Elfyau's TWW v0.3 Guardian Druid **Updated 26-Feb-25**

NOTE I have created a plugin for all of my Druid sequences, they are available at both Curseforge and Wago. Just search for ‘Elfyau’ or ‘GSE’

I’m excited to release version 0.3 of my Guardian Druid macro! This update enhances survivability, improves defensive uptime, and ensures smoother threat generation—helping you stand strong against any challenge.

With each iteration, we’re refining the balance between mitigation and damage output. Your feedback has been instrumental, and I’d love to hear how this version performs for you!

Try it out and let’s keep perfecting the art of the unshakable Guardian! :bear::muscle:




Elfyau’s TWW v0.3 Guardian Druid


This package consists of 1 elements.


  • EA_GD_v0.3

TALENTS:- Changed Hero set and some other minor changes.
SEQUENCE:- Minor changes to the sequences with some additions.
MACROS:- None added changed or removed.

Your feedback is the secret ingredient that transforms great macros into legendary ones! Every click, comment, and suggestion is a building block for future awesomeness.

Let’s work together to create macros that elevate your gameplay to the next level. Help me make them smoother, stronger, and faster! Let’s unlock the full potential of your character together!

P.S. You can find me on Patreon and other social links at: https://bio.link/elfyau


not as good as your Dragon flight always casts heals on himself…

Could you please expand on that? If you are talking about the Regrowth you can disable that block

HI do you have your hero Talents chosen?

Not yet, sorry. I still have to level that toon - Just go with what you feel until I get the next update out

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This seems to be working great so far thank you Elfyau. I’m using it for normal dungeons nothing to strenuous. I’ve managed to get it to work nicely with the AutoUnshift addon as well which is nice. I’m using a key toggle set to 150ms, any issues if I were to keep using it or is it not something openly discussed anymore?

Seems to work great with the autounshift addon.

My only problem is my haste. Playing right now is miserable. It’s going to take a while to get gear with good stats.

Right now I hate it.

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not that aware beyond the ones I am sure you are aware of

lol honestly not aware of any issues. I’m referring to if blizzard is ok with it since they kinda changed how it worked now. So as long as I keybind a single key and if i use a macro to press the button sort of toggle style is that ok with TOS?
I haven’t played in a while.

To help avoid Blizz I wouldn’t use toggle myself

For some reason when i run this macro all my char does is drop out of bear form and starts casting regrowth over and over? It used to work fine? i have updated from the plugin

Are you using my addon with it? if not disable the block with regrowth in ti

Thanks i don’t have the AutoUnshift addon so its probably that, ill try it with it

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The macro has been updated and is available in the original post and via both the Wago and Curseforge app. Let me know what you think, Cheers!

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I think I don’t know how to incorporate your curse addons into gse. Gse was so simple now I don’t know everything seems to break. You should do a video how your macros work via the curse app and into the game. Like I said before was easy now it feels like i need to give up wow again. Eg Deks bear macro one day works beautiful next day won’t work. I miss using your simple but working sequences but I just don’t know how to use them. Anyway I hope your feeling better and keep punching.

Sorry about the rage I’m so down in rl at the moment and every little thing sets me off lol I worked it out you need to press the buttons in the plugin sections to work:) are you streaming at all I was following and says you haven’t been on for ages.

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I am trying to get back into it - Apart from the rage how have you been doing? long time no see!

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very poor health hanging in there. as you know i tend to crack the poos and quit wow than somehow I get sucked in. Hey your talents are always out of date do you just use wow head ones or your own.

@levend62 Sorry for the late reply - I will be fixing this shortly.

I have updated the talent string in the original post, and the import code. The plugins will be available shortly.

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