This is my first time playing Shadow Priest in any expansion. I usually make macros for warrior/paladin/monk but am going to try my hand at this.
I only have a boosted level 80 right now, so my gear isn’t the best. Please let me know if this works well for you and what I can do to make it better. It’ll cast the 3 main dots, then cycle between the main offensive dmg, trying to refresh the dots as they come off.
So far I’ve been able to keep pretty solid uptime on a target dummy.
If you’re hitting multiple mobs (less than 5) just tab once the dots are applied.

Talents: Wrath CLASSIC
This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.1.69.
I use this macro for buffing:
/castsequence reset=5 Power Word: Fortitude, Shadow Protection, Inner Fire, null
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will you be doing pvp with shadow ive used your macros before always good thinking of boosting a priest are you enjoying it
Yes, it is my primary game mode. I’m going to focus on RBGs. 
I’m also working on a paladin set of macros.
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im with you bro got my pally waiting aswell pvp is going to be fun now
Thank you very much for sharing, I am looking forward to Marco from paladin even more. 
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@Orbalisk Thank you for making this! Please keep improving this macro for us Shadow players! I am going to try it out here in a bit 
I am almost done leveling my paladin, so probably next week I’ll level the shadow priest and update this as needed. 
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Awesome! I’ve finished leveling my resto Druid and working on Paly now….my last toon is the shadow priest! Can’t wait for any future changes. Thanks again.
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Any new updates to this ? Great work also on this
Nothing yet. I’m still gearing out my paladin for rated RBG. Once I finish I’ll start on this.
I added two more mind flays before VT (in a few spots) and it ended up being perfect for me. Hitting a VT cast with 1 sec left on the previous one.
If you don’t mind, can you send me it so I can include it in my next release? I’m going to try and start my shadow priest in the next week or so after I finish RBGing on my paladin. Thank you. 
I believe haste is a factor when rotations are firing off, so I’ll need to spend time tweaking it to work for everyone. I don’t normally play priest so any help is greatly appreciated.
Hey sorry, took a break from wow. I noticed that as soon as I added a bit more haste my changes were irrelevant. Really requires the person to get a feel for their own haste levels and make adjustments to how many Mind Flays they are doing.
Can someone post a new macro with more mind flayes. I have no clue what im doing, so would be awsome with a little help🙂
Sure, when I get home I’ll post my increased mind flays along with my haste level.
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I kinda use this to get my rotation up and going, but it has done a great job to 84. That said, I’ve added a mind spike opener for me. I do mf and swd manually
@Orbalisk howdy, good sir. I have been out of the country for a few months and am getting back to WoW…Is this the latest macro? Have you made any changes?
Hey, no sorry, I stopped playing SoD and haven’t updated anything. Hopefully it still works.