Frost 9.0+ PvP - One Button - new build!

So I PvP, and I do Melee. But the DK I wrote this on is not geared, so if anyone wants to sim it on a real toon, I’d love the feedback.

FYI dont be concerned that you have a low Rune count - one of the talents in the build gives you a buff for under three runes, so it is intentional.

As always, my theme is surviving and buffing the team.

All of my macros work in non pvp settings tho, just not my aim.


Usage Information

Pvp Talents : Heartstop Aura, Necrotic Aura, Chill Streak

As always, the goal is survival and buffing the team.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.06.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Death Strike

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Lichborne, Pillar of Frost, Remorseless Winter, Obliterate, Howling Blast, Raise Dead, Mind Freeze, Death and Decay, Icebound Fortitude, Chill Streak, Frostwyrm’s Fury, Chains of Ice, Asphyxiate, Empower Rune Weapon, Death Strike, Anti-Magic Shell, Hypothermic Presence


Thanks for the macro

Relentless Winter does not seem to go off very often. Or should I say it sits ready to fire for a long time. What is your ms?

Also you dont have Hypo Presences Talent. Mistake?

Hi @Caighil thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:

the macro is set up to progress thru sequences at 1 12 123 1234 … which means the ones at the end of the sequence go off less often … so in the base level the 4 has to progress thru 1 four times, 2 three times, and three two times before it fires.

I set this setting because I wanted the slow cooldown items to fire less often, and the mid cooldowns to fire more… it is set up shortest to longest in duration i the sequence.

BUT, with your feedback, I think I will break up the sequence into two sequences. I wasnt sure how it was going to work since my toon is not geared.

Give me about half an hour and I’ll get an update out :slight_smile:

and YES! I had forgotten to add Hypo Presences; will be in the fix!

So Hypo Presence was an experiment and I dont like it. Im taking it out and adding Gathering Storm, now that I have Remorseless Winter firing.

New version incoming :


Usage Information

Pvp Talents : Heartstop Aura, Necrotic Aura, Chill Streak

As always, the goal is survival and buffing the team.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.6.09.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Death Strike

KeyPress: Contains various utility functions.

Main Sequence: Frostwyrm’s Fury, Chains of Ice, Empower Rune Weapon, Howling Blast, Raise Dead, Asphyxiate, Death and Decay, Icebound Fortitude, Chill Streak, Frostscythe, Lichborne, Anti-Magic Shell, Mind Freeze, Death Strike, Pillar of Frost, Remorseless Winter

Trying it now. I let you know how it goes

What MS are you running this at?

Is there a reason you don’t use Obliterate?

@Caighill Im feral player but I was trying to cobble stuff together so the community had things to use right at patch day

I run at 100 ms straight up

I am not sure why I took out Obliterate if I did, mostly I do things for flow and this may have been a runes deicision

But I havent looked at this in three+ weeks - Im running Korraks and will be on my undergeared DK for it today tho so I should have more of an answer Soon TM.

thumbs up …