Fury Warrior, lots of questions from a newbie

hello all,

i have been checking out stuff on these forums for a while. very useful information. this might be a long post, sorry for that. not a troll, i am just new to wow macros. i played RIFT and macros made a lot of sense, for wow it seems kind of convoluted . . .
so currently i am playing up a fury warrior, level 66. i have the ‘glyph of unending rage’ and ‘glyph of whirlwind’. talents are ‘juggernaut’, ‘impending victory’, ‘disrupting shout’, and ‘shockwave’. chose ‘shockwave’ btw because hoping to get several 20 sec procs on aoe fights.
some of my questions may seem odd. i have trouble because as far as i can tell there are only test dummies for max level. not sure why blizz does not just make test dummies that will be at your level. also, i find on many classes for many abilities when an ability goes off it will just say something like ‘melee damage’ instead of ‘heroic strike damage’ (maybe it works for HS, this is just a concept). so i find testing out macros at times can be frustrating.
so . . . with that

question #1
if i have a macro like
/finish them off
/middle attack
/first attack
does it do /first attack first? i am reading conflicting stuff here on the forums. it does seem that things start at the bottom first through simple tests, just wanted to confirm this

question #2
as far as i know just about everything in wow has a 1 second cooldown. maybe with some special abilities you get a bit less, but more or less 1 second. also, according to what i have read, in a castsequence type macro, the macro either resets after the timer, or after the last thing in the sequence has executed. so when i see things like
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Bloodthirst
i am confused. there is no way you can recast the bloodthirst after .3 seconds as there is a 1 second cooldown on all abilities in the game. so why is it just not 1.0 reset? again i am new, sorry if question is a bad one.

question #2
so here is my current single target macro i am using. i have tried to do my best learning from others on this site (i am level 66)

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,0,Wild Strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Raging Blow
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Impending Victory
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Shockwave
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Execute
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Bloodthirst
/castsequence reset=0.3 Battle Shout
/use 13
/use 14

i am up for any kind of critique, i notice that i can almost never get ‘wild strike’ to fire off (i use it because i was told it is better than heroic strike). i do have a separate button to fire off the 3 wild strikes in a row when it does the special proc. i think i read on here somewhere that after 5 or 6 lines, the macros kind of start falling apart, is this why i never get my wild strike? oddly enough, i think heroic strike seems to be off the global cooldown.

so i appreciate any help. any advice or criticism is welcome. the entire macro process in wow seems really screwy, i dont like the interface, and i hate the fact that they let you write macros but until you are max level there is no dummie to test them on. oh well, thanks very much ahead of time for any advice. i have tried looking around these forums but still confused somewhat.