Elfyau's (GSE 3) 9.2.7 Outlaw Rogue Macro **Updated 14-Sep-22**

@Will_Neese there is no “IF” box as this would lead to automation. Weak Auras just use this to check and show that it is there, it cannot perform an actual action with this information.

IF statements in GSE won’t lead to automation in my opinion. They simply will check to see if something is true or not.

You can use the following function to check for combo points, you just need to create a function & paste the following code into said function.

 if UnitPower("player", Enum.PowerType.ComboPoints) == NumberOfComboPointsGoesHere then
 return true
 return false

The issue with this is that GSE can only check “IF” statements once & is not able to be reset via combat.

So it is very limited on what you can do with it. For more info check out Block Specification.

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Thank you @Master85

I was thinking that the “IF” block could be used like an IF / THEN statement in Excel. But it sounds like that is not possible. That would be impressive, even more so than GSE is already.

@Elfyau Till GSE continue to work in Dragon Flight? Praying

@Will_Neese I will be updating them all as soon as I can, yes. Meanwhile, they will still at least function :slight_smile: