First go at Fury (MRT not GS)

/cast charge
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=7 Bloodthirst, Raging Blow, Raging Blow, Wild Strike, Victory Rush
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=20/combat !Storm Bolt, !Bloodbath

100% of re-purpose of a working macro for my hunter. Ive been a copy/Paste leech for years now and trying to learn the real ins and outs.

By MRT you mean Macro Toolbox? If so, is it casting anything beyond the first line? I couldn’t get toolbox to multiple lines of anything after wod came out. Maybe I wrote something wrong?

I have no idea why i said MRT… IM using the Macro ToolKit, for the extended macro size.

Yes, it fires off storm bolt, then charge.

My timing is way off right now, and i know i need to read up more on the command modifiers to make it run smooth.

@Tobi what r talents / glyphs / ilvl & dps you do with this please.

I started playing with this at 91.

build is 2,1,2,1,1,2

Ive been having better success with the following adjustments.

/cast charge
/castsequence reset=target Storm Bolt, Bloodthirst, victory rush, execute, execute, Raging Blow, Raging Blow, Wild Strike, Victory Rush, Bloodbath
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]