Feral DPS Cataclysm

Hi, can someone here put this post of mine in GSE? this macro works best for my feral druid, but sometimes it has a minor problem as it is not directly in gse

Macro :
/castsequence [stealth]Ravage;reset=target/alt Mangle(Cat Form),Faerie Fire (Feral),null
/castsequence reset=target Savage Roar,Rake,Shred,Shred,Shred,Rip,Rake,Shred
/cast [nostealth]Prowl
/cast Tiger’s Fury
/cast Berserk
/cast Feral Charge(Cat Form)


this macro doesn’t work for me, it looks like a mix of everything cat and bear in 1

this part:
Mangle(Cat Form),

will likely have issues in a castsequence as there is issues in wow with spell IDs on spells that use the same ID. example mangle (bear and cat), swipe (bear and cat). The work around is to put mangle in its own box or use a click macro which again has to put it in its own box and not a cast sequence.

/use [form:3]  mangle(Cat Form)

yep, thats what happenes with current IDs.
see my first reply above.

try this bud:
I moved mangle to its own block to get around the spell ID issue, also moved savage roar to second cast in that sequence so it doesnt lock up moving to a new target with no combo points.

I have not tested or optimized anything and just setup what you asked with the above changes.



Talents: Wrath CLASSIC

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.

hope it works out for you, good luck :slight_smile:

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Any way of getting this to use Shred more? or what speed should it be ran at?