Fluffy's fluffy Feral [M+ , Questing and Raiding]

Fluffs Fluffy Feral


Heya Fluffs!

I was trying to write my first macro for M+ and Raid content. I saw some very nice macros here in the Forum but never got what I really wanted. So I invested some time tonight and some fluffy thoughts, to create my own macro and some sort’ alike guide with the help of u all.

But First of all, I want to thank Thundrax, Ozy, and Spinnaker and other writers for their amazing work and passion they took into their macros. They are pretty good, and I used them with furry love for a time till know <3. I’m learning from you all!

Purrs a purr of Love to the community

1. First of all a Table of Contents

1.1 Talents
1.2 AHK-Setup
1.3 Azerite Traits and Corruption
1.4 Essences
1.5 Stats
1.6 Weakauras
1.7 Special “Fluff”
1.8 Finally, the Macros

1.1 Talents I use these Macros while I choose 1113132 For M+ and open world
and 2113122 for ST [Singletarget] Bossfights while I’m raiding.

You need only the STB Version for single-target fights! The macro detects your talents.

1.2 AHK I’m running my AHK [Auto Hotkey for Kittens! just search for it at the searchbox] at 125 MS
My Macros are optimized for 100MS + ur latency [In my Case 100MS + 25]

1.3 Azerite Traits and Corruption
You want to have all possible Azerite Traits of “Jungle Fury” and “Wild Flesh-rending” You want all of these Traits on your armor that you can get for a max. of dmg with my macros. It’s possible to mix these Traits up with the “Heart of Darkness” - Statstick [Secondary Stat boost]. Sim and Try it for your needs.


S Tier: Severe [Crit!], Strikethrough [Stacking gains Value with more crit]
A Tier: Twilight Devastation [Heavy AOE], Devour Vitality [Ma’ut Weapon, Strong ST]

1.4 Essences


  • Major: Breath of the Dying or Blood of the enemy
  • Minor: Memory of lucid Dreams, breath of the dying, focusing iris or [recommended] conflict and strife


  • Major: Breath of the dying
  • Minor: Focusing Iris, purification protocol, blood of the enemy or [recommended] conflict and strife

1.5 Stats

Stat priority for M+ is Mast>Crit>Agi>Haste>Vers [In M+ u want Mast!]
Stat priority for Raid is Crit>=Mast>Agi>Haste>Vers [In raid u Want Mast=Crit]

To explain:

Mastery Buffs our Bleeds and Combopoint-Spenders we fluffy kitties deal most of our dmg with our bleeds and Spenders. So it’s our best choice in most cases and perfect for M+. Multiple targets = multiple Bleeds = Multiple DMG. M+'s Cat’s Favor is Mastery. Yummy! - So delicious

Crit makes, what it means. We do more and higher Crits. That means, our Shred and other attacks will crit more often and a critical shred will spend us more CPs.

Haste lowers or Global Cooldown and pushs our energy regeneration
- How fast is fast?

Vers will increase our overall dmg and heal and decrease our taken dmg. So it’s offensive and defensive. Also, it will increase our critical damage and critical dealt damage

!!! Always SIM your Kitty’s Stats/Traits for the content you do on Raidbots - Optimize Your WoW Characters!!!

1.6 Weakauras

1.7 Ingame Macros for the special “Fluff”

I use some modified in-game macros for ease the flow between some talents.

I’m using my “Movement-Button” on Q

/cast [talent:2/1] Tigerspurt
/cast [talent:2/2] Erneuerung
/cast [talent:2/3] Wilde Attacke
/cast Sprint

And a special “spender” macro on click for my Rip [with and without Talent the same button]

/cast [talent:6/2] Zerfetzen
/cast [talent:6/3] Urzorn

1.8 Finally, the Macros

At this time, I’m using my Macros ONLY as builders. They’re not suitable as stand-alone fully automated macros. If we automate our CP-Spenders, we will lose a lot of fluffy damage. That means I’m using them to build-up my combo points. I’m Hitting a separate button at 5 Combopoints for my ferocious-bite and rip.

