Exciting Update on Patch 11.1 & Upcoming Sequences! 🎉

Hey everyone! Patch 11.1 brings many talent changes, so I wanted to share my plan for moving forward. Rather than rushing to fix everything immediately, I want to take the time to fully understand how these changes impact each sequence.

Here’s what’s happening:
:white_check_mark: Sequences scheduled for public release will be updated to ensure they work with the latest talents and will still be released on their due dates.
:white_check_mark: The v0.4 update cycle will focus on adjusting talents, refining, and improving all existing sequences as I go.

I’ll be starting these updates on Monday, March 3rd (GMT +9:30), so stay tuned! Thanks for your patience and support—I’m excited to bring you even better sequences!

Elfy :gift::sparkles:


Can’t wait to use your amazing work! …(and be able to play rogue QQ )

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Appreciate the hard work!

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Thank you for all you do!

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