Fire – 5.0

This mage lazy macro consists of a small rotation and pops all cooldowns (trinkets if available). Will be reviewing it again once they fix (Pyroblast!) instant cast.
As always feel free to edit and lets us know if you can make it better by posting your own version. Enjoy!

You can always remove cooldowns for more control if you like.

Version 1: Includes a modifier for Pyroblast.

/castsequence [mod]Pyroblast;reset=target Living Bomb,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Inferno Blast,Fireball,Fireball
/castsequence [combat]reset=45 Combustion,Mirror Image,Combustion,Combustion,Combustion
/use 13
/use 14

Version 2: Lazy Pyroblast, no need for modifier.

/castsequence reset=target Living Bomb,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Pyroblast,Inferno Blast,Fireball
/castsequence [combat]reset=45 Combustion,Mirror Image,Combustion,Combustion,Combustion
/use 13
/use 14

This is what I use and it is pretty basic. It works and does not lock up at all. I have Pyroblast by itself on another hotkey for when it procs, then I pop it. Otherwise, you can spam this. Sometimes I will open with a Fireball and if pyroblast procs, I’ll toss it in.

/castsequence reset=target/10 Living Bomb,null

/castsequence Scorch

/cast Inferno Blast

/cast Combustion

/use 13

For solo purposes, I use Frost Armor and Ice Ward talent. This keeps them up at all times. It may apply when you are not expecting it but it’s nice if you are in PVP or on the move. then I add Deep Freeze for the extra stun if the target gets frozen. No big need for it. I just use it as an extra free thing.

/cast Deep Freeze

/cast Ice Ward

/cast Ice Barrier

So, with everything (solo/pvp) it is the following. One easy spamable macro:

/castsequence reset=target/10 Living Bomb,null

/castsequence Scorch

/cast Inferno Blast

/cast Combustion

/cast Deep Freeze

/cast Ice Ward

/cast Ice Barrier

/use 13

Enjoy the Mage pwnage!


One note to my last post. I also se the Fire Blast glyph and the Combustion glyph. Also I took Ice Barrier talent nd Ice Ward instead of RoF since it’s nice for solo/pvp. Havin both of those shields is amazing for solo/pvp.


Just got to level 90 and made this movement macro using scorch only and glyph of fire blast so testing on the dummies it is not strictly single target. ilvl is 441 51-52k dps tested for 10 minutes solid.Made this in mind for heroics and raiding.

Highest combustion total was 335208, 26 ticks @ 9491 damage

Pyro and combustion are on separate buttons and final tier talent is incanters ward - tried invocation and didn’t like it - too much down time evocating for the buff for my liking. Seems to lock up without the !

/castsequence reset=target !Living Bomb,Scorch,Scorch,Scorch,Scorch
/cast Inferno Blast
/cast Incanter’s Ward
/cast Mirror Image


Now with same as above but using firebolt over 10 minutes 50-51k dps

Highest combustion total 280345, 27 ticks @ 8324 damage

/castsequence reset=target !Living Bomb,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball
/cast Inferno Blast
/cast Incanter’s Ward
/cast Mirror Image



Three things I did notice - the scorch macro had a lot more reliable uptime on Ignite, secondly living bomb was always cast on time and last thing is combustion was cast much closer to when it came off CD because of pyro frequency. (ie all conditions met to cast combustion)(decent stack of ignite,pyro and LB dots)


Using Fandom and it’s fully updated and configurable for MoP - I highly recommend it. Fire mages are currently doing the best dps followed closely by aff locks in LFR.

really looking for a updated 5.1 macro for fire spec if anyone has a good one for raid purposes pls post i would love to check it out

Same here, maybe Michael or Luis can make that happend,appreciate your work guys .

Please…please update the macro for fire mage…for the love of the game please…I totally suck without you guys…


Thank You… :slight_smile:

This is the macro I’ve been using and it all works so no issues.

Note: Pyroblast is not part of the macro so place it on your bar next to this macro. Also due to the need to make sure Time Warp isn’t hit at the wrong time and getting you killed by your fellow raiders i have left it out as well.

