Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Marksman Hunter Macro **Updated 20-Sep-22**

hmm i guess, its no big deal, I just have it on a seperate macro and do it that way :slight_smile:
I need to get a misdirection macro now though to aim at my tank XD

If I am not mistaken, Elf’s macro should first check to see if you have a focus target, normally your tank, if so, then it will fire MD at your focus target.

To set a focus target, select your tank, type /focus.

Elf’s macro will then cast MD on the tank (your focus target). At least that is how every one of his other macros have worked in the past.


Actually you don’t really need to type anything. Just right click Tank and you can set them as a Focus through the drop menu.

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Yeah because I suck at WoW and have only ever played it with GSE macros I did some research and then looked at Elf’s macro and it does indeed have that aim at focus setup.

Dunno if it’s just me though sometimes it just doesn’t work, even with the tank set as focus :man_shrugging:t3:

I will check the macro - if it is something I forgot to add in I will fix it :slight_smile:

Why is last Talent in your build not number 3 ? Thats what icy veins uses but you dont, its a dps loss without it

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Replying to this again:
Not if it sims better for that particular character.

Icy Veins is an awesome site and Azortharion knows his stuff but he also recommends simming your character which should include Talents.


I haven’t played Marksman in a while…So very confused about the blocks with Revive Pet…is there some reason for that, or is it a spacer?

it’s only there for open-world content, when in a dung etc you will be Lonewolf

Honestly, if you get to a high enough iLevel Lonewolf becomes kinda redundant because mobs melt so fast.

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Understood. I used to change to BM when farming. I did get to the point when MM was effective out in the world, that I only had issues with large elites. But I now understand your thinking

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Another question… have you tried the macro with 1 2 3 4 sequence. I know you’ve chosen 1 12 123…I might try that out when I next get a chance

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I have, it didn’t work as well for me. BUT in saying that it may work really well for you and your toon. All you can do is experiment with it :slight_smile:

The macro has been reworked and updated. The new macro is in the original post. Cheers! :bow_and_arrow:

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So after playing around with my pets it seems the macro doesn’t work correctly if there is no pet at all in slot one to call upon. However if you have an exotic in slot one it won’t call the pet obviously but it does run the macro correctly. I have tried both version doing this and both operate the same way.

You can remove or disable the call pet in the macro. Putting a non summon able pet in the 1st slot will cause the macro to spam slower due to error and make a dps decrease. Always better to remove a problem than to just cover it up.

@Elfyau - Thanks again for the great job and updating the macro :slight_smile:

Only BM can Tame and summon an exotic pet.

For MM a Tanking is suggested for like Dallies and WQ’s to keep the aggro off of you.

Yes I am aware of BM only taming exotics. I have some on me because I do sometimes play BM spec. My point of the post was in a previous post by Elfyau stated that using version 2 would not summon a pet at all and it does. It may have been with a previous version of the macro though, but I know the current versions of it will still summon a pet if it is available.

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First, I like the macros. I’m frequently in the top 5 in LFR even though my gear is “so so”.
Second, my pet will not “revive” if he is dead. The line in the macro shows “mend pet” when he is alive and “revive pet” when he is dead, but he does not revive.

I would disable that and manual that !