Apply Thrash via Shift-mod.
For the feroucious-bite, I linked a Weakaura


Usage Information

This macro contains 1 macro version. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 2.5.8 exportiert.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Schleichen, Berserker, Katzengestalt

Main Sequence: Ergreifende Flammen, Prankenhieb, Tigerfuror, Schreddern, Krallenhieb

KeyRelease: Nachwachsen

Talents 1113132

This macro contains 1 macro version. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 2.5.8 exportiert.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Schleichen, Berserker, Katzengestalt

Main Sequence: Ergreifende Flammen, Tigerfuror, Prankenhieb, Krallenhieb

KeyRelease: Nachwachsen


28.03.19 - First Version of my Macros Uploaded
30.03.19 - 100% English version in the Comments. Some Translation issues found. Need to fix it
18.12.19 - Macro works well for 8.2 so far
19.12.19 - Announced a 8.3 version. Tests and improvement incoming
27.12.19 - Issues with some talents. Macros are in maintance.
26.01.20 - 8.3 Builder-Version of the Ozz-Fluff Macro uploaded
08.06.20 - New STB and AOEB Versions uploaded
08.06.20 - Updating Infotext, New Weak Aura Section

The Single target is in German when I look at it but the AOE version is in English.

It will convert to English once you import it.

Heya! Thanks for trying out my macros. Does the translation work rightly for now =)? How are your experiences with my macros? Feel free to tell me all u want. I will improve and try to maximize the efficiency of my macros for our needs. I played a few stones with it, and with my stats, I’ve done about 22 - 24k overall dmg.

It didn’t. That’s how I knew it was in German. I used a translator for most of it but some were not found. I believe it starts with “Rake, Rip,” which shows as (Krallenhieb, Hauen, ) and the other it had trouble with was the post macro which I believe is “Survival Instincts” which shows as (Überlebensinstinkte)

[quote quote=69298]

It will convert to English once you import it.

It didn’t. That’s how I knew it was in German. I used a translator for most of it but some were not found. I believe it starts with “Rake, Rip,” which shows as (Krallenhieb, Hauen, ) and the other it had trouble with was the post macro which I believe is “Survival Instincts” which shows as (Überlebensinstinkte)[/quote]

