Fire Lazy Macro – 4.3

This is another one made for a friend, this mage lazy macro consists of a small rotation and pops all cooldowns (trinkets if available). It has a modifier for Combustion.

This spec requires a lot of gear and lots of crit, otherwise it won’t work right. Only use the modifier (Combustion) whenever there is 2 or 3 DoT’s in the target and is not going to die soon.

/castsequence [mod]Combustion;reset=target Living Bomb,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball,Fireball
/cast Pyroblast!
/cast Flame Orb
/cast Mirror Image
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Deutsch”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Einäschern;reset=target Lebende Bombe,Feuerball,Feuerball,Feuerball,Feuerball,Feuerball,Feuerball
/cast Pyroschlag!
/cast Flammenkugel
/cast Spiegelbild
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Español”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Combustión;reset=target Bomba viva,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego,Bola de Fuego
/cast Piroexplosión!
/cast Orbe de llamas
/cast Reflejo exacto
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Français”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Combustion;reset=target Bombe vivante,Boule de feu,Boule de feu,Boule de feu,Boule de feu,Boule de feu,Boule de feu
/cast Explosion pyrotechnique !
/cast Orbe enflammé
/cast Image miroir
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Português Brasileiro”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Combustão;reset=target Bomba Viva,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo,Bola de Fogo
/cast Ignimpacto!
/cast Orbe Flamejante
/cast Imagem Espelhada
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Русский”]In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Возгорание;reset=target Живая бомба,Огненный шар,Огненный шар,Огненный шар,Огненный шар,Огненный шар,Огненный шар
/cast Огненная глыба!
/cast Огненная сфера
/cast Зеркальное изображение
/use 13
/use 14

Macro Explanation:

UPDATED July 7, 2011: Reword code for no lockups and added Pyroblast as a modifier for when it procs. Removed pyroblast version.
UPDATED February 10, 2012: Included translations for 5 client languages.
UPDATED February 11, 2012: Fixed the DoT clipping, included Pyroblast to be casted automatically when the instant proc is on. Removed Combustion from the cast sequence and it took the place of Pyroblast as a modifier.

I’ve used your macros for a lot of my toons…from Druid tank to Dest Warlock…and they seem to be phenomenal. Is there any way you can put a bit more time into the one for Fire Mage? My DPS isn’t high with it and it clips some of the DoTs. It seems like it would be great to use this more like the affliction warlock macro you have?

Hi Epic, I will try to take a look at it this next weekend, because right now I’m pretty busy with lots of college projects.

Looking forward to your Fire Mage update

Update as requested! Hope you guys enjoy it :slight_smile:

TY very much and my Mage thanks you. your DK macro is great.

Thanks for the update, however, there are some issues I am running into with the new macro. Fire orb is not casting at all, the mirror images cast the first time, but not after that.

Hello Yockster, I’ll take a look at it whenever I can. This macro and spec are tricky because of the instant proc of Pyroblast complicates things.
Besides the spec requiring decent gear and lots of crit, as I posted in the blog when I updated this macro I talked about the cooldowns are fired in between Pyroblasts, meaning it requires to spam the macro whenever the proc is on. If you don’t proc often per minute and the cooldowns are up, they are basically in queue to be fired off whenever the instant proc is on.

I will take a look like I said, but I did like 10 minutes of the rotation enough time to test the cooldowns twice and everything worked fine.

A good tip would be to have Pyroblast in the bar to keep track when it lights up or watchout for the proc in other way and hit the macro faster whenever the proc is on if any cooldown is up of course. That’s pretty much how I did it.

HI! i’m playing wow since vanilla but just few days ago I arrived to this site… and i love it!

I play several pg / spec so this macros works like butter over the bread! XD

One question about this fire mage macro…

what about the application of Scorch at every target change?
Is not this necessary for the Critical Mass effect on the target?

See ya!

Hello Zoira, while I was doing the last update I actually thought about it, but since I do not have the latest gear I figured the crits from other ability will keep the debuff running. I’ll try it again with it in the rotation, and if it works better I will update the current one.
For now you can also test it by just adding the spell at the beginning of the sequence just before Living Bomb. Don’t forget to put a comma in between.

Done some homework too…
Critical Mass place a debuff of 5% crit into the target and is a TALENT into the Fire Talent Tree.
It can be trigged from Scorch AND Pyroblast…
So no need to place into the rotation because it will be on at the first Pyroblast casted.

Tonight i will do some test too and place the impression.
See ya!