Enh 7.1 Raiding

So using this method. Here is the Helya kill we did. In general I am top 2 ion the DPS meters for raids.

I use Rocktris + SS separate on a Macro that Casts SS 1st then Macro with a 200ms pulse. Currently sitting on 865 ilvl. 3rd lowest in the raids Ilvl

For a bigger picture here is the direct link. https://s17.postimg.org/3vm85y4cv/Capt.jpg
I avg around 320k ish sustained dps

nice man :slight_smile: how do you burst? with out ascendance? iam new to shaman so sorry for the stupid q…

[quote quote=37258]nice man ??? how do you burst? with out ascendance? iam new to shaman so sorry for the stupid q… ???

You dont. You need to manually burst before turning on auto. BF, BF, SL then SS (no proc then buff with Fire and Frost)

The Macro do need some work for sure. WHat I noticed is that you take a while to ramp up but once you have all the buffs going your dps is fairly consistent and less bursty at that time. I would estimate that dps from a burst phase to a non burst phase range around 320k to 380k at times.

Killed Helya again last night with my final dps on 319k. You have to remember. Our AE is way under par. Our ST is excellent atm (7.1.5 is currently moving to a nerf with ST withj around 20-40k dps but its not final yet)

Why 200ms? why not 90ms…whats the difference? Except the obvious ofc that it clicks faster… Does it jump spells if it faster? 90ms is about as fast as i tap fingers…

Working great for me. Just finished order hall campaign, 825 ilvl averaging 207k on training dummy. Using Synapse with .050 delay.

I’m now at 838 iLvL and pulling 246k. Very impressed with this work sir. :slight_smile:

[quote quote=37242]So using this method. Here is the Helya kill we did. In general I am top 2 ion the DPS meters for raids.
I use Rocktris + SS separate on a Macro that Casts SS 1st then Macro with a 200ms pulse. Currently sitting on 865 ilvl. 3rd lowest in the raids Ilvl

For a bigger picture here is the direct link. https://s17.postimg.org/3vm85y4cv/Capt.jpg I avg around 320k ish sustained dps

Can you post the macro you used? Very curious as to how it’s built.

[quote quote=37457]

So using this method. Here is the Helya kill we did. In general I am top 2 ion the DPS meters for raids. I use Rocktris + SS separate on a Macro that Casts SS 1st then Macro with a 200ms pulse. Currently sitting on 865 ilvl. 3rd lowest in the raids Ilvl For a bigger picture here is the direct link. https://s17.postimg.org/3vm85y4cv/Capt.jpg I avg around 320k ish sustained dps

Can you post the macro you used? Very curious as to how it’s built. [/quote]

OK. So to start off I have a Logitech 710+ Keyboard. On the logitec keyboard on the Macro keys I have a binding that runs the following
200ms delay
200ms delay etc

on 9 is my SS so it always per pulse tries to SS 1st and then tries to do the GS-E macro

Sequences['CB'] = {
source = "local",
authorversion = "1",
helpTxt = "Talents are 3213112",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
"/cast Boulderfist",
"/cast Crash Lightning",
"/castsequence Flametongue, Frostbrand",
"/cast [combat] Feral Spirit",
/cast [combat] Doom Winds

You will notice I removed SS from the macro as it is prioritized over all other cast as it will be cast on cooldown. If you make the pulse faster than 200ms you need to click Wolves manually before it casts as well as CL in AE as it skips them constantly.

I have tried bypassing the Macro and running full priority on it but you get MS starved quite quick and has a negative impact on dps when used all the time.

Thanks Spitz, working great:P

I love your work, but I am having trouble programming my mouse… Is there any way or is there a video on showing how to program the macro to the mouse?

[quote quote=37610]Spitz, I love your work, but I am having trouble programming my mouse… Is there any way or is there a video on showing how to program the macro to the mouse?

I’m sure there are plenty of videos on YouTube that could help with that.

If you are using a Razor mouse with the Synapse program…this video is great:

[quote quote=36934]So after many trials, tribulations and testing…I thought I would create a new thread for Enhance. If this is your first time here, I use (raid with) a different method than most. I use a combination of macro and Stormstrike being that SS is so crucial to maximizing best dps. Coupled with my testing of varying delay speeds/settings just using 1 macro could leave one with unused Stormstrikes which is really bad for your numbers.
So I use a Razor mouse and have my Synapse macro set to mash 2 buttons rapidly. SS + Macro.
Synapse macro:
Down 2 (SS) Up 2 Down 4 (macro) Up 4 0.150 delay Set to continuous loop until button pressed again.
Of if you use AutoHotKey, here is the script that I use. (some say there is a possibility of getting banned using AHK but I am very skeptic of this since it does absolutely no injecting into the game which they are banning people left and right these days for those bots)
toggle = 0 #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2 #ifWinActive World of Warcraft { $F2:: Toggle := !Toggle While Toggle{ Send {2} Send {4} sleep 150 } return }
This script is activated with F2. Change the 3 keys to whatever you like (F2, 2, 4) these are just the buttons that I use personally. Or if you don’t want it to mash 2 buttons, just remove the send 4 and the sleep below it.
And finally…the actual macros themselves. Which you can ignore everything above if you like and just use the macros themselves. They perform just fine alone, I’m just giving my two cents as to how I like to mash SS more

