This is an attempt at a Fury macro. My Fury warrior is still only 875 with no legendaries or tier sets, and yes i know most top end raiders use the talent Frothing Berserker, but at my current gear and stats i can’t generate enough rage to sustain the buff for it to be better than the talent Carnage. LMK how this works for you guys.
Sequences['Fgod'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08.
Author="Unknown Author",
Talents = "2332312",
Help = [[Hold Shift for Whirlwind, Ctrl for Berserker Rage, and Alt for Furious Slash.]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Priority",
"/cast Charge",
"/cast Avatar",
"/cast Battle Cry",
"/cast Bloodbath",
"/cast [mod:shift] Whirlwind",
"/cast [mod:ctrl] Berserker Rage",
"/cast [mod:alt] Furious Slash",
"/cast Odyn's Fury",
"/cast Execute",
"/cast Rampage",
"/cast Bloodthirst",
"/cast Execute",
"/cast Rampage",
"/cast Raging Blow",
"/cast Execute",
"/cast Rampage",
Um, you do realise that all your castsequence are pointless and unneeded here with what you have done with them?
Thats actually what i thought too at first, but i felt it wasn’t activating the abilities as much or right when i had enough resource, so i added more castsequence and it worked a lot better. So unless it being Priority or Sequential will make that much of a difference than i’m still gonna stick with this one for now.
thats kind of a salty comment cymiryc
Salty? No and i have nothing to be salty about.
What i mean is macros work vertically.
Each line that’s hit is sent to the client
Castsequence works horizontally so every time the macro returns to that line it uses the next skill on that line until all the skills are executed and then back to the first skill on that line.
It’s the fact that every time that line is used you’re using the exact same skill no matter what, it doesn’t smooth or pad anything out.
/castsequence Execute, Execute, Execute, Execute
is EXACTLY the same as using
/cast Execute
so once Execute is used on that Execute line it moves onto… Execute, then when that line comes around again… Execute.
It would be the same for all lines with repeated spells.
I still stand by what i said.
[quote quote=59368]Salty? No and i have nothing to be salty about.
What i mean is macros work vertically. Each line that’s hit is sent to the client 1 2 3 etc
Castsequence works horizontally so every time the macro returns to that line it uses the next skill on that line until all the skills are executed and then back to the first skill on that line.
It’s the fact that every time that line is used you’re using the exact same skill no matter what, it doesn’t smooth or pad anything out.
/castsequence Execute, Execute, Execute, Execute is EXACTLY the same as using /cast Execute
so once Execute is used on that Execute line it moves onto… Execute, then when that line comes around again… Execute. It would be the same for all lines with repeated spells.
I still stand by what i said.[/quote]
What he is saying is the way you approach others on the forums or the way you construct your sentences comes off as cocky and rude, I’ve seen this said plenty of times across these forums.
Does this macro work at all