*I am a complete utter noob at Weak Auras so they may not be the best but if anyone would like to improve them the i am happy to repost a better set but for now it works for the purpose needed.
Ok so Frost Mage has been bugging me for some time now and i could never sustain using either fast or slow macros. I think for macro purposes it’s been thought over complicated; So today i have spent some time on working this out using the Thermal Void build again as it appears to be the go to spec for now.
This is not a 1 button macro unfortunately but, i have worked out it’s a 3 button rotation. 2 are for procs so they do NOT need to be macroed. I tried to make it 2 buttons and use a castsequence between Flury and Ice Lance but this wouldn’t work as you would end up using Flurry hard cast without a Brain Freeze proc and this was completely undesirable as well as a DPS loss.
I am not going to make this a [mod:] function, if you want that then that’s up to you to add in
So what is it and what does it do?
Well, in the main macro you will have:
Ebonbolt which will proc Brain Freeze and allow insta cast of Flurry.
Icy Veins To stay on Cooldown and increase your spell casting - Also the aim of the build is to try and extend Icy Veins for as long as possible.
Frostbolt While filler, it’s also important in the hunt for Brain Freeze and Fingers of Frost procs.
Frozen Orb Also used for slowing mobs down and building up those Fingers of Frost procs - To be on cooldown too.
That’s it!
Other than i have also added in Ice Barrier to the Keyrelease but this can be safely removed if you would rather use it manually.
The other buttons to have in this rotation is Flurry and Ice Lance. Just drag them from your spell book and add then on your action bars where you can press them once they are needed.
Now, i have also added in some Weak Auras to help out, not so much my benefit but just so you know what to use and when.
Start off using the main macro which will use Ebonbolt as the opener, once that’s fired off hit Flurry followed by Ice Lance. (Weak Aura will remind you to do this)
Keep using the main macro until you get FoF charge and then use Ice Lance (Weak Aura will remind you to do this too)
If you get a Brain Freeze Proc then allow your last spell to go off (No stopcasting) and use Flurry followed by Ice Lance. However if you have both FoF and Brain Freeze active, use Ice Lance first to be rid of your FoF charges and then follow it up with Flurry and then Ice Lance and back to the macro again.
Rinse and Repeat.
Getting all the procs right is also how you can extend the time limit of your Icy Veins
The macros can be changed to either an ST build or Cleave AoE simply by changing out Frozen Touch Splitting Ice as well as Unstable Magic for Artic Gale. These are both passives so there is no need to change any spells/macro.
This can be spammed at any speed you like but remember you will also need to press procs so either release the macro for that or slow it down. I suggest 140 should be good enough.
Sequences['DamnItsCold'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.01.
Talents = "2132121",
Help = [[Crit33%>Haste>Vers>Mastery
ST Talents - 2,1/2,3,2,?,2,1
AoE/Mythic/Adds - 2,1/2,3,3,?,3,1]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/cast Ebonbolt",
"/cast Icy Veins",
"/cast Frostbolt",
"/cast Frozen Orb",
"/cast Ice Barrier",
Weak Aura String: (only if you need/want to use it)
Simple Frost Mage WA String