Frost Lazy Macro – 4.3

Here is a lazy macro I did for another friend. Starts with shield yourself and spams Frostbolt, hold a modifier for Frostfire and pops all cooldowns.

/castsequence [mod]Frostfire Bolt;reset=30 Ice Barrier,null
/castsequence Frostbolt
/castsequence reset=120 Mirror Image,Deep Freeze,Deep Freeze,Deep Freeze,Deep Freeze,Deep Freeze,Deep Freeze
/cast Icy Veins
/cast Flame Orb
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Deutsch”]
In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Frostfeuerblitz;reset=30 Eisbarriere,null
/castsequence Frostblitz
/castsequence reset=120 Spiegelbild,Tieffrieren,Tieffrieren,Tieffrieren,Tieffrieren,Tieffrieren,Tieffrieren
/cast Eisige Adern
/cast Flammenkugel
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Español”]
In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Descarga de Pirofrío;reset=30 Barrera de hielo,null
/castsequence Descarga de Escarcha
/castsequence reset=120 Reflejo exacto,Congelación profunda,Congelación profunda,Congelación profunda,Congelación profunda,Congelación profunda,Congelación profunda
/cast Venas heladas
/cast Orbe de llamas
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Français”]
In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Eclair de givrefeu;reset=30 Barrière de glace,null
/castsequence Eclair de givre
/castsequence reset=120 Image miroir,Congélation,Congélation,Congélation,Congélation,Congélation,Congélation
/cast Veines glaciales
/cast Orbe enflammé
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Português Brasileiro”]
In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Eclair de givrefeu;reset=30 Barrière de glace,null
/castsequence Eclair de givre
/castsequence reset=120 Image miroir,Congélation,Congélation,Congélation,Congélation,Congélation,Congélation
/cast Veines glaciales
/cast Orbe enflammé
/use 13
/use 14

[toggle title=“Русский”]
In the process of translation, the macro might have increased in characters going over the limit of 255. Please download a Macro Extender like Macro Toolkit to make it fit in your client language.

/castsequence [mod]Стрела ледяного огня;reset=30 Ледяная преграда,null
/castsequence Ледяная стрела
/castsequence reset=120 Зеркальное изображение,Глубокая заморозка,Глубокая заморозка,Глубокая заморозка,Глубокая заморозка,Глубокая заморозка,Глубокая заморозка
/cast Стылая кровь
/cast Огненная сфера
/use 13
/use 14

Macro Explanation:

UPDATED July 7, 2011: Reword code for no lockups and added Frostfire Bolt with modifier. Removed Deep Freeze version since is combined now.
UPDATED February 17, 2012: Included translations for 5 client languages.