So I thought I’d see if GnomeSequence worked with Clique and it does! Anyway I made these two macros for my Resto spec. They seem to work ok and don’t hang up. I have yet to prove these in a dungeon but I can’t imagine they wouldn’t work well.
The first macro, ‘RestoHoT’ is designed for blanket HoTing and using Wild Growth on CD. The second on, ‘RestoHeal’ is made for single target/tank healing. I’m going to try running a few dungeons and see how they work there. Any feedback would be appreciated!
I decided that I didn’t like having the HoT’s or Lifebloom in the single target heal