Elfyau's DF v1.4 Havoc Demon Hunter **Updated 25-April-24**

Thanks for your macros and patience when updating them. Also just curious is this for both M+ & Raid or just M+?

These were made on a test dummy and open world mobs (and maybe LFR). you will have to test them in m+ and raid to see how they work for you in those enviroments.

Elf has to many classes/specs he needs to update to test any macro more than “Do they work has programmed” lol

@DRGNUSMC while @Siodar is correct I use the same talents no matter what content I am in

hows it doing on the ST dummy?

your gonna need to test it yourself. i think it works fine, but it might not for you.

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Glad to see you back, Elfy. Hope you are feeling/doing better.

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I don’t understand why, the shift modifier doesn’t work. advice?

are you using Elvui? if so, you will need to turn off what it set for Shift inside the addon. if not, maybe another addon is using shift for its purpose, so might need to go turning all them off except GSE and then turning them on one at a time til see what is causeing the shift problem.

can also go to GSE/options/troubleshooting/ “Clear Keybinding”

I solved the modifier problem on elvui even if it’s boring to marry the skills, I also understood the MS and AHK issue even if I use Razer’s software.
However, I slightly modify the macros of the guys who kindly post them, I don’t have real experience in creating them with GSE.
but I would like to understand how to assign an image to the macro, some have them and they change based on the skill, I would like to be able to put them on all of them, how can I do it?

@Elfyau can help on that. lol

@Baluk check in GSE options should be a check box there for it somewhere. I forget where off the top of my head, beyond that GSE does it automatically though I noticed it does sometimes not work on some macros. I don’t know why this happens/

Seems to work great, but eyebeam is not firing at all. I see it in the macro, so i know its there, but not firing? I may have it too fast, not sure what it is set on tbh. Also, i notice that the talents include the hunt, and it is not in the macro, Any particular reason why not?

same for me @Elfyau ? and if i press the Shift modifier it shows Methamorphosis but didnt casts it

@Rayge I use the Hunt Manually - Maybe added in the future. @Blacky888 do you use Elvui?

Yes i use Elvui :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Elvui uses Shift for its own peurpose. you will need to go into the addon and change that.


Is anyone else having an issue where it stops you from walking for a brief second mid rotation?

i have not had that happen yet.

That’s weird it happens in the rotation, I love the macro i do really good dmg with it but i cant move out of things as quickly as I need to.

Check to see if any of your trinkets are a use or cast @location - also make sure it isn’t a trinket that needs some sort of attunement.