Enh 7.1.5 Raiding

Sequences[‘SpitzBoss’] = {
Talents = “3,2,1,2,1,1,2”,
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = “Priority”,
“/targetenemy [noharm][dead]”,
“/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning”,
“/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash”,
“/castsequence Boulderfist, Boulderfist, Lava Lash”,
“/cast [combat] Crash Lightning”,
“/cast Boulderfist”,
“/cast [combat] Doom Winds”,
“/cast [combat] Blood Fury”,

It works perfectly !! Until I tried this your macro I had another one button and I spun max. 380k DPS … now steadily 400k + DPS which is really noticeable difference … I just have a little problem and I do not know how to fix it because I always proc SS and then it happens to me that I do not have enough Maelstorm me to continue smoothly in the rotation … If you help me solve this problem I’d love … Because I ilvL 877 … Crit 27%, 25% Haste, Mastery, 54%, 5% Versatility and I’m sure that I got away more DPS than 400k

First off I love this macro so thank you! I made a lighter version and have Stormstrike and Crash Lighning on a separate keybinding to my Razer Naga.

Key Bindings:
Stormstrike Key Binding
Your Macro
0.150 Second Delay
Crash Lightning Key Binding
0.150 Second Delay

A lighter version of your macro;

Sequences['Enhance'] = {
author = "Dove",
Talents = 1212212,
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

"/castsequence Flametongue, Lava Lash",
"/cast Boulderfist, Boulderfist, Lava Lash",
"/cast Boulderfist",

PostMacro = [[
/use Doom Winds
/cast [combat] Fearless Combatant's Badge of Conquest
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

The reason I added Crash Lightning is that it wasn’t getting cast at a high enough rate from the Macro itself.

[quote quote=45672]First off I love this macro so thank you! I made a lighter version and have Stormstrike and Crash Lighning on a separate keybinding to my Razer Naga.
Key Bindings: Stormstrike Key Binding Your Macro 0.150 Second Delay Crash Lightning Key Binding 0.150 Second Delay
A lighter version of your macro;

<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-v">Sequences</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-s">'Enhance'</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-v">author</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"Dove"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">SpecID</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-cn">263</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">Talents</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-cn">1212212</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">StepFunction</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">GSStaticPriority</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">PreMacro</span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-e">console </span><span class="crayon-v">Sound</span><span class="crayon-sy">_</span>EnableSFX<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-cn">0</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-i">targetenemy</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">noharm</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">dead</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence Flametongue, Lava Lash"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast Boulderfist, Boulderfist, Lava Lash"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast Boulderfist"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">PostMacro</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-st">use</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-e">Doom </span><span class="crayon-v">Winds</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-i">cast</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">combat</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-e">Fearless </span><span class="crayon-i">Combatant</span>'<span class="crayon-i">s</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-e">Badge </span><span class="crayon-e">of </span><span class="crayon-v">Conquest</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-v">startattack</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-e">script </span><span class="crayon-v">UIErrorsFrame</span><span class="crayon-o">:</span><span class="crayon-e">Hide</span><span class="crayon-sy">(</span><span class="crayon-sy">)</span><span class="crayon-sy">;</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-e">console </span><span class="crayon-v">Sound</span><span class="crayon-sy">_</span>EnableSFX<span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-cn">1</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">}</span>
The reason I added Crash Lightning is that it wasn’t getting cast at a high enough rate from the Macro itself. [/quote] what kind of dps are you getting with using that set up, whats your ilvl and how many points in your weapon

ilvl - 871 w/33 points in my weapon

Sustained 390k-410k and burst at 500k and up.

Having Crash Lightning as a keybind helps significantly with AOE.

[quote quote=45683]ilvl – 871 w/33 points in my weapon
Sustained 390k-410k and burst at 500k and up.
Having Crash Lightning as a keybind helps significantly with AOE.
ill give it a try im using the ops macro and pulling 1.2 mil burst and sustaining between 650-700 on melee fights of course, that is raid buffed. On a dummy its about 625k

I’m hoping someone can help with a question on Spitz’ original post. He included the AHK script that he uses and I copied it exactly how he has it and when I press the F2 key to stop the macro, it doesn’t suspend. It’s like the energizer bunny…it just keeps on going. Anyone have any ideas on that?

Thanks in advance!

I’m hoping someone can help with a question on Spitz’ original post. He included the AHK script that he uses and I copied it exactly how he has it and when I press the F2 key to stop the macro, it doesn’t suspend. It’s like the energizer bunny…it just keeps on going. Anyone have any ideas on that?

Thanks in advance!


Where is the key bind placed? Did you use your mouse or keyboard for the keybind? I feel like it may have to do with options you may have selected outside the macro. Like some keyboards and mice have different actions to choose from when the button is pressed. Let us know about the mouse and keyboard.


Hey Robby - thanks for the reply to my duplicate posts. duh.

I have a basic generic mouse; so I always use my keyboard for these.

I thought about keybindings too and went into the keybinding section and checked those out. The F1 was bound to target self. I deleted that and then tried to use the ahk script and it was auto-attacking but wasn’t firing off the two macros and still wasn’t pausing when I hit the F1 key again. I have the two macro icons dragged to my 1 & 2 keys on my action bar.

toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
Send {1}
Send {2}
sleep 150

Okay…so, I logged out and logged back in and I believe it is working correctly now. Once the script is running and I’m hitting the test dummy and I click the F1 button again, it stops the macros and the script but I’ll obviously keep auto hitting the dummy until I untarget it.

so, believe that is working correctly now…

Thank you for the help Robby!!

I have a question about the razor synapse macro.

0.150 delay

So the delay is at the end of the macro and not in between each button? Like 2 and 4 are being pressed at the same time then it’s waiting 150ms to press them again? orrrr is it press 2, wait 150ms, press 4, wait 150ms?

Sorry if I’m confusing haha

No delay between. What this does is mash 2 first (SS). Essentially, it mashes both at the same time but 2 first, so if SS is still on cooldown, there is no delay when it moves on to the macro.

Robby, if you really want Crash Lightning to fire off as much as possible, use it as part of the Synapse macro. Put CL on #3 and use this:

0.150 delay

Still prioritizes SS over everything else but will then make CL #2 priority. Give that a try. Just make sure you don’t leave the Synapse on while you are not attacking the boss or something, else you will be casting CL all over the place and not hitting anything.

Is that a mouse or keyboard, Spitz? And wonder if anyone has recommendations on whichever one it is…that won’t break the bank? :slight_smile:

so im using the logitech 12 button mouse, g300 i believe it is. im now at setting up these button things with it anyone able to walk a newb thru it?