<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-v">Sequences</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-s">'Rocktris'</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-v">specID</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-cn">263</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">author</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"Spitz"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">helpTxt</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"ST - 3213112 "</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">StepFunction</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">GSStaticPriority</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">PreMacro</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-i">targetenemy</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">noharm</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">dead</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence [combat] reset=/target Flametongue,Frostbrand,Lava Lash"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast Boulderfist"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast [combat] Crash Lightning"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">PostMacro</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-i">cast</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">combat</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-e">Doom </span><span class="crayon-i">Winds</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">}</span>
Giving credit to Rocktris as the OG. I just moved FT, FB, LL up in the macro since the FT/FB buffs are crucial. And my AOE macro which is nothing special…it just prioritizes Crash Lightning (use this macro alone):
<table class="crayon-table"><tbody><tr class="crayon-row"><td class="crayon-nums " data-settings="show">
</td><td class="crayon-code">
<span class="crayon-v">Sequences</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-s">'SpitzAOE'</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">{</span>
<span class="crayon-v">specID</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-cn">263</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">author</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"Spitz"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">helpTxt</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-s">"ST - 3213112 "</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">StepFunction</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-v">GSStaticPriority</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">PreMacro</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-i">targetenemy</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">noharm</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">dead</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast [combat] Crash Lightning"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast Stormstrike"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast Boulderfist"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/castsequence [combat] reset=/target Flametongue,Frostbrand"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-s">"/cast [combat] Crash Lightning"</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-v">PostMacro</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-o">=</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span>
<span class="crayon-o">/</span><span class="crayon-i">cast</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-sy">[</span><span class="crayon-v">combat</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-h"> </span><span class="crayon-e">Doom </span><span class="crayon-i">Winds</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">]</span><span class="crayon-sy">,</span>
<span class="crayon-sy">}</span>

Sorry for the series of noob questions, hope you have the patience to answer them :).

If I am using for example a Razer naga mouse, don’t I need to use the macros for Single target or AOE in Wow via GS-E?

I looked at the strings above for the single target and I can’t seem to find Stormstrike in this, will the Razer synapse perform this standalone?

Just wanted a really noob explanation on how to use this macro with a Razer naga.

Thank you for your help

You have to set up your Razor to smash 2 buttons for you at the same time with a very short delay between the two. Open Synapse and create a macro like I have in the OP. It should mash the number on your keyboard where you have put Stormstrike and the macro. (I use Stormstrike on button 2 and the macro on button 4) You don’t want a delay between SS and the macro so that SS will be cast first (if you have the mael) every single time. Then map the macro to a button on your mouse. (I use a thumb button for the SS + Macro and then I use wheel 3 for my aoe) Then in game, just mash the button you mapped to your Synapse macro when you want to kill things then hit it again when it is dead…rinse/repeat.

[quote quote=37763]You have to set up your Razor to smash 2 buttons for you at the same time with a very short delay between the two. Open Synapse and create a macro like I have in the OP. It should mash the number on your keyboard where you have put Stormstrike and the macro. (I use Stormstrike on button 2 and the macro on button 4) You don’t want a delay between SS and the macro so that SS will be cast first (if you have the mael) every single time. Then map the macro to a button on your mouse. (I use a thumb button for the SS + Macro and then I use wheel 3 for my aoe) Then in game, just mash the button you mapped to your Synapse macro when you want to kill things then hit it again when it is dead…rinse/repeat.

That my friend was a wonderful explanation!
I think I understand now.
Do I need to mash the button on where I put my synapse macro or will the synapse software “mash” it for me?
As it goes through a loop I only need to press a button once on my razer to activate the loop?

Yes, software will do it for you

Click to activate the loop ( keybind where you have stormstrike + keybind complete macro )

Click to deactivate.

Fast example:

key [1] Stormstrike
key [2] Complete macro

1 2 , 1 2 , 1 2, 1 2 , 1 2, 1 2, 1 2, 1 2

Got it all to work really well now.
Thanks for your help and a great macro.

So is Lava Lash a DPS loss? Is it not worth having in the rotation?

[quote quote=37802]So is Lava Lash a DPS loss? Is it not worth having in the rotation?

It is there…look again. It’s not there for AOE.

So been trying this out with Razer synapse as in OP and must say I am really impressed.
Ilvl: 857
Mastery: 52%
Haste: 3%
Crit: 30%
Versat: 14%
Artif W: ilvl 887 Rank 24
Unbuffed and no trinket usage

Laying steady on single target dummy on 210k dps, total dps made 55mil.

And this is without doing anything, just letting the Razer macro go as in OP.
Forgot to use Feral Spirits as well on this test.

Is there anything I could to for tweaking this?
Do we have any more fancy CDs besides Feral Spirit?

Again this macro is the bomb!

I have arthritis and struggle to play wow at all but this keeps me not on top on dps but middle to higher. Many thanks!

[quote quote=37814]So been trying this out with Razer synapse as in OP and must say I am really impressed. Ilvl: 857 Mastery: 52% Haste: 3% Crit: 30% Versat: 14% Artif W: ilvl 887 Rank 24 Unbuffed and no trinket usage

Too much crit homie and not nearly enough haste. All of your gear should be mastery/haste. With your haste, I’m guessing your double Stormstrike proc is very low. I’m around ilvl 865 with 74% mastery/19% haste. The damage bonus to SS from mastery outweighs the crit damage bonus.

Feral Spirit is the only “cooldown” all shammys get. The only other thing would be your racial. I macro Blood Fury together with Feral Spirit.