Would lobe some update on this kinda hard to do without it
@DrakeosVr an update on the macro itself?
Yeah cause getting fustrated due to lack of damage/survival and always dying
I am working on an update, no eta as of yet though sorry
The macro has been updated and is now available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers!
Hello there, for me the macro sadly locks up and it seems like it is stuck at victory rush. Deleting said skill doesnt fix the issue. I dont know if I am alone with this but I thought I’d let you know.
Greetings and thanks for your awesome macros
Sorry to hear that you are having trouble, obviously for me, it doesn’t lock up. If anyone else is having trouble with this please let me know. Have you set talents as per the macro?
No problem, yes the first thing I do when getting your macros is checking Talents and in BFA it was the Heart of Azeroth so I am clueless now. Importet and deletet it a few times but nothing seems to help. This is the only macro where this happens.
I have no idea then - nothing in your bags with a similar name?
Sadly not. Also checked for GSE updates. I could send you a clip. When pressing the macros it cycles trough the questionmark icon and the victory rush icon an then idles with auto attack. Also downloaded your Curseforge plugins but they also dont fix the problem. I wish I could give you better insight.
for the moment try disabling the block with victory rush and see if it still hangs
This leads to the macro locking up even more, I have tried it before. I found out that on my other arms warrior the same thing happend but with execute. It seems to be the same problem but only for this macro. Haven’t changed GSE settings and Importet the macro like usual. Anyways thanks for your support. I dont understand to much of GSE coding as for now so I cant give you better information.
does this happen with every macro? or just mine?
Just yours. Lutechis seems to have an import error but e.g. Izzeri’s worked. That was the next thing I checked out of coriousity. Also double checked my settings for GSE. They’re all the same on all my characters. Your export version is the same on which I am trying to import the macro