Feral 5.4 One-Button

I knooow, i wanted to change it u_u

[quote quote=11473]This is what I’v been using. Its mainly MJ’s macro from the [closed] feral 5.3 thread but with a few tweaks. I use this macro in SoO normal pulling 255k dps. It does have a mod build in for FB at 20%. I never use shred because imo shred is pointless untill they up the dmg of Shred.

#showtooltip Mangle
/castsequence [stealth]reset=combat Savage Roar,Ravage,null
/castsequence reset=target Mangle,null
/console autounshift 0
/castsequence [@player,combat]reset=0.5 0,Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
/castsequence [mod,combat,nostealth]Mangle,Rake,Ferocious Bite,Faerie Fire,Thrash,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Rake;reset=target Mangle,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Faerie Fire,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Rake
/use [nostealth,nocombat]Prowl
/use [combat,nostealth]Tiger's Fury
/use [combat,nostealth]Force of Nature
/use [combat,nostealth]Berserk
/use [combat,nostealth]Lifeblood
/use [combat,nostealth]Virmen's Bite
/use [noform:3]Cat Form
/use [combat,nostealth]13
/use [combat,nostealth]14
/startattack [combat,nostealth]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]


This is working great for me. Nothing is hanging up and my DPS has jumped 25k compared to the others I’ve tried or tried to modify. It’s also the only macro that gives me the same or better dps than my manual rotation. GOOD WORK!

It’s actually working better with a keyboard macro button set at 50ms than single key spamming.

Guys i wanna slap you! Don’t say Shred is useless, when it’s the single spell that will lift your dps by 10k to 20k :b It’s dps is much higher than mangle, and does scale with your mastery on dots! BUT, only if it’s used during berserk and tiger’s fury! Yes, mangle is best as combo builder if none of them is active. But everytime tiger’s fury or berserk is up, throw in the Shreds! Every forum, every page, every pro player will tell you the same (: Shred is MORE than op if you use it at the right times :slight_smile:

And yes, i have Shred macroede in. However, i only used /cast Shred! (was example), so i don’t lock up. Shred! is only cast during tiger’s fury and/or berserk, with the glyph ofc.

Problem Solved!

Spam this during Berserk and Tiger’s Fury.

#showtooltip Shred
/castsequence [stealth]reset=combat Savage Roar,Ravage,null
/castsequence reset=target Shred,null
/console autounshift 0
/castsequence [@player,combat]reset=0.5 0,Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
/castsequence [mod,combat,nostealth]Shred,Rake,Ferocious Bite,Faerie Fire,Thrash,Shred,Savage Roar,Shred,Rake;reset=target Shred,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Faerie Fire,Shred,Savage Roar,Shred,Rake
/use [nostealth,nocombat]Prowl
/use [combat,nostealth]Tiger's Fury
/use [combat,nostealth]Force of Nature
/use [combat,nostealth]Berserk
/use [combat,nostealth]Lifeblood
/use [combat,nostealth]Virmen's Bite
/use [noform:3]Cat Form
/use [combat,nostealth]13
/use [combat,nostealth]14
/startattack [combat,nostealth]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]


I added in /cast Shred!

I even added it in a castsequence reset=0.3 0,Shred!

your right no lockups but then again I’ve not seen it fire off once…

So you going to share the macro you use?

Hi again…

hangs head in shame

It does fire off…

As I couldn’t get it working I glyphed out and when I tried adding it in as /cast Shred! I neglected to re-glyph…

So I am now shreding away.

Still interested in what macro you use though.

And if we can get a Ferocious bite or two in there? or no need for bite?

I have Macro Toolkit installed and running, using the OP’s macro as instructed (glyphs, talents, etc) but I’m seeing it lock up and just not working. Only works if I click off the target, re-target, and spam it again.

Any thoughts? I only run DBM, Recount, Altoholic, Macro Toolkit, and PetJournalEnhanced.

Check to be sure if you have Farie Fire or Farie Swarm.
That will lock it up!

hi guys love the macros just a question tho it seams that a lot of these macros i have used and tested in nm runs and test dummy’s but for me a lot the macros from pages 1 and pages 6 , i was using and for me it seams like my FB didn’t go off much i had it go off once a lot my dps is actually coming from my rakes which is critting like 400k+ and rips about 300k+ love it all but i thought under 25% ur suppose to FB away for me it isn’t so pls help to see what im doing wrong

/castsequence [stealth]reset=combat Ravage,Savage Roar,Pounce,Faerie Fire,null

this confuses me, you cant do both ravage and pounce, and Faerie Fire gets u out of stealth but it doesnt get that far.
shouldnt it be

/castsequence [stealth]reset=combat Savage Roar,Ravage,null


/castsequence [stealth]reset=combat Savage Roar,Pounce,null

you want you 0 point Savage Roar before you start the fight

(Chris.K macro)

/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Prowl
/cast [nostance:3] Cat Form
/castsequence [stealth]reset=target Savage Roar,ravage, null
/castsequence [nostealth]reset=target Rake,null
/console autounshift 0
/castsequence [@player, combat] reset=0.3 0,Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
/castsequence [combat,nostealth]reset=target Mangle,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Mangle,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Shred,Faerie Fire,Mangle
/cast !Ferocious Bite
/use [combat,nostealth]Tiger's Fury
/use [combat,nostealth]Berserk
/use [combat]Lifeblood
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/startattack [combat,nostealth]
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

using this now, but i gets me out of prowl when i spam it, help

Edit: had another button on my stealthbar >.<


cant edit the other one…

changed to

/castsequence [stealth]reset=target Savage Roar,null
/castsequence [stealth]ravage
#showtooltip Mangle
/cast [nostealth,nocombat]Prowl
/cast [nostance:3] Cat Form
/castsequence [stealth]reset=target Savage Roar,null
/castsequence [stealth]ravage
/castsequence [nostealth]reset=target Rake,null
/console autounshift 0
/castsequence [@player, combat] reset=0.3 0,Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1
/castsequence [combat,nostealth]reset=target Mangle,Rip,Rake,Thrash,Mangle,Mangle,Savage Roar,Mangle,Shred,Faerie Fire,Mangle
/cast !Ferocious Bite
/use [combat,nostealth]Tiger's Fury
/use [combat,nostealth]Berserk
/use [combat]Lifeblood
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Hey Kittiez,

I’m pretty new to these macroes, allthough i really love em. I’m enjoying my kitty alot, but just not the time to proper learn how to play it without :stuck_out_tongue: I’m really curious, can’t seem to get Schred! in the mangle macro so it only works during berserk and tiger’s fury. And tbh it’s great a second macro for shred is added here, but im just to lazy now to push an extra button, hense why I’m probably here. Ty so much in advance.

Greetz DamnDaan

/cast Shred! Should be at the top under #showtooltip so it’s the first priority of all :b Dont worry, its still gonna be ignored when tf and berserk is not on :b

Ty for the response I’m gonna have a look right now. And A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF U :smiley:

i try all the macros for feral cat 5.4 they are good but after the macro go through its rotation it locks. then i have to reclick target to start over again. is there away to fix this?

I must be missing something then, because when I try this, it does cast Shred! but it does this and doesn’t finish the rest of the sequence until Berserk fades so I keep shredding with 5 points sitting there an no bleeds…thoughts?

I figured out as much… no clue seems u just shred during ur berserk and tigers and thats it. Just to only start with shreds and no bleeds feels lower ont the dps… any ideas yeah? :smiley: