For Gween, can u help me!?

Hi bro Gween, can u help me create macro for the following characteristics?

My char FogRideR >Hunter - Beast mastery<.
I have 930 item leavel and have legendary ring and waist.

Talents: 2,1,1,1,3,1,2.
Artifact power: 65Lv.
Enhancements: Crit 35%, Haste 23%, Mastery 72%.
Pets: Sporebat and Core Hound.

Sory my english bad, and thank you Gween.

I would recommend using the macro in the thread titled, “Updated STOMP/Zoo Build using Killer Cobra”. But if there is some reason why that one doesn’t work for you, let me know what you don’t like about it and I can probably make you something more customized to your specific needs.


Thank you, i go to test, and tell you what the results are!

Gween, works great, just in one moment all spells in coldown maybe a mistake in my talents, can u looking my talents? Talents: 2,1,1,1,3,1,2.