them at 5 or 10, when you need them cast at 10, personally, I have a macro that I edited from Xero_the_Clown with adjustments in the spell rotation I run at 90% between my sim and my mono/multi dps.

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I will see what I can do next update

before he releases these macros, he has them tested by alot of people and from their feedback, he does some changes and releases it to the public. If the public players dont like something, then they can usually adjust it themselves or get the help to make the changes. since it probably gonna be 6+ months before he comes back to this. :slight_smile:


Maybe he wrote it to his playing style? If a player doesn’t feel it fits their needs, they can always adapt it.


The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

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First i wanna say thank you, im using all of ur macros for all of my toons!

One thing that bothers me about this one is that my shaman always cast bolts even when maelstrom is not at 5 stacks. Making dps slack because of the cast time not being instant.

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Move / Jump / Strafe.