Elfyau's TWW v0.3 Fire Mage **Updated 24-Jan-25**

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Mage sequences, they are available at both Curseforge and Wago. Just search for ‘Elfyau’ or ‘GSE’

We’re thrilled to introduce version 0.3 of our macro, crafted exclusively for Fire Mages! This update brings precise enhancements to amplify your gameplay, offering smoother spellcasting, improved efficiency, and a fiery edge to your rotation.

Building on the foundation of the previous release, we’ve implemented key adjustments inspired by your valuable feedback. This version aims to refine rotation flow, optimise cooldown usage, and maximise your overall performance as a master of flames.

Your input is crucial in shaping this macro to perfection. We can’t wait for you to test it out and share your experiences, whether you’re scorching foes in dungeons or lighting up the battlefield in raids.

Let’s channel the inferno and set Azeroth ablaze together! :fire::magic_wand:



Elfyau’s TWW v0.3 Fire Mage


This package consists of 1 elements.


  • EA_FIM_v0.3


TALENTS:- Quite a few were changed

SEQUENCE:- Minor adjustments to box orders

MACROS:- None added, altered or removed

Your feedback is the secret ingredient that transforms great macros into legendary ones! Every click, comment, and suggestion is a building block for future awesomeness.

Let’s work together to create macros that elevate your gameplay to the next level. Help me make them smoother, stronger, and faster! Let’s unlock the full potential of your character together!

P.S. You can find me on Patreon and other social links at: https://bio.link/elfyau


Thanks Elfyau!

Question: how can I add in a mod:alt on the MT sequence to cast Pyroblast (for when hotstreak procs)?

add [mod:alt,nochanneling] Pyroblast;
to any line that also contains Flamstrike

Hey I’m wondering if this works for frostfire mage.

New to GSE and lazy macros so I am a noob. Thanks

As any of the macros that are v0.1 were made during pre-patch I couldn’t say all you do atm is try and see

No worries. Will you be updating this at all for frostfire mage?

At the moment I am undecided

No worries thanks for your response. Appreciate it

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When I try to import the talents it says the talents are out of date?

This is because the entire macro (thus talents) were made during pre-patch. Therefore out of date. I am trying to get them all updated to v0.2 as fast as possible.


Can you please update this macro for frostfire?

Hopefully, there will be an update soon.

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Thank you for your hard work brother

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it need to be update it wont let me load talent tree

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did you read previous comments. your comment is already there from Elf, to a different person saying same thing. lol

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The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

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setup is working like a charm :smiley:
i did try to change the talents abit and went with the ara kara setup from wh: Fire Mage Mythic+ Guide - The War Within 11.0.7 - Wowhead


Did some questing in open world… and halleluuuyyaa… o h maan… double the outcome and then some… note,. no dummy testing. so far just open world… ill have a go in hc and see… BBL

Ill do some more runs tomorrow to compare, then you will get the logs here

The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

Nice, will try this out later today when I do the TW weekly quest, thanks :+1:

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This is great but can someone remove meteor from the sequence for me, and please send the new string over?
I am lost with this and have tried and cant figure it out thank you in advance.