Hello forum and fellow friends!
I’m back after a few weeks from vaccation and now starting to lurk the 6.0.2 version of attack/spell changes.
I’m gladly to tell the people that enjoy my macros that I have made this feral burst macro, mostly for PvP to be honest, since I barely play PvE, but I can make that as well if it is needed. Just PM me and I’ll sort something out.
The struggle doing this macro took me around 2-3 hours streight, since I now saw that doing Rake meanwhile prowling gives a 5 point savage roar, so I did not put that in the macro, since you ALWAYS start an attempted kill with prowling as feral, you never go visable.
To use this macro at it’s 100% you always have to prowl at start. There is nothing to worry about having savage roar in the actionbars, but you can have it in it if you feel safer with it. The plan is that you have Incarnation in actionbutton 2, and this macro in actionbutton 1, so that you can easily click incarnation FIRST and then spam the macro. (Incarnation uses the “prowling abilitys, which are Rake (stunning 3 secs, and the 5 point savage roar) so there is nothing to fear if you would not have savage roar up”
Remember PROWL and Incarnation in actionbutton 2
#showtooltip Shred
/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Rip
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Rake
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Shred
/castsequence reset=10 Shred, Rake, Rip, Shred, Shred, Shred, Rip, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite
/cast [combat] Prideful Gladiator's Badge of Conquest
/cast [combat] Berserking
/cast [combat] Berserk
/cast [combat] Nature's Vigil
/cast [combat] Tiger's Fury
/startattack [noharm,nocombat,dead]
If there is something that is locking up, which I do not think it will do, just tell me or try fix it yourselves.
I give premission to tweak this and re-upload on this topic. (Don’t do too much changes, since it might not work for you either way)
Actionbar 1: The MACRO
Actionbar 2: Incarnation: King of the Jungle
Actionbar 3: Skull Bash
Actionbar 4: Wild Charge
Actionbar 5: Custom Made Defencive Macro (Survival, Healing Pot (?), still don’t need it, feral always win)