Enhancement 7.3 casual player

I am a very casual player, and am looking for critique for the most “efficient” script/macro. Please feel free to suggest fixes for what I have wrote. I am sure this is modifications of others scripts, but I haven’t modified them in months, so I won’t remember the originator.

Here is what currently use:

Sequences['EnhR'] = {
  SpecID = 263,
  Author = "ME",
  Talents = "3,1,1,2,3,1,2",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/cast Rockbiter",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast [@player] Rainfall",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",

FYI, I will be submitting the same request for critiques for each class/spec I play. Thanks!

Have you tried this with Earthen Spike as your last talent choice?

I tried this and got a constant 850k-900k

Sequences['EnhR'] = {
  SpecID = 263,
  Author = "ME",
  Talents = "3,1,1,2,3,1,3",
  MacroVersions = {
    [1] = {
        "/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
      StepFunction = "Priority",
        "/castsequence [combat] Flametongue, Lava Lash",
        "/cast Rockbiter",
        "/cast Earthen Spike",
        "/castsequence [combat] Feral Spirit, Crash Lightning",
        "/cast [combat] Crash Lightning",
        "/castsequence Rockbiter, Rockbiter, Lava Lash",
        "/cast [@player] Rainfall",
        "/cast [combat] Doom Winds",
        "/cast [combat] Blood Fury",