Elfyau's DF v1.4 Havoc Demon Hunter **Updated 25-April-24**

I’ve set the boxes to black so GSE won’t use them but its still doing it. I also took my trinkets off and it’s still happening. I refuse to use another macro because this is the best one I’ve found.

This wouldn’t happen to occur while eye-beam is being cast?

no i disabled that block i fire that manually

ok i figured it out it was sigil of flame not firing right so i took it out. is there any way you can make it to where it works @player?

it is already coded to cast @ player:

/castsequence [@player,nochanneling] Sigil of Flame, Sigil of Misery, Sigil of Flame

By the way ‘The Hunt’ will also stop you from moving for a moment

Hey Elf perhaps Eye Beam should be used more. I changed around a bit and threw in Blade Dance, Immolation Aura and Meta at cool down modifier. Seems faster to me.

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can you post your edit?

Please make sure you post the edit in its own thread and not in here. dont want new people to confuse it for Elfs. :slight_smile:

The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

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I really appreciate your macros, however, since the last update, I’ve been getting continuous error messages in the chat whenever I use it.

you might want to check other addons. Just reimported this macro and talents. and ran it thru a raid. Did not get a single error message.

Also, SS the error messages, can help better if we know what you are getting.

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I haven’t gotten a single error message. I don’t think the macro is very good. I think it is written to be extremely functional and not bug out which makes it play like a slightly below average player when executed perfectly. No errors though. I can’t help but be slightly upset though when other DH’s are pulling 500k at my ilvl and I’m at 180k. That level of disparity is why I am here looking for ideas lol. I don’t think anyone expects a spam macro to outperform a pumper, but my word, the gap right now is embarrassing.

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Thank you for the feedback, I will see if I can improve this at least a little in the next update.

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you do know that Elf doesnt write these to be top tier macros. their a way for ppl to play their class. its up to the player to adjust the macro to their playstyle. all his macros are great. If one or more of his macros does do top tier, then that great and he got lucky in the making of it (them).

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I get that you are a fan and you are trying to defend him, but I don’t think it’s necessary. We can have an honest discussion about his macros which may include negative criticism without it being a big deal. His macros may not be top tier, but they are often the 1st thing people see because he is one of the only guys who writes them for every class and spec. I’m not trying to insult the guy and there is no need for you to ride in on your white horse. We can all work together to make things better can’t we? I was in a heroic today. I did 180k at Ilvl 505. The DH next to me did over 500k with ilvl 508. We were both pretty well optimized with our stats. Can we not talk about that? Can we not work to improve it and narrow the gap? I never expect to be at this guys level. He was a beast. But surely we can try and narrow that gap a bit? No insult intended. Just trying to see if we cant do better…

fan of all our creators and will defend them all when players say what you said. but before you say “I dont think the macro is very good”, you should actually look into the creator and know every macro made isnt going to be to your liking and your gonna have to adjust the macro to your playstyle.

anything further can be said in a DM or make your own post. here out anything not related to the topic will be deleted.

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I made a small change to the macro. I went with the talents on Wowhead and swapped out Glaive Tempest for Essence Break on block 3.1 and got rid of Sigil of Mastery on block 4. Target dummy parsing is significantly better on both ST and Cleave dummies via 5 minute tests. Sigil of Flame is triggering more consistently, but Eye Beam is hanging up a bit at times. I considered uploading the macro, but it feels a bit like stealing since it’s basically your macro with 2 small changes. What do you think about the changes? Also, sorry if I insulted you before. It was not my intention.

No offence taken. You can put your post up, just credit me in the post and explain what changes you made. I have made a note of the changes and will see what I can add change or improve in my next update.

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I never said I did not like any macro and have total respect for the writers. I was just saying hello to Elyayu.

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