@Deezyl_Fizzlepop i think thats a good idea. i dont think he ment to make 2 seperate topics.
Would you like me keep both of them open then?
Just trying to make it easier on you with all of your other macros as not to answer the same questions all over again in two posts.
Sure! can’t hurt to try it, if it doesn’t work I will just have to go back and separate them lol
Cheers for the help!
Hello, Thank you for some very impressive Macros. I was able to be a 2/10 mythic raider in SOFO with them. I am currently having an issue with the new macro as my toon seems to be having a epileptic seizure while casting. any thoughts as to why? I am a novice when it comes to the macro side of the game and i have not changed anything.
With very little info given (not surprised) all I can do is ask questions.
Are ALL of your Addons up to date?
Are all Addons turned off EXCEPT for GSE while using this macro IF you encounter and problems AFTER discovering that there is a problem?
How is the macro being tested?
What kind of environment is being tested in? PvP? Dungeons? Raid? Open world? Role Playing? Training Dummy?
Was the macro deleted and reimported IF there was any problems noticed?
Are you using an automated keypresser (i.e. AHK, Razer Synapse, PunchKey, Corsair, Logitech…)
Is it being used manually (No automated keypresser)?
What level is your Character?
Did you triple check your Keybindings?
Did you triple check the Talents that Elfyau suggests in his macro?
And please do not create duplicate thread if this is the only macro your having problems with. Thank you.
Props to @Elfyau for this latest macro as it’s an improvement DPS-wise over the last version that I’ve tested out with it being a couple of hundred points higher.
Tested five times unbuffed on a Training Dummy for three minutes averaging about 7.2k DPS.
it’s trying to cast MD on the tank when its not around/in the area to cast on just unfocus the tank and it will fix itself, i know of this its happened to me multiple times so i dotn use it have md on mouseover macro addon called clique
i said the about same thing on his discord channel. glad i am not the only one that thought new version was lil better.
cant delete /targetenemy [noharm][dead] line. after delete press save. but when i open again that line still there
Hey @Elfyau thx for a great macro, beeen using it for a long time, but a week ago it started to write Keyrelease in any chat window i currently was talking in. It spamed the chat. Did somthing change or did i do somthing to break GSE. GSE works fine on all other chars, and i removed the KeyRelease everywhere in the macro, and now it dosent spam in chat, but my DPS have dropped alot
@Naturechick put the KeyRelease back into every box and copy the contents of KeyPress into KeyRelease. It should be fixed
@combatsoul Try again while out of combat
Or alternatively you can remove all the key releases out of the macro.
any idea why after import your macro is icon like question mark. and cant use it. not allow to press anything it. its shows there but icon like big question mark, and cant press it
in-game go /m and check that your toon doesn’t have too many macros
Been using this macro for some time, but I will say, I just don’t get the dps I should be getting out of it. I sim for 14.6k, I’m lucky to be doing 10k with a lot of aoe. I’ve had to move more away from the macro since something just doesn’t seem right. Barbed shot just seems to fall off without being refreshed for one example. anyone else notice that? I hadn’t adjusted anything to the macro itself.
the addon is made for Elf’s (an every macro made on here creators) comp and game use. its not going to work the same for everybody else. you have to tweak it yourself if you want it to work to your liking.
For the common sense. Most of Elyahu macro’s speed set to 250ms. You can use different speed to test his macro. However, as most You have to tweak the macro or edit it in your play style. My recommendation is to change the spell sequence/rotation around to see if you can keep or sustain bared shot up.
Best luck,
Thought there was a range you had to keep the ms in otherwise you could get the ban hammer or something? Wasn’t it 50? Mainly just so I know to stay away from said range when I start playing with that.
Tweaking wise I have already generally just seem to use the macro for initial stuff, keep barbed shot up manually, linked claw and all that stuff to other specific abilites to get the most out of my pets, as well as (I forget off the top of my head) the ability that keeps cleave up with pets when multi-shot is used. Those lower end macros were more from icy-veins. So yeah. Just trying to get this stuff figured out. I know Elf’s isn’t an end all be all.
To be honest with you, I don’t care specifically about MS. I run with 50ms and 70ms, sometimes 100ms. I’m not saying it’s safe and won’t get you banned. But, down to the bottom line. I believe and in my own opinion I think unless you draw a lot of attention to yourself and try to promote “Boost Run” using macros on this website or any other source. Personally I put MS on a mouse button and press it. It is still considered manual (wink). No matter what speed you should run your macro. I think also related to other factors like people have violated policy when they sell batches running in Real Currency it is mentioned in Asmongold youtube video. If not, you’ll be fine. Good luck and Enjoy the game.
250ms is the fastest that is recommended.