I will post a 100% English version in a few minutes

Here we are. Try out this one =) 100% English


d4dRkaGArLuVurP2fPq2gixwWmfcLdtvZgPA(Q(ePGUlO62krVwiyNcP9sLDtQ2pQEUs9xrLOFJKbkQKmuLedMKHRK0HifOttkDmrvhxrjluOslvrLfdSCkpurHNQWYusTorLYejfQPkuMmX0f5TiLRkQeEMqvUUISrHOTkeQ2S02fQ4MKIAwGYNvu13fQQrkQu9yOrlkdtiKtQOOXH4AOCErfRKuKdskGFPe2L3fZfnVBmIf3CzKrSCrKr6IU2fZnI5Ph0tB3yD(8RZhV1UrUhOVQBK7HC8CvK0NA1WTgKRjUM000oXvPSaxn0Qpp9qYBZhsCvCN0sxcgxvkJRMpOhmFsR(8Cf1KXvZGAjGAvkT6PTgXvCnX1uEnIRIPD(GT5QiNSC4kVUWvGGTdwe4kTlxLEyzqxccxtR1iUk(AtzutjUkhQjJRMHgRHBUkxpTtC1Qt7mUkLfwYvl96tE60ZHROnOwg4QGosnPNc2MR0dbHRqk9KrrpiCvCNSDcUBOXH6NONCrZ7gJvd4m1yx08ru8CdnWukJYCJiPp1oz5knGEIsxR43UHM9OrfXd2wlL(2fZfnVlMlAE34yRiEF7c0Vt7WSMc6y4gxDSLqaaro2siaGiZ5Jq42nyC1Xwcbae5ylHaaIelZ87SB3GXvhBjeaqKJTecaiYiZcYTBW4QJTecaiYXwcbaezKzb52nyC1Xwcbae5ylHaaImYSGC7gmU6ylHaaICSLqaargzwqUDdgxDSLqaaro2siaGiJmli3UbJRo2siaGihBjeaqK58riC7gmU6ylHaaICSLqaarILz(D2TBW4QJTecaiYXwcbaezKzb52nyC1Xwcbae5ylHaaImYSGC7gmU6ylHaaICSLqaargzwqUDdgxDSLqaaro2siaGiJmli3UbJRo2siaGihBjeaqKrMfKB3Crx7ghBfX7BxG(D6gxDSLqaaro2YyiYy0qQLaFc(nU6ylHaaIet78btd3CvKtwo3U5Igp34yRiEF7c0Vt34QJTecaiYXwgdrgJgsTe4tWVXvhBjeaqK4gSDWIWTBUXku7KM9Or5I5IM3no2kI33Ua970nU6ylHaaICSLXqKXOHulb(e8BC1XwcbaezmzXrBC805QzQVtA1X0(2nxYnMDiNvSWE7I5IM3no2kI33Ua970nU6ylHaaICSLXqKXOPtvkBzUTg(nU6ylHaaImdFIRIKYwE7Ml6A34yRiEF7c0Vt34QJTecaiYXwgdrgJMo1of80tzW0PqQLaFc(nU6ylHaaISIrfF63U5sUXSd5mxGEWVdUyUO5DJJTI49Tlqk9nf9WnUYpLM03zABIRIix01UXXwr8(2fOFNUXvhBjeaqKJTecaiYCH5nQ4NYUDZfnEUXXwr8(2fiL(MIE4gx5Nsut67mTnXvUKBSIf0ShnkxmxYngPWQroPJjTu6UXimRPGEsRNUl5IU2fZfnVBCSveVVDb63PDywtbDmCJRo2YyIG4XwgdrgJ2C(ieGF7gxDSLqaaro22cbbbD7gmU6ylJjcIhBzmezmAXYm)od(TBC1Xwcbae5yBleee0TBW4QJTmMiiESLXqKXOnYSGa)2nU6ylHaaICSTfccc62nyC1Xwgteep2YyiYy0gzwqGF7gxDSLqaaro22cbbbD7gmU6ylJjcIhBzmezmAJmliWVDJRo2siaGihBBHGGGUDdgxDSLXebXJTmgImgTrMfe43UXvhBjeaqKJTTqqqq3UbJRo2YyIG4XwgdrgJ2iZcc8B34QJTecaiYX2wiiiOB3GXvhBzmrq8ylJHiJrBoFecWVDJRo2siaGihBBHGGGUDdgxDSLXebXJTmgImgTyzMFNb)2nU6ylHaaICSTfccc62nyC1Xwgteep2YyiYy0gzwqGF7gxDSLqaaro22cbbbD7gmU6ylJjcIhBzmezmAJmliWVDJRo2siaGihBBHGGGUDdgxDSLXebXJTmgImgTrMfe43UXvhBjeaqKJTTqqqq3UbJRo2YyIG4XwgdrgJ2iZcc8B34QJTecaiYX2wiiiOB3GXvhBzmrq8ylJHiJrBKzbb(TBC1Xwcbae5yBleee0TBUXku7KM9Or5I5IM3no2kI33Ua970nUIgsTe4tW5kAJjloAJJNoxnt9DsRoM2WDj3y2HCwXc7TlMlAE34yRiEF7c0Vt34kA6uLYwMBRHZv0MHpXvrszlH7IU2no2kI33Ua970nUIMo1of80tzW0PqQLaFcoxrBfJk(0H7sUXifwnYjDmPLs3ngHznf0tA90DJvSGM9Or5I5sUXSd5mxGEWVdUyUO5DJJTI49Tlqk9nf9WnUYpLM03zABIRIix01UXXwr8(2fOFNUXv0MlmVrf)ugCx045ghBfX7BxGu6Bk6HBCLFkrnPVZ02ex5sUKl5gA2Rp5Ppt9uWItqpPLs3fxxYLCoUsage Information
Heya Fluff’s!

Just the Singletarget Builder for generating our Combopoints.

  1. Tigers Fury and berserk implemended
  2. without your CD’s just push them manually [Some encounters need controled Burst]

This macro contains 2macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.04.

  • The Default macro is 1
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Post Macro:

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence:

KeyRelease: Contains various utility functions.

