Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Fury Warrior Macro **Updated 18-Aug-22**

usually first solution to this problem is to see if you have 18 macros already made. if so, need to delete some. type /m and enter and it will pull up your macro list. let us know if that fixes or doesnt fix the issue.

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Hi, I actually only have one other macro in my list besides the ones for the fury warrior that I tried to add of Elfy’s

What Siodar is referring to is your main macro list. If you open up your macro list (/m in game) and click on your personal macro for your character. There you can only have 18 macros.

Some times for me, I need to click in the macro is GSE a few times for the Create Macro button to become clickable.

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what @brian-dickerson said. lol


Thank you Brian-dickerson that worked :slight_smile:


The macro has been updated and is available both in the original post and via Curseforge, Let me know what you think! Cheers :crossed_swords:

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i dont know if it me or cause my high ms but this macro dosent seem to be working right none of my abilites are above my melee damage and raging blow dosenmt even proc at all in macro

also i do the create icon and it dose make one just leaves black box with red question mark

im in same boat im 254 can barely break 3k for some reasom plus the issue with no icon creating beside the black box and red question mark and the fact that raging blow dosent even prock in the macro its supposed be one mt top attacks

does this work with SMF