Combustion seems to work very well with this macro. This may change after launch as the class may be getting a retooling again.

/castsequence reset=target Living Bomb,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Inferno Blast
/cast !Combustion
/cast !Mirror Image

I cant figure out how to tweak this for multiple modifiers, so i can have pyro w/ say scorch or Dragon’s Breath. Any ideas? Thanks.


changed you macro a little bit so that way when i use combustion and inferno blast i get more proc of pyroblast however some times it lock up on me any thoughts

/castsequence reset=10/target Living Bomb,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball
/cast Ice Barrier
/cast !Mirror Image

also made a second macro for pyro balst that uses combustion off the bat to have max combustion and then since it resets inferno blast i have it on a seperat button

/cast Pyroblast
/cast Combustion
/cast Presence Of Mind

Finally figured out for the main macro WOrks like a dream


/castsequence reset=10/target Living Bomb;null
/castsequence Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball
/cast Ice Barrier
/cast !Mirror Image

Just wondering why all these macros are using fireball instead of glyphed Frostfire Bolt - same cast time and damage but FFB has an added benefit of slow on the target - great for soloing.

But terrible for raiding. FFB doesn’t even do close to the damage that FB does for raiding and is not used in raiding at all. The only time FFB can be used for raiding is during a Brain Freeze proc in Frost, otherwise it’s useless.

After extensive testing it is necessary to have 3 macros to play a fire mage correctly.

Button 1 Pyro macro -

Presence of Mind, if chosen as a Tier 1 talent, is a decent DPS cooldown. The above macro can be used as your main way of casting Pyroblast so that every time you use it, it tries to cast Presence of Mind. You can also use this macro to cast an instant-cast Pyroblast before casting Combustion, this will increase the damage of your Ignite and that of your Combustion. Note that using an already instant-cast Pyroblast will not consume Presence of Mind. Ie you can cast 2 pyros in a row.

The UIErrorsFrame functions are used to hide the error messages that would appear if Presence of Mind is on cooldown; we also advise you to disable the error sounds from the Sound options.


#showtooltip Pyroblast
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast Presence of Mind
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Show()
/cast Pyroblast


Button 2 - main macro - I changed this to a castsequence because the above macros in the other posts did not apply Living Bomb at the right time for me at least. Also added Inferno Blast and when that went off (guaranteed crit) I was getting 4 instant pyros in a row very often. I left out the Ice Ward/Ice Barrier because the globals interfered too much with timing - they can be on a seperate macro and are situational. Gloves are for Engineer perk. Also use FFB glyphed for the additional slow.


/castsequence reset=target !Living Bomb,Frostfire Bolt,Frostfire Bolt,Frostfire Bolt,Frostfire Bolt,Inferno Blast
/cast !Mirror Image
/use Conqueror’s Kirin Tor Gauntlets


Button 3 - Using this macro to cast Combustion is advised. When you critically hit your target with Pyroblastand the subsequent Ignite is high enough for Combustion, you want to cast Combustion right away and not wait for your current cast to finish. If you wait, you run the risk that Ignite tick or be refreshed and do less damage, thus reducing the subsequent damage of Combustion.


#showtooltip Combustion
/cast Combustion


Enjoy :slight_smile:


The tooltip says it does exactly the same damage as Firebolt and it is a fire based spell I don’t understand.

Ok I just read the forums and because FFB’s dot is a periodic fire effect that can crit, it can and will munch ignites. So I understand now the mechanics. I will however still use FFB for soloing as the target is dead by the time it reaches me which won’t be the case for FB.

I just realized this comment was from pre-MoP patch and since the patch FFB no longer has a fire dot effect so it is no longer the case. So I did a test of spam damage of the 2 bolts and here are the results. Level 80 dps.

FB spam for 1 minute (lowest damage) = 5500 dps

FFB spam for 1 minute (lowest damage) = 5300 dps


FB full rotation 5 minutes = 11000 dps

FFB full rotation 5 minutes = 10000 dps


Upshot is very small dps difference here so the co-efficients must be different. In a raid setting FB is clearly the winner. Still makes me wonder why the difference since FFB no longer has a damage dot.