Post Macro:


di0bfaqiPIQtrfjZcIBjvGDjvLFjrdJkDmOwMk9mv10qQUMKABs5BqACI05qcwNujDpPkAGsfQdsf1crcnrPkCrvPAJirJuQioPQuwPuv9svjMPur5Mij7KI(jvedfj1sLkXtP0uvfxvQiTvPc6TIO7Qa7LyWKomOflcpwutwcDzL2mv4ZQsA0iLtljRwQuETuHmBkCBfA3u1VrmCj44svA5Q45atx46kA7urQVlvQoVcA)OwWYJyIfRZo59oGYoRtPKsX8kpI9bAS(ai2lgFX)Ry7K1OGy7FccwHSsXzeepRoihwD2jV3hRVfSMHGaW68WQZo5DwHjQmmQIHaw7EvqJmdwHSckS(I7H1UnbbRfolaWAqBzfuy9f3dRJq)eAymSZ5(5(X9X6t1R7bWQJ5ziRqFrwtShWE6iwRglySJRV4wK7)2hRDVkOrMrFS2TjiyTWeqJ1G2oY6i0pHggdznjGmUSEGvfxFMm9XEaS63TiRzIpoeJTiRuCEaHtj2ESoGtJqmXI15zqJCelLgthoMNo2zFq8vfHaXsfmFiD4EavepqEetS8iMyXwMHGaS9oxFEzL1Zc2ONzYycyugWZRBWkRy3w63fHvSBdnTgHvSBdnTgHvSBdnTgHvSBdnTgHvSBdnTgHvSBdnTgHvSBdnTgHvSBl97IWk2THMwJWk2THMwJWk2THMwJWk2THMwlMxXwMHGG1KzYycymG16lgvm)ITmdbbRjZKXeWyaRy3gfQXI9LDyxwJfcw5rmXITmt8aIXYkCgKPhqRYrWQRyEfBzgccwtPWVjMFXwMjEaXyzfodY0dOv5iyvcXAJTaLtFoQiEXA3ENRpQGgILAciOcMpe5rcXs9zPcMpe5rmXITmdbbRjZKXeWyaRn8)3KqSVSdP(SaG8iMyXwMHGG1KEIdYzSR3bSI2sfZRylZqqWAspbel0iOH4jzYycymG16lUwcjeZR8iMyXwMHGaS9oxFEzL1Zc2ONzYycyugWZRBWkRy3w6)IW6f)rB0ry9I)On6iSEXF0gDewV4pAJocRx8hTrhH1l(J2OJW6f)rB0ryf72s)xewV4pAJocRx8hTrhH1l(J2OJW6f)rB0f7l7WUSgleSYJyIfBzM4beJLv4mitpGwLJGvxX8k2YmeeSMsHFtm)ITmt8aIXYkCgKPhqRYrWQeI1gBbkN(Cur8I1U9oxFubne7l7qQplaipIjwSLziiynPN4GCg76DaROTuX8k2YmeeSM0taXcncAiEsMmMagdyT(IRLqSuFwQG5drEetSylZqqWAYmzmbmgWAd))njel1eqqfmFiYJesiHyTf28B9qmXUFXsf0pHgV5J940RpQiEHIsiHiaUsage Information
Just a Button for AOE. It casts ur AOE abillitys without a spender just press the spender manually!

  1. Tigers fury and berserk implemended
  2. without. just push them manually [some raidencounters need controled Burst)

This macro contains 2macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.04.

  • The Default macro is 1
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Survival Instincts

KeyPress: Prowl, Cat Form

Main Sequence: Swipe, Thrash, Berserk, Tiger’s Fury

KeyRelease: Regrowth

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Survival Instincts

KeyPress: Prowl, Cat Form

Main Sequence: Swipe, Thrash

KeyRelease: Regrowth

If I use the English version with my English client, it works well. But if I try to run my macros with my german client, just the original version works. I don’t know why GSE won’t translate it 1:1. But first off we have an English version. I try to figure out to solve this translation issue and let u know if I have a 100% accurate version for all. Of course, I’m always grateful for suggestions =)

I had the proper translation for all but Rip. It was actually thrash. Thanks for the help! I’m going to try it out now.

Can’t find the problem for the translation.

Note there is a spelling error in the keyrelease section, it is missing the “o” in autounshift of 1st line, I also added a 1 to the 3rd line of keyrelease ie “/console autounshift 1”

I might be wrong but in order for the GSE translations to work, for example English to German, you must use the WoW German client and vice versa for German to English is to use the WoW English client.

