Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Fury Warrior Macro **Updated 18-Aug-22**

I think what you would be looking for is this:
/castsequence [mod:shift, @player, nochanneling] reset=5 Spear of Bastion, Bladestorm
That or Bladestorm then SoB :slight_smile:

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This is exactly what I was trying to figure out, haha now that I see it its one of those doh! moments haha thanks so much brother! cheers!

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Question, why use 60 rage on ignore pain?

I found it gave a bit more survivability, but maybe I will change it or rather add a new tab so when in a dungeon or raid it won’t use it.

Hey, question, I have all the talents and everything, am obv a fury warrior, but with your macro im getting the ? icon cycling between it, bladestorm, and bloodthirst only. So, my dps is very low and the macro seems to be malfunctioning. I am unsure what I could link or screenshot to allow any help with this.

the icon doesnt affect you spell/ability casting, its just a pic that is supposed to show what is being used. low DPS might be from something else in the macro or the macro not working the way you want it to run.

the only thing ive noticed with macro is sometimes it stalls and have nanually click a spell cast to reboot it might just me me issue but if anyone else has it theres that


There are severe issues with his addon I am hoping to get some help with. This macro does almost 2K DPS less than all the others I’ve tested.

  1. I really can’t understand the point of having my rage being dumped into ignore pain constantly. This should be a spell we cast when needed, not in the middle of a fight with no damage going out. It reduces DPS by a ton. How can I remove this?

  2. Why is Recklessness and Bladestorm both auto casted in the macro with no means for AoE modifiers or “buff” modifiers? I constantly find myself charging small packs of mobs before a big fight, but my Reckless goes off because I have no choice while using the macro to save it. Wouldn’t it be best to put it outside the macro? I’m new to how this works, so I’m not sure how to set this up properly.

  3. If I remove any of the spells or delete them from the loop, I end up spamming “key press” in chat.

  4. Rampage and execute are not utilized near enough. I have seen the macro spam raging blow, bloodthirst, and even whirlwind before ever casting Rampage, even with the buff! I have to constantly press my rampage key in order for the macro to prioritize it.

Excellent work on your macro and curseforge app.

Ive got it working but like before most fury warriors are now Kyrian and im struggling on where to add in the spear even from the screen grab?

Ive taken your latest build and can you show exactly where and what we need to add the spear part, ideally it should come after the charge.

thanks again for all your effort in building and sharing this.


@Verakk just delete the box with Bladestorm in it and then scroll down to KeyRelease and delete Reclessness (just that) from the sequence. Also, scroll back up, find Ignore Pain, and delete just that from the sequence. You will have to at this point use them all manually. The rest should sort itself after that, and I will look at changing things in a future update.

@Fartpants edit the macro go to Tab1 and then scroll down until you find KeyPress in that box change:

/castsequence reset=combat Charge, null
/castsequence [@player] reset=combat Charge, Spear of Bastion, null

Save, test and let me know how you go :slight_smile:

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I tried that but it broke the charge.

I moved it into the last action 4.3 then moved 4.3 to 4.1in the list, it does proc eventually but after some time already in combat.

Ill keep testing options and see if i can get it firing.

Currently I’m having using your macro to charge a target then using ‘W’'s macro to get it to fire instantly then switch back to your macro for rotation.

I’m also struggling with understanding; do I have to spam the macro button to get it to do anything…? I’m i doing it correctly or would i need a macro enabled keyboard to just be able to press and hold the macro number in the action bar?

thanks for your help


can i also add ‘Blood Fury’ (racial trait with 2min CD and 122 attack power) not sure where? safely into the rotation? new to this but willing to learn.

@Fartpants ok revert the previous code back:

/castsequence [@player] reset=combat Charge, Spear of Bastion, null
/castsequence reset=combat Charge, null

Then go into the macro and create a new action box under the one with Bladestorm.
Copy the entire contents of the Bladestorm box and paste it into the new one.
Now change:

/cast [combat] Bladestorm
/castsequence [combat,@player] reset=combat Spear of Bastion, Blood Fury

Save and let me know how you go! As for:

I would recommend checking this post out: What is MS and how can I change it? Answered (With working AHK script you can use with Modifiers)

Hope it works and helps you out :slight_smile:


Hi Elf thanks for the swift reply

Ive tried that but its not firing on charge, blood rage doesnt proc either, am i right in saying it sits inside the loop?

Ive check the ‘W’ macro from someone else iand its ike this…

its right at the very start, and not in loop.

I think SOB has to proc before bladestorm for it to fire? charge > Spear > bladestorm? in that order?

I apologise for being a PITA in advance :slight_smile:

The autohotkey works well, limitations are it has to be tapped for every individual in a mob ie if there are four npcs in a mob you have to retarget by pressing it four times.

i dont have that issue of having to retap key to target next mob. it autos target next one soon as the previous one dies.

The goal for me is to use a single mouse button, have SoB proc after charge or Victory rush, then AHK as a hold down keypress for the macro. This would give the freedom of movement to move around avoiding any environmentals or ground spells in a fight.

Currently i cant combine SoB/Bloodrage to the Elf macro (ive tried for a week and no luck) so i’m using two macros and the logitech mouse seems to have some limitation to press and hold a key so you cant use the AHK to script press and hold for the macro with any mouse button.

I have assigned numbers 3 and 4 to both macros as they are the easiest to reach on the keyboard. Ive mapped 3 and four to mouse buttons on a Logitech MX master (this doesnt work)

Does anyone else have an issue using number for the action bar (ie 1,2,3,4 etc) and assigning a number to a mouse button?

@Fartpants to help with the AHK watch this video:
(I hope I got the right mouse) How To Create 🖱️Mouse/KB⌨️Macros With 🎮 Logitech Gaming Software 🕹️ - YouTube
As for the macro I am working on it.

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I went and bought a G602 mouse… boy what a difference that made!

ground mechanics are so easy to avoid and no spamming buttons anymore. thx again for the one to one.

Im at a dead end with the Gavel Proc as the Soul Fragment in the mechanic doesnt seem to be targetable without physically moving the cursor and clicking manually. Id love to know if anyone else had found a fix but im getting off topic sorry.

Ive added spell reflection as the CD is short and works perfectly after charge for a little extra damage offset.

Now we just need a ST version of your main fury macro :wink: for bosses.

keep up the good work

Hi Elfyau, This is my first time posting and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy using your macros.
I recently tried to use your macros from curse forge but it won’t give me the option to create an icon and i am unable to drag it to my action bar. Is there something I’m doing wrong??

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