Simple Frost Death Knight Macro for leveling and such. This is my second attempt ever at making a GS:E macro so any help is appreciated. Just took a look at what popular macros in this section used, did some testing and put together my own DK macro. Not sure of overall numbers as I’m only 115 with my current DK. Again, feel free to give suggestions!
Talents: 1,2,1,3,1,1,2
ALT: Howling Blast (for when it Procs. Does start off rotation within macro though!)
CTRL: Frostscythe
Shift: Pillar of Frost
Usage Information
Based off of Stay Frosty & John Metz DK BFA Beta. Decent for Leveling and for 120 content as well.
Modifiers are
ALT: Howling Blast (for when it Procs. Does start off rotation within macro though!)
CTRL: Frostscythe
Shift: Pillar of Frost
This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.02.
Macro Version 1
Step Function: PriorityKeyPress: Frostscythe, Pillar of Frost, Howling Blast
Main Sequence: Empower Rune Weapon, Frostscythe, Death Strike, Howling Blast, Obliterate, Pillar of Frost, Remorseless Winter, Frost Strike