It’s translated; Fluffy's fluffy Feral [M+ , Questing and Raiding] - Patch 8.0+ - WoW Lazy Macros

[quote quote=69384]

I might be wrong but in order for the GSE translations to work, for example English to German, you must use the WoW German client and vice versa for German to English is to use the WoW English client.

It’s translated; https://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/m-questing-and-bod/#post-69300[/quote]

Thank you, Abby!

Will check the spelling errors tomorrow, and repost if they’re right working now. Thanks alot for your help fluffy Ferals! And please let me now your exp with my macros, so i can make them always fluffy for u .

Wouldn’t it be easier to do it like: in tab 1 GER, tab 2 ENG etc.? So where ever you are country wise, put 1 GER or 2 ENG as your choice.

Désole mais ta macro marche pas

macro no work. my client is portuguese(brazil).

daK1eaqirPQpjQuZsL2ffKFjKHbrhtvltXZuHRb02a03aOghKCoLuTorv19evYafLKdkQsluk0dfvXebiBukAKIkCsrvzLuGxQKYmfLu3ec2jfnui0sfv0trAQsPRkkv2QOu6TII7sPAVe)vuIgmPdJyXukpwKjRI6Ys2mK6Zay0uOtluRwukETOeMnLCBLy3c(nOHRICCPGLlvphQPt11vQTtbvFNckNxjz)OwEPvmFHsBBmlBM1zxZMI5iTcTLyvbhl05)5pgHMJY6KqZrTIWAtRnA05gN9SbSbgSXoRUXIvACaaRYjDakN1g3XwNRoROHDwbOcvN4XbayfU7SMh4In4jyCWXgIv2a2G3qS2gdq1XS2C3xXkjCMvBvhx9SG14Ltw1sfoxNzdgdXQHf7gHBN1vWDN18aOCJznB2yN1tBSrwDJ1cRlKWMyzTI1mu4sXAfsWDWRoM1qvNznbdEhAvNzTXDh72fkGk0KTLlMVqPNQu(aKy(ipeAE3UryxOnT2OrV7zvEdomeFMGfkcKuhMTvhhddyPvmFPvmFHgLiyhxnSRqQyL1EHlpxj4InIh5KoaLZkRpQzUS(ibI6a5LvWz(lRGZ8xwbN5VScoZFzfCM)Y6JAMlRpsGOoqEzfCM)Yk4m)LvWz(lRGZ8xwbN5fZrOrjc2zntcUyJ42zfCEalMhcnkrWoRzsWfBe3oRpsGRd(cfri2rGK6qPvmFHgLiyN1mj4InIBNvG)XbqXf6A1ke7fglTI5l0Oeb7SMjard7l5FSZkGbIsmhHgLiyN1mbi2lILB8gGj4InIBNvW5bfxORvRYzzveCjTI5l0OemGHwfRKTd3bSXy0oRifZrOrjc2zf16hafZdHgLGbm0QyLSD4oGngJ2z9fxOi2leiPouAfxOuVo1ChsEmmiuA1WUcEmXsCXCKwX8fAuIGDC1WUcPIvw7fU8CLGl2iEKt6auoRS(OM5Y6JeiQdKxwbN5VScoZFzfCM)Yk4m)LvWz(lRpQzUS(ibI6a5LvWz(lRGZ8xwbN5VScoZFzfCMxOicXocKuhkTI5l0Oeb7SMjbxSrC7Sc8poakUqxRwHyVWyPvmFHgLiyN1mbiAyFj)JDwbmquI5i0Oeb7SMjaXErSCJ3ambxSrC7ScopO4cL61PM7qYJHbHsRg2vWJjwcfXEHaj1HsR4cDTAvolRIGlPvmFHgLGbm0QyLSD4oGngJ2zfPyocnkrWoROw)aOyEi0OemGHwfRKTd3bSXy0oRV4IlUqrGe2eR8f8QB4vWJHbPrXfxeUsage Information
Heya Fluff’s!

Just the Singletarget Builder for generating our Combopoints.

  1. Tigers Fury and berserk implemended
  2. without your CD’s just push them manually [Some encounters need controled Burst]

This macro contains 2macro versions. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 2.4.05 exportiert.

