Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Beastmaster Hunter Macro **Updated 13-Oct-22**

The Ms he has is for how his games runs, you set your MS at what you find is the optimal setting for the macro on your game.

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how do i check mine plz

im not at home at this time. i would suggest setting your GSE to 100 and work your way to higher number. i current running all mine at 120ms it seem the right fit for my game speed.

Hey Elfy. Love your macros. Quick question. Do you have a macro for a starting hunter in SL? Thanks and keep up the awesome work!

Not quite sure what you mean by starting hunter, but the macros will function properly from level 50 upwards :slight_smile:

I think he/she means for lvling probably 1 to max lvl well at least that is how I understand it.

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Sorry, yes, that’s what I meant, level 1. It’s cool though, I figured it out. Thanks.

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Hi @kris, not 100% positive about elfs macro, havent had a lvl 1 hunter since BC, but most the macros dont really start to work til about lvl 20 or 30. you have to have at least a few talents open up and alot more spells to really see them working. hope this helps. you have a fantastic day.


Someone here who speaks german who can help me? Private message or via BT. :slight_smile:

Hi all, love the macro, what sort of dps do you guys do, I am 206 ilvl and lucky if I hit 3.5. What am I doing wrong please

Is there a instruction page showing how to set the ms? I use gse on two of my toons and never did anything with the addon, just used it as it was downloaded. If this is really important, I would appreciate knowing if its my problem with how I’ve got mine setup and still seeing slowdowns or stutters.


I noticed this issue when I brought my hunter over to SL last month. Today, in my Torghast run, my pet kept dying and I had to stop and get out of the way in order to revive it to continue. Since we were on a timed run, it did not go over well with the rest of the group. They understood once I told them the revive was not working as intended so I had to manually do it. But its a pain when it used to work before SL dropped.

I do wish Bliz would stop “fixing stuff that’s not broken” and that goes for anything these days.

Thanks for this, I’ll adjust my setup to incorporate this as you stated.

/gs, options at the bottom of main page, about 1/2 way down “General” page you will see “Millisecond click settings”, type in the number you want to set it at in the “MS click rate” box.

Hello m8,
Im having trouble making this work on the “keypress”
/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead][@player] Spirit Mend (want to use control)
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@target] Intimidation (want to use shift)
Can u or anyone here that is way less noob then me help?
I also use ur macros on a pala and are just great!
Tks to u and for somoeno that help.

Well as usual after losing more then 1h with no sucess, i ask for help, then in 1min i realise i dumb i was that was right in front of me…
This is how i solve it(dicice to put here so maybe someone can also use it).

/cast [mod:shift,target=mouseover, exists, nodead],[mod:shift,target=target, exists, nodead] Intimidation
/cast [mod:ctrl,target=mouseover, exists, nodead],[mod:ctrl, target=player] Spirit Mend

Sure thats a better way to do it, but it just works :slight_smile:


@Inok were you wanting the Spirit Mend to only go on yourself? or anyone that you mouseover? Also with Intimidation was that only on your target or anything you mouseover?

I use it with punchkey at 100ms and it struggles to keep barbed shot up. What am I doing wrong?

Hello Elfyau
I’ve been using your macro for quite a while now, and downloading upgrades along the way till I had 8 panes (with the same macro), so today I deleted the macro and downloaded it anew, and I noticed the below mentioned.

This is the 1st line in the key-press section:
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]l
What does that do - apart from targeting the enemy ?

BTW I think it’s a good macro - works great ! - thx :slight_smile:

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Elfy you make the best macros. Man. I just use st and ao on seperate keys and it helps my arthritis and my dps is still good.

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