Fury – 5.0.4

This one seems to be an easy rotation, it didn’t give me too much trouble. Read the boxes for extra info. Let me know how it works for you and if you can improve it let us know.
Whenever you are enraged use a modifier key to cast Raging Blow.

/castsequence [mod]Raging Blow;Bloodthirst
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Colossus Smash
/cast Execute
/cast Berserker Rage
/cast Deadly Calm
/cast Recklessness 
/cast Charge
/use 13
/use 14

Don’t forget to use Wild Strike outside the macro whenever Bloodsurge proc is on.


/castsequence [mod]Wütender Schlag;Blutdurst
/cast Heldenhafter Stoß
/cast Kolossales Schmettern
/cast Hinrichten
/cast Berserkerwut
/cast Tödliche Stille
/cast Tollkühnheit
/cast Sturmangriff
/use 13
/use 14


Thanks a lot for the translation Dan, it saves me a chunk of time checking spell by spell.

No. I (we) have to thank you. ^^

I tryed this for fury and it didnt do raging blow once…you know whats wrong?

I put it as a modifier for now, for some reason I was not getting enraged frequently enough and decided to remove it from the sequence because it was getting locked up. You can always try to include it on your sequence and see how it works.

im not to sure but shouldnt wild strike be in there somewhere maybe in place of heroic strike?

ty so much, for the macro, master!
Im Bonna from Goldrinn server
if I can, this is the Brasilian Portuguese
/castsequence [mod]Golpe Furioso;Sede de Sangue
/cast Golpe Heroico
/cast Golpe Colossal
/cast Executar
/cast Raiva Incontrolada
/cast Calma Mortal
/cast Temeridade
/cast Investida
/use 13
/use 14

this is mine for PVP. any changes feel free. - John

/castsequence [mod]Raging Blow;Bloodthirst, Hamstring
/cast Impending Victory
/cast Execute
/cast Colossus Smash
/cast Wild Strike
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Berserker Rage
/cast Deadly Calm
/cast Recklessness
/cast Charge

From the information I gathered when reading about fury rotations for this patch they recommend to use Wild Strike only when the Bloodsurge proc is on. Since this proc is random, if we put it inside the macro it will waste rage if the ability is casted when the proc is not on.

Is like a replacement for when Fury spec used to use Slam in the old days, the proc made Slam to be instant and we could not include it inside the macro or it would of been a waste of time if it was casted when the proc was not on.

can anyone link a good pvp macro that you can just spam

This works quite well. Because you’re in pvp you want to save space in the macro for actual use rather than “ease of use” which is what we do for the majority of the lazy macros.

That being said, this is what I use as a variation of the fury lazy macro, for my pvp. This is not done with a macro extender. but i do have ErrorFilter add-on running.

/castsequence [mod]Raging Blow;Bloodthirst, Hamstring
/cast Impending Victory
/cast Execute
/cast Colossus Smash
/cast Wild Strike
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Berserker Rage
/cast Deadly Calm
/cast Recklessness
/cast Charge

Character name is Arissen on Farstriders for gear reference.

On second thought, I’d like to keep Berserker Rage as another anti-fear button so I changed it to this.

/castsequence [mod]Raging Blow;Bloodthirst, Hamstring
/cast Impending Victory
/cast Execute
/cast Colossus Smash
/cast Wild Strike
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Battle Shout
/cast Deadly Calm
/cast Recklessness
/cast Charge

[quote quote=3206]This one seems to be an easy rotation, it didn’t give me too much trouble. Read the boxes for extra info. Let me know how it works for you and if you can improve it let us know.
Attention! Whenever you are enraged use a modifier key to cast Raging Blow.

/castsequence [mod]Raging Blow;Bloodthirst
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Colossus Smash
/cast Execute
/cast Berserker Rage
/cast Deadly Calm
/cast Recklessness
/cast Charge
/use 13
/use 14

Information! Don’t forget to use Wild Strike outside the macro whenever Bloodsurge proc is on.

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hi, i am currently levelling a fury warrior, level 38 and have this macro obviously a lot of the spells arent available to me yet due to the low(er) level, however i have a qstn in regards to the heroic strike in there, i am aware that execute is our hardest hitting spell and the trouble is that if i leave heroic strike in the macro, i find that i dont have enough rage to execute when the mob is 20% and lower, ie my dps suffers, i have taken out heroic strike for now and just use the bloodthirst and charge, macroed, is there any suggestions as to what sort of macro i could use at my level? which is 38?

thanks in advance.

I cannot seem to get colossus smash, storm bolt, and dragon roar to ever go off. Any ideas?


/castsequence Bloodthirst,Wild Strike,Wild Strike
/cast Raging Blow
/castrandom Battle Shout
/cast Colossus Smash
/cast Storm Bolt
/cast Dragon Roar
/cast Berserker Rage
/cast Recklessness
/cast Execute
/cast Charge
/cast Skull Banner
/use 13
/use 14