Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Beastmaster Hunter Macro **Updated 13-Oct-22**

Sounds good. I will have to olay around with the ms I suppose. I really don’t know much about macros to even really begind adjusting it in gse. I look at it yesterday and was like ??? I couldn’t even figure out how to take md off my pets and set it for my focus ie tank or whoever.

Hehee, every time when you open a macro and see a line something like this:
/castsequence [@focus, combat][@pet, nodead, exists] misdirection. It’s mean you must set focus Tank or else the macro will redirect Misdirect to your Pet.

Back in the old wow days, when Hunter hate anyone they would put misdirect to that player and all the arggo go to him/her. When people didn’t really know or lack of using Misdirection. :stuck_out_tongue:


I want to add a “/cast [nochanneling] Mend Pet” command to EA_BMH_OB Configuration 2 but am not sure where to put it. I’m hoping one of you can point me to the section it would best go in.
Thanks in advance.

Normally, people put it in KeyPress box.

Thanks. That will be easy to do

No problem, anytime mate

Hey @Elfyau, personally i am not a fan of MD and BW in macros. If i were to just delete those lines would you expect me to see a DPS loss? Like will the timing of the macro be off because i remove lines?

Also sorry i know this question is coming super late in the season

@lenroc I shouldn’t think so, I know a few people remove them. Saying that though the best method is to make a copy of the macro, remove the spells and test it :slight_smile: let us know how you go :slight_smile:

The macro has been updated and is now available in the original post and via Curseforge. Let me know what you think, Cheers! :snake:

Great job on these macros, what has been improved? It was working great, not sure how you could make it better.

I have made the macro smaller while changing the position and timing of the Kill Command and Barbed Shot. Hopefully everyone will see an improvement :slight_smile:

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Hi Elfyau,

Do you mean the EA_BMH_OB Macro? If so I will update it. I’m enjoying your work.

Afaik that is what his macro for BM is call. It’s the one I use when I play BM. Damn good work.

It’s amazing. if this can work this well in the next expansion, i might buy the next expansion. i’m holding off for now.

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this macro is crazy great job @Elfyau its insane

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@Elfyau I can’t move the finished macro to the skill bar, where could I have gone wrong?

@Mzahen have you created an icon for it? re-create the icon and try again.
If that doesn’t work type /m in the game and check if your character-specific macros are full.

@Elfyau Sorry if this has been answered before but will you be updating your plugin with Dragonflight macros? I love the plugin and maros and hope they will be available in DF as well.

@lifeisrisky I will be updating them all as soon as I can, yes. Meanwhile they will still at least function :slight_smile:


so far all the SL macros i have used in DF beta have worked just fine for at least leveling. just the talents will need to be figured out at level 60 and up, til the new macros come out.