  • The Default macro is 1
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Schleichen, Katzengestalt

Main Sequence: Schreddern, Tigerfuror, Hauen, Berserker, Krallenhieb

KeyRelease: Nachwachsen

Post Macro: Überlebensinstinkte

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

KeyPress: Schleichen, Katzengestalt

Main Sequence: Hauen, Schreddern, Krallenhieb

KeyRelease: Nachwachsen

Post Macro: Überlebensinstinkte

deucfaqijLQtjKKzbLBjPGDjvQFjQgMuogOLPqptL6AQQTjX3qyCQY5GkzDsQ09Kk0aLuuhui1cHk1eLk4Icj2iuvJusjojuLwjuHxkv0mLuk3erANu0pHQyOiILkPINsPPQsUQKsARsk0BfLURuv7LyWKomKfluESitwO6YkTzH4ZqfnAe1PLKvlPkVwsrMnfUTc2TGFJ0WffhxQKLRONdmDQUUk2Uqs9Djv15LQSFulq5smHInA8eLAa)ARwXhFXCuUe7fYydoqSJq4i8EuSDyJGogUycfBTSgzelooaNveR4(4onWAe6K1OXtu6Mv86SMqahW6zYA04jkSIIvzyu59aSw)kNm94SIyfKzdX3jR17aCwZmxaGvN8YkiZgIVtwhqHdYWOxTZ4GXbSBwVQW5obSg5m7XkkeN1y7eSZAI1QHmg7WgIVXzCm2nR1VYjtpE3SwVdWznZbqMvN8oW6akCqgg9ynlGoSSorvX3qIEc(obSg2noRjAWNuJnoR4(mbEujwsrPjTg3jOIgaYLycLlXek28ec4GTRZgslRSoxW6DmrhIH8ChnX56SYkSvE3nmwHTcX7JXkSviEFmwHTcX7JXkSviEFmwHTcX7JXkSviEFmwHTcX7JXkSvE3nmwHTcX7JXkSviEFmwHTcX7JXkSviEFXCuS5jeWznBIoed59z9pcjeZBXMNqaN1Sj6qmK3NvyRGRpuSDU9QZASiWkxIjuS5jAaqnwwrhNEcaYvrCwBI5OyZtiGZ6dx3fX8wS5jAaqnwwrhNEcaYvrCwHIlwRVzW)esEfniw721zdEfYqSKqboPO0KkxIlwsMlPO0KkxIjuS5jeWznBIoed59zTaVVlIl2o3EKmxaqUetOyZtiGZA2ancDou3X(SsuEI5OyZtiGZA2af4lYWjJfOj6qmK3N1)i8lU4I5OCjMqXMNqahSDD2qAzL15cwVJj6qmKN7OjoxNvwHTY7UHXkSviEFmwHTcX7JXkSviEFmwHTcX7JXkSviEFmwHTcX7JXkSviEFmwHTY7UHXkSviEFmwHTcX7JXkSviEFmwHTcX7l2o3E1znweyLlXek28enaOglROJtpba5QioRnXCuS5jeWz9HR7IyEl28enaOglROJtpba5QioRqXfR13m4FcjVIgeRD76SbVczi2o3EKmxaqUetOyZtiGZA2ancDou3X(SsuEI5OyZtiGZA2af4lYWjJfOj6qmK3N1)i8lUyjzUKIstQCjMqXMNqaN1Sj6qmK3N1c8(UiUyjHcCsrPjvUexCXfRnZMWBhety7wSrFCY0PyX34ejYzwZrhCAOkociwsrHdYaVbFNr9g8kAqWT4IlcUsage Information
Just a Button for AOE. It casts ur AOE abillitys without a spender just press the spender manually!

  1. Tigers fury and berserk implemended
  2. without. just push them manually [some raidencounters need controled Burst)

This macro contains 2macro versions. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 2.4.05 exportiert.

  • The Default macro is 1
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Überlebensinstinkte

KeyPress: Schleichen, Katzengestalt

Main Sequence: Prankenhieb, Hauen, Berserker, Tigerfuror

KeyRelease: Nachwachsen

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Überlebensinstinkte

KeyPress: Schleichen, Katzengestalt

Main Sequence: Prankenhieb, Hauen

KeyRelease: Nachwachsen