Fire Mage maybe macro

Hello, Just switched to fire mage, noticed no GSE2 macro’s for Fire mage, I’ve made one.
Hold shift to cast Scorch till 5 stacks of improved scorch, and then let got to cast fireballs. Holding ALT will activate Zandalarian Hero Charm and Combustion.
Fire Blast will cast at any point when not on cooldown.
Chooses next target.
Hope this helps.


This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.11.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Main Sequence: Fireball, Combustion, Scorch, Fire Blast

GSE broken for me so here’s standard macro:
/cast [mod:shift] Scorch
/cast ]mod:alt] Combustion
/cast [nomod] Fireball
/use [mod:alt] 13
/use [mod:alt] 14


Thank you, I’m going to give this a try over the next few days.

Any thoughts if shift or alt isn’t working for me?

Alt will trigger combustion but not the trinket slots, i did update it after the fact, but Holding Shift definitely worked fine.
unfortunately GSE2 in classic for me is broken, I’ve re-created the macro as a standard macro see below:

/cast [mod:shift] Scorch
/cast ]mod:alt] Combustion
/cast [nomod] Fireball
/use [mod:alt] 13
/use [mod:alt] 14