Gaupanda-Godly Retribution Paladin The War Within 11.0. Update 8/13/2024 🌝

As onlylove943 said he puts it encrypted (read-only/editor disabled) because this community earned it.

If you see something underperforming tell him what you see, feedback, so he can try and change it to be smoother.

If you need to edit it you’ve 3 options:

Wait till Gau unlocks it.
Jump onto another creator.
Create your macro.

I understand your intention behind encrypting the macro, but I really want to see the sequence content to confirm that it works well on the Chinese client.


i was just asking why i can not edit it, was not , not accepting or disrespecting.

hes locked all his marcos due to some issues on here but has a pateron on his discord i think with unlocks …

yes can heal others while in combat. I have tried it …works fine with mouseover.

Talents are out of date as of patch today.

Update in original post. 8/13/2024

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cant use the talent it need to be updated

Dont expect creators to update talent strings on each hotfix.

Go to wowhead and take the talents from there.

That’s talent is updated

how do you mean take from wowhead? Is the build he’s using just the recommended Ret build?

Gau can answer this better. dont know if Gau makes his talents himself or if he pulls from Wowhead recommended. but like he said, he already updated it.

Talent updated in Original Post Above

yeah, i got that (and appreciated). Was referring to the comment from nTx.

Even if you screw putting talents it will work. So using the FOTM build is a great start till creator updates it. And you can find those on wowhead.

This macro is really great. As a person with arthritis people that do this are really appreciated and keep me playing WOW.


Hi Buddy your guide doesnt state What mastery this is for? Templar or the other one ? Could you please confirm? I cant see the macro string so I dont know and not in the description :slight_smile:

I will update this on Wago. Thank you!

Hey GauPanda and Siodar,

It seemed to have sorted itself out after a fresh install of GSE. Thanks for your responses <3