Glimmer of Light (for mythic and M+ 20+)

dieFhaakIK0PqQKMfQAxivIFHKHrehtilJspdKPPixJO2MKkFdvghPQZrHwNuXaLkDqsfSqfLhsKetKiLUircTrfv9rIu1ijvOtsQOxkPQzsKIBkvzNc(jsLQHsblfPINcmvjSvIKASejQ3kj3vI2RQ)sKkdgQddzXivkpMWKPOllAZkQ8zPQgTu60G61ivnBs52sXUj53OmCjLJtKilxHNR00P66iLTlu9DIemEsLoVqz)i(rV4HOdKEPrN96jfPJ0r3Nx6KgDk96yXd2xCqbslv(EqepeVuMpIhIpIp6GEX8wyXd2d6fZBHfg0OTpypOhsrdPPtLNJ4PYHzQt3oOhsmysDowyMAFXdrV4HOdOeO1j4QUnmABYINd(ux41x(2uRgVIzMiZsc2kzId6b7buc06eSLtMJd6bOdOeO1jyiziJYpmDaLaTobx1THrBtw8CWN6cV(Y3MA14vmZezwsWwjtCqpiFaLaTobB5K54GEOUdOeO1jyiziJYpWDaLaTobRx2ATha8S280uchMPoWWaMnG9yhuFgZWi39fpeDaLaTobBJMSsSpypGsGwNGRAyMDe(qJVBdJ2MS45OKGJmYjl5bOdOeO1j4QgMzhKMZ3THrBtw8CusWtg1Z9W0buc06eCvdZSZ2cpNxsWwjtCqpiFaLaTobx1Wm7ixsWqr6Tr3pWaB9EiXG9I7humGv0NU9ZoiKc6)SdkgWk6tp6ZoWWi7Hed2lUFq9zm6KAjAZxC)(d2x8q0buc06eCLIjArkvQbR6Z3THrBtw8CWN6cV(Y3MA14vmZezwsWwjtCqpypGsGwNGRumrlsPsnyv)sc2YjZXb9a0buc06eCLIjArkvQbR6xsWqYqgLFy6akbADcUsXeTiLk1Gv9ljy9YwR9b5dOeO1j4kft0IuQudw1NVBdJ2MS45Gp1fE9LVn1QXRyMjYSKGTsM4GEOUdOeO1j4kft0IuQudw1VKGHKHmk)a3buc06eCLIjArkvQbR6xsWwjtCqpO)akbADcUsXeTiLk1Gv9ljy9YwR9bJhqjqRtWvkMOfPuPgSQFjbB5K54GoWaB9EiXG9I7humGv0NU9ZoOyaROp9Op7aGN1MNMs4Wm1bggWSbSh7GqkO)ZoO(mgDsTeT5lUFGHr2djgSxC)G6Zygg5UV4HOdOeO1jyB0KvI9b7buc06eSujMqJ5dMcwqWZ0qR)a0buc06eCvdZSJWhA8DBy02KfphLeCKrozjpmDaLaT(MsjAPsKeCvdZSdsZljyOi96N4j4ijY6Ly8b5dOeO1j4QgMzNTfEoVKGTsM4GEOUdOeO1j4QgMzh5scgksVn6bUdOeO1j4QgMzhJLe8Kr9C3V)a0lEi6akbADcUQBdJ2MS45Gp1fE9LVn1QXRyMjYSKGNLRZKce88iyV9b7buc06eCv3ggTnzXZbFQl86lFBQvJxXmtKzjbBLmXb9a0buc06eSLtMJd6HPdOeO1jyiziJYpiFaLaTobx1THrBtw8CWN6cV(Y3MA14vmZezwsWwjtCqpu3buc06eSLtMJd6bUdOeO1jyiziJYpO)akbADcwVS1ApO(mgDsTeT5lUFqXawrF62p7adS17Hed2lUFaWZAZttjCyM6addy2a2JDqif0)zhumGv0NE0NDGHr2djgSxC)G6Zygg5UV4HOdOeO1jyB0KvI9b7buc06eCvdZSJWhA8DBy02KfphLeSElKTUhGoGsGwNGRAyMDqAoF3ggTnzXZrjbpzup3dthqjqRtWvnmZoBl8CEjbBLmXbD)(9d0XuR2bG0jyKYKGNJn6Nobd70fcov9zXiyVnjy2aP6NeCn0yZLGLQB6emYjyzjnlD9aPnNdrtZFWEaDqWMpypaulf6uAFOo5d0HrQqpaDGbP2WdqhOd08w24aGOfzE)(paUsage Information
Set and forget it. engoy the orange parses (set at 50ms)

This macro contains 3macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.17.

