I dont know if this will be of any help, but i thought i could share what i use for my PvP Glad Warrior.
Main Rotation without Heroic Strike (need the rage for Sudden Death procs)
Sequences[‘GladOne’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/cast [combat] Blood Fury
/castsequence reset=10 Shield Charge
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
‘/cast Revenge’,
‘/cast Devastate’,
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast Execute’,
PostMacro = [[
–/use [combat]13
–/use [combat]14
You can remove the – in front of use [combat]13 and 14 to make it use your trinkets. I took it out as i need my “get out of shit” trinket alone.
You can also change Blood Bath to Avatar if this is what you use.
Stormbolt will cast at focus if there are any, or your target if there are no focus.
/use [@focus,exists,nodead][]Storm Bolt
The same for Pummel.
/use [@focus,exists,nodead][]Pummel
This is for Mocking Banner/Safeguard.
#showtooltip Mocking Banner
/target Mocking Banner
/cast Safeguard
/cast Mocking Banner
Shield Barrier and Heal for not dying.
#showtooltip Shield Barrier
/cast Shield Barrier
/cast Enraged Regeneration
Charge/Ham (This is not in the main GS because you might want it for other situasions.
#showtooltip Charge
/cancelaura Bladestorm
/cancelaura Hand of Protection
/cast Charge
/cast Hamstring
These are the macros i have made and use so far (still getting used to Glad).
Let me know if you like them and maybe if there are others you might want to see made.
Talents 1121223