This is another one made for a friend, this mage lazy macro consists of a small rotation and pops all cooldowns (trinkets if available). It has a modifier for Combustion.
This spec requires a lot of gear and lots of crit, otherwise it won’t work right. Only use the modifier (Combustion) whenever there is 2 or 3 DoT’s in the target and is not going to die soon.
/castsequence [mod]Combustion;reset=target Living Bomb,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball
/cast Pyroblast!
/cast Flame Orb
/cast Mirror Image
/use 13
/use 14
[toggle title=“Deutsch”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.
/castsequence [mod]Einäschern;reset=target Lebende Bombe,Feuerball,Feuerball,Feuerball,Feuerball,Feuerball,Feuerball
/cast Pyroschlag!
/cast Flammenkugel
/cast Spiegelbild
/use 13
/use 14
[toggle title=“Español”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.
/castsequence [mod]Combustión;reset=target Bomba viva,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego
/cast Piroexplosión!
/cast Orbe de llamas
/cast Reflejo exacto
/use 13
/use 14
[toggle title=“Français”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.
/castsequence [mod]Combustion;reset=target Bombe vivante,Boule de feu,Boule de feu,Boule de feu,Boule de feu,Boule de feu,Boule de feu
/cast Explosion pyrotechnique !
/cast Orbe enflammé
/cast Image miroir
/use 13
/use 14
[toggle title=“Português Brasileiro”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.
/castsequence [mod]Combustão;reset=target Bomba Viva,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo
/cast Ignimpacto!
/cast Orbe Flamejante
/cast Imagem Espelhada
/use 13
/use 14
[toggle title=“Русский”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.
/castsequence [mod]Возгорание;reset=target Живая бомба,Огненный шар,Огненный шар,Огненный шар,Огненный шар,Огненный шар,Огненный шар
/cast Огненная глыба!
/cast Огненная сфера
/cast Зеркальное изображение
/use 13
/use 14
Macro Explanation:
UPDATED July 7, 2011: Reword code for no lockups and added Pyroblast as a modifier for when it procs. Removed pyroblast version.
UPDATED February 10, 2012: Included translations for 5 client languages.
UPDATED February 11, 2012: Fixed the DoT clipping, included Pyroblast to be casted automatically when the instant proc is on. Removed Combustion from the cast sequence and it took the place of Pyroblast as a modifier.