  • The Default macro is 2
  • Raids use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic+ Dungeons use version 2
  • PVP uses version 3
  • Arenas use version 3
Macro Version 1
Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Aura Mastery, Holy Shock, Rule of Law, Cleanse, Flash of Light

Main Sequence: Judgment, Light of Dawn, Crusader Strike, Holy Shock

Macro Version 2
Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Aura Mastery, Holy Avenger, Holy Shock, Rule of Law, Cleanse, Avenging Wrath, Flash of Light

Main Sequence: Judgment, Light of Dawn, Crusader Strike, Holy Shock

Macro Version 3
Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Holy Light, Cleanse, Rule of Law, Holy Shock

Main Sequence: Judgment, Light of Dawn, Crusader Strike, Holy Shock


for raid: Vision major, well minor, C&S minor
for everything else: Vision major, crucible minor, C&S minor

When i just go for straight healing i use I have Holy Shock as a mouse over on Shift and not on target like the other ones: di0XiaakbqDkIkPzjv7IOs5xemmvvhJsTmHEMQmnP01OKTPsY3iY4eOZjfTovfdKu5GcOSqvLEOaituavxuPiBKOIpkG0ifqCsLcEjrjZuaQBQuANI6NkfAOsHLQsQNIyQkvxvaWwvkQXka0Bf0DfXEH(RaKbJYHb9ysMmPCzQ2mrP(mfA0u0PvXRjQA2e62I0Ur63adNcoorLy5k55kMUKRRsTDsvFNOs14jkoVkX(r1OnUJzBKeOb8g2UDtxhqBuobuaVHanq2XCe3rYou0P1Ge7(Rha729x3UBJKTxkZJcZrKSfQwGn7R5aOdUJzBChZ2irqbNIZc1LcUhhO3xDxMZut30fn0PanhQLWzX)wPhMJirqbNIZIswsspm)qIGcofN9SEnTWClseuWP4SqDPG7Xb69v3L5m10nDrdDkqZHAjCw8Vv6HzlKiOGtXzrjljPhMVcjck4uC2Z610cZsirqbNIZcAfJrKil)sJLpdUJzBKiOGtXzr724FeZrKiOGtXzHPaTpQAj21LcUhhO3xjCMDtjRFm)qIGcofNfMc0(afRUUuW94a9(kHZABgucZTirqbNIZctbAFgZJSReol(3k9WSfseuWP4SWuG2hReo7zhmAJfsiLBqo3uvDauK0yDaRtDbjYYVCTl6WXXDSqY(6qL3Ri(fjzxjp(fj7RdvEVSXViPXY3cvlaUJfsAaMAluTa4owyH5iUJzBKiOGtXzHuGYesPU4HASRlfCpoqVV6UmNPMUPlAOtbAoulHZI)TspmhrIGcofNfsbktiL6IhQXeolkzjj9W8djck4uCwifOmHuQlEOg76sb3Jd07RUlZzQPB6Ig6uGMd1s4S4FR0dZTirqbNIZcPaLjKsDXd1ycN9SEnTWSfseuWP4SqkqzcPux8qn21LcUhhO3xDxMZut30fn0PanhQLWzX)wPhMVcjck4uCwifOmHuQlEOgt4SGwXyeZsirqbNIZcPaLjKsDXd1yxxk4ECGEF1DzotnDtx0qNc0COwcNf)BLEyoiseuWP4SqkqzcPux8qnMWzpRxtlm3ejck4uCwifOmHuQlEOg76sb3Jd07RUlZzQPB6Ig6uGMd1s4S4FR0dZ2)irqbNIZcPaLjKsDXd1ycNf)BLEy22gjck4uCwifOmHuQlEOg76sb3Jd07RUlZzQPB6Ig6uGMd1s4S4FR0dZ2rKiOGtXzHuGYesPU4HAmHZcAfJrmB)qIGcofNfsbktiL6IhQXUUuW94a9(Q7YCMA6MUOHofO5qTeol(3k9WSDlseuWP4SqkqzcPux8qnMWzrjljPhs2xhQ8EzJFrY(6qL3Ri(fjnatTfQwaChlKil)sJLpdUJzBKiOGtXzr724FeZrKiOGtXzbOlkrqTa0JIZ(kcNcZpKiOGtXzHPaTpQAj21LcUhhO3xjCMDtjRFm3IebfCQXLl3ov5Cwykq7duSs4SNDWGTDoZ(3k4FtmBHebfCkolu32ngaiBAJBEtx3tbAFgZJSReol(3k9W8virqbNIZctbAFSs4SNDWOnMLqIGcofNfMc0(0mHZABguclKKDL84xKil)Y1UOdhh3Xcjnw(wOAbWDSqcPCdY5MQQdGIKgRdyDQlyH5hUJzBKiOGtXzH6sb3Jd07RUlZzQPB6Ig6uGMd1s4SV(ua5oNjh4PmXCejck4uCwOUuW94a9(Q7YCMA6MUOHofO5qTeol(3k9W8djck4uCwuYss6H5wKiOGtXzpRxtlmBHebfCkoluxk4ECGEF1DzotnDtx0qNc0COwcNf)BLEy(kKiOGtXzrjljPhMLqIGcofN9SEnTWCqKiOGtXzbTIXisAaMAluTa4owizFDOY7ve)Iez5xU2fD444owirw(LglFgChZ2irqbNIZI2TX)iMJirqbNIZctbAFu1sSRlfCpoqVVs4SGXx8km)qIGcofNfMc0(afRUUuW94a9(kHZABgucZTirqbNIZctbAFgZJSReol(3k9Wcjzxjp(fj7RdvEVSXViPXY3cvlaUJfsiLBqo3uvDauK0yDaRtDblSqYwi9gkUbA5l9oToak(fjb2DzcwiHOmHAijWDzdVflmhrsG4IgqcXlods14mzdwg9IZoLCJZCQrWfoRmDodSGuJoNzaUgF4Sa84fNbloZ6pDKRi5A4rdZrKqm4Qne4y(klKeylNcX8djn2Cdm)qY2lL5r1q8EWCelSqeUsage Information
Set and forget it. engoy the orange parses (set at 50ms)

This macro contains 3macro versions. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.4.19.

  • The Default macro is 2
  • Raids use version 2
  • Mythic Dungeons use version 2
  • Mythic+ Dungeons use version 2
  • PVP uses version 3
  • Arenas use version 3
Macro Version 2
Step Function: Priority

KeyPress: Aura Mastery, Holy Avenger, Holy Shock, Rule of Law, Cleanse, Avenging Wrath, Flash of Light

Main Sequence: Judgment, Light of Dawn, Crusader Strike, Holy Shock

1 Like


Thank you for these macro’s, I’ve been using them for about a month now!

Please continue to share any updates you make, we would really appreciate it.

Could you point out when to use the DPS vs. healing macro? They both seem to perform well and almost equal, but I am curious if you have any suggestions?

I use them mostly for raid healing at the moment.

just press 2 and mouse over targets to heal them and hit shift to holy shack the target. its one press easy as can be. it dps and heals.

Hey, Nick, I believe he was referring to the fact that your second macro posted was identified to be slightly different from the original post, in terms of being represented as a DPS versus straight healing macro. I thought so too; I didn’t realize you had other versions in that second macro.

Oh i think I see. Only use the straight healing macro for fights where your guild needs PURE straight healing like arcing 6 and 7 on orgo or towards the end of ashvane. other than that use the first macro i posted. since my Prog is over i use the first macro for absolutely everything from M+ to mythic Azshara. So original for everything expect extremely healing intensive moments. @Bruggles

My fault, I’m glad you read my reply was for you, Schaden, sorry, I said Nick because I think that was the last name I saw before replying. And thanks for the clarification!

Can someone explain how this works. Cause its deffo not a set and forget.

Using second macro, should be only healing. It does close to nothing.

Using first one, how do you heal hovering when u are dpsing all the time.

I dont get it

@luc-snijders So I had problems too when I used the modifier(s). It works great if you just run it at 50ms and then create (2) separate macro’s:

1 - @mouseover - Holy Shock
2 - @mouseover - Flash of Light

When you see someone needs healing, try holy shock first, if it’s on cooldown, use flash of light.

Also my parses aren’t great as expected, but I feel a lot more confident than I was without this macro.

Thanks, ill try that. Do you use the first or second macro then?

And because you make 2 separate macros, you change anything in the macro?
Since shock is always used in the macro iirc.

I used his guidance and used the first. What I have come to realize is after some research and looking at the WoWAnalyzer output of using the macro… you need to stack a lot of haste. Try to get to 27% w/ your weapon enchanted with haste. 30-32% seems to be optimal. WoWAnalyzer basically told me that I wasn’t casting holy shock enough, and after reading a good bit, haste is what makes glimmer make/break and that should fix the problem.

I haven’t changed anything in the macro, but I might switch the modifiers to cast Holy Avenger for shift and Avenging Wrath to alt because WoWAnalyzer says I don’t cast them enough.

So, this is a mouse over macro. you keep your mouse over the raid frames of the person you want to heal and it casts holy shock on them for flash of light with control pressed down. You only want to use holy shocks and spend the rest of the time dpsing with crusader strike and using light of dawn to get the most HPS and DPS possible. Flash of Light is only used is someone is literally about to die and they need to be healed and you dont have holy shock up. You literally press your macro key (for me its 2) stand in melee of the boss and keep your mouse over raid frames to heal and hit shift to cast holy shock on the enemy to keep glimmer on it and dps. Yeah you need a ton of haste for glimmer to work. But i use it at like 25% ish in M+ no problem. you cast holy shock but just keeping your mouse over the raid frames.

Unless youre on ashvane prog or orgo prog dont use the second macro you dont need to be pumping 150k hps and not dpsing at all. That is just there so you have a pure healing one with crusader strike to keep CDs low. Overall super inefficient. I have literally used it twice and it was only on prog for those two or when im like solo healing mythic for those two bosses.