My Raid macro you can find up here in the first post. For M+ check here.
Did a NM 9 / 11 Raid today. Macro seems pretty descent so far.
- Check for “Player 17”
- Itemlevel 262
- No Set-Bonus
- “Low” DPS on Guardian, Skolex and Anduin comes from bad play on my side and some lag (my computer can’t handle the Arthas phase on Anduin when ~30 people press cooldowns and BL
If you have some suggestions or critique, just leave them here.
i do actually like this macro, works good so far, i dont do normal/heroic raids though.
This is Heroic Prototype Pantheon (went AOE for it and added Fire Nova to the Raid Macro).
That’s me doing 10.4k.
i’d say otherwise over 6 heroic bosses this week, it went well. It’s more on me to know where to drop my Fae, where not to stand, etc. I’d share more but my guild keeps the logs private and I had to relog and forgot to turn personal combat logs back on. Sunday is Normal Tier bosses and I’ll log that and share.
Keep it going Lucifer, I like it
Thank you! I am still working on the macro, but for now it seems to do great. Maybe, when I eventually get ANY SET BONUS AT ALL!!!111eleven, I will create another version.
Yeah I’m lucky to have my 2p - we all get tier on Tuesday brother!
for me, the fae transfusion breaks off about halfway through is it the same for you?
It should cast the whole duration. Does for me. Remember to only press Shift+Alt once and don’t hold it, or it will try to cast Lightning Bolt and cancel your Fae Transfusion.
You could certainly hit Fae manually as with a 2 min cd, easy enough to manage.
Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft
6 Heroic bosses down in two hours, working on Lihv. I’m happy with the performance, I’ll dig in later.
As of today I finally got my 4-piece. Will test if the macro still performs well or if I have to change some stuff around.
Until then, here is another 10/11 NM Log, with 2-piece only.