Gaupanda-Godly Retribution Paladin The War Within 11.0. Update 8/13/2024 🌝

crit 30%
mastery 65%

the macro imports and prints a message, saved in the bottom left. is not in my macro list???

Hey Gau
welcome back m8 =)

rotation looking slick but I come across a small issue, must be something on my part, but I cant find really why I cant get Alt modifier to work

tryed to edit the sequence but i’m unable too, wanted to try changing the modifier to CTRL or SHift to validate if it really was something on my part.

can you help me out m8?
another question i know its very personal but what are you guys running this into ? 100ms? faster slower? just so i know a base to work on

Any issue with Modifier, check your keybinding see or Eluvi interface if you already set modifier for something else.

That’s I have no idea, /gse check in sequence if you don’t see my macro then I don’t know :woman_shrugging:. You may have many sequences already in there, delete some and try re-import.

You should check with Latest Guidelines from @TimothyLuke Gidhub or Patron Website to troubleshoot your issue.

the sequence is in there, it is not in my in game macro list.

New GSE platform doesn’t show macro. Follow the guideline from Timothy… set up keybinding and spam

Come to Speed Option, I have no reference for you. You need to test it and find your own speed. Regarding to speed and this topic has been debated and discussed over and over many time on this Forum. Long Story short, test it and find your Sweet Spot. That’s all I have to say. Thank you!

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When I say the macro doesn’t populate in my /m ( macro tab ) how am I supposed to spam something I can’t drag to a bar.

Follow instruction from that video or you can download WeakAura

Your talents are the highest DPS, I tested a bunch of different builds. Most did 400k-500k. Yours does 500-700k. Only ilvl 446 on this guy too. Bid dick damage macro!

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Hey do you know If /castsequence reset=target macros still Work? For me there are problems

To answer that question, I refer you to @TimothyLuke GSE 3.2 and The War Within ‐ Catchup · TimothyLuke/GSE-Advanced-Macro-Compiler Wiki · GitHub.


The more energy you can consume, the better.

Hi , for :panda_face:SHIFT- WORD OF GLORY , can i mouse over party member to heal them ? or this just heal myself ?

Mouse over your party member to heal or it will heal yourself. Macro update with minor fixed, posted in Original Thread.


Question: How come the tab with the macros content doesn’t show? I can see all the other macros I’ve imported across some of my characters but not these.

pretty low dps keep trying

Gaupanda tend to keep his macro encrypted. Just respect and accept it.

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