Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Demonology Warlock Macro **Updated 12-Sep-22**

@Izzi I’m going to try to export the macro here, as I said I don’t create a macro, I just copy it and modify some actions that work for me.
I forgot to mention that I don’t use a mouse as a macro launcher, but my keyboard.
and practically all my macros (copied and edited by me) are one-button

[“Variables”] = {
[“KeyRelease”] = {
[1] = “/console autounshift 0”,
[2] = “/cast Word of Glory”,
[3] = “/console autounshift 1”
[“KeyPress”] = {
[1] = “/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”
[“Actions”] = {
[1] = {
[1] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/Cast Avenger’s Shield”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[“Type”] = “Loop”,
[“Repeat”] = 1,
[“StepFunction”] = “Priority”
[2] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/Cast Blessed Hammer”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[3] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/cast [combat] Divine Toll”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[4] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/Castsequence reset=combat Judgment, Shield of the Righteous”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[5] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/cast [combat] Hammer of Wrath”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[6] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/Cast Hammer of Justice”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[7] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/Cast Consecration”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[8] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/cast [combat] Shield of the Righteous”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[9] = {
[1] = “KeyPress”,
[2] = “/Cast Avenging Wrath”,
[3] = “KeyRelease”,
[“Type”] = “Action”
[“InbuiltVariables”] = {
[“Combat”] = true,
[“Trinket2”] = true,
[“Ring2”] = false,
[“Head”] = false,
[“Neck”] = true,
[“Trinket1”] = true,
[“Belt”] = false,
[“Ring1”] = false

sorry but I didn’t find another way to export the macro just like this

I will look at it when I have time to figure out how/why it works lol
Thank you

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you guys are highjacking elfyau’s demo macro thread with paladin macro lol


For some reasons, sometimes my macro stops completely when I try to switch/target another mobs or bosses.

The current way around this is pure luck for me - sometimes it just fixes itself.

Any ideas of a possible lock up?

it could be because of casting weakness on a new target. go into the macro down to the key press section and delete /castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target weakness, null

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Hey, thanks for the quick response.

So, I have made my own observation about the error that I have raised, thru several dungeon runs, I’ve seen that the macro usually stops midway when there is zero soul shards left.

Even when I tried to choose a different target, it wouldn’t go off. So, I had to manually cast Shadow Bolt once to get 1 soul shard, then the macro starts as usual.

Any thoughts?

What speed are you using it at?

Ofc I’m using the speed as suggested in all of your macros, which is 250ms.

it shouldn’t be doing that - ofc I have had some macros falter and was fixed by doing that but that was in a sequence that relied on combo points etc being there that wasn’t there, in this case, the generators are on a separate line. Did you take the line I suggested out and try that?

Sorry 4 the late reply, but the issue seems to vanish once I get to max level, at the time I was writing to you it was during my leveling process.
