Embeded Macro (possible?)

Hello everyone… I must say I am ABSOLUTELY loving creating my macros for my FrostyMage and other toons. It has improved my game play and made the game fun again. HUGE GRATZ to GS-E creator.
My question is this: right now I have the following for my “one-button” on my mage:

Sequences['My-DB_Frosty'] = {
source = "Local",
helpTxt = "Talents: 1322112",
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nopet,nomod] Summon Water Elemental
"/cast [nochanneling] Rune of Power",
"/cast [nochanneling] Ray of Frost",
"/cast [nochanneling] Frost Bomb",
"/cast [nochanneling] Frozen Orb",
"/cast [nochanneling] Frozen Touch",
"/cast [nochanneling] Ebonbolt",
"/cast [nochanneling] Frostbolt",
"/cast [nochanneling] Ice Lance",
"/cast [nochanneling] Flurry",
"/cast [nochanneling] Ice Lance",
"/cast [nochanneling] Glacial Spike",
"/cast [nochanneling] Frostbolt",
/cast [nochanneling] Ice Barrier
/cast [nochanneling] Ice Floes
/cast [nochanneling] Icy Veins
/cast [nochanneling] Frozen Orb

Note that there are a couple Frostbolts in there and what I don’t show is that I have a macro from IcyVeins in which when I cast my macro of My_Frostbolt (a separate button at the moment) it has the macro value of

    /cast Frostbolt
    /cast Freeze

What I want to do is call on “My_Frostbolt” for one of the Frostbolt listed in my GS-E version… I have tried to call it based on My_Frostbolt as a name, but it doesn’t work.
Can I embed a macro in a macro?

Is my description clear? I look forward to your replies :slight_smile:


That is a very good question.

Is the aim to be able to insert your sub macro a few times to prevent having to keep inserting it or is there some logic that needs to go with it?

– ἐλευθερόω

That is a very good question.

Is the aim to be able to insert your sub macro a few times to prevent having to keep inserting it or is there some logic that needs to go with it?

If you’ll take a note of the first Frostbolt it is followed by Ice Lance. Ice Lance has greater damage if target is frozen, so my thought was that I would freeze the target with the help of Freeze from my WaterElemental and then follow it with a IceLance thus making for an larger initial attack DPS Spike.
As the Macro recycles (about every 8-9 sec.s based on my .5 spam) it should give a nice boost to the current 35-45K DPS I am currently achieving with just the Spam button… When I try to incorporate my My_Frostbolt into the rotation it throws off my timing and my rhythm.

Hello guys,

Just thinking and can’t test this because I’m not at home. But is it possible to replace /cast Frostbolt with something like /click MultiBarLeftButton2 twice and in that other button have the macro he wants?

Just thinking and can’t test this because I’m not at home. But is it possible to replace /cast Frostbolt with something like /click MultiBarLeftButton2 twice and in that other button have the macro he wants?

That might be an idea Lutechi :slight_smile: I seem to remember reading somewhere how to call an ActionBarButton… for the life of me, I can’t remember where… if it is paoosible to cast based on ActionBarButton#, I see this as a possible GOOD fix… it would also make my cast of Frostbolt w/Freeze available outside of GS-E sequence, if needed. Great idea!!

Anyone remember how/if you map to an ActionBarButton?

@Zeo made a proof. The full detail is here https://github.com/TimothyLuke/GnomeSequenced-Enhanced/wiki/Chaining-Macros

Basically /click SequenceName will trigger macro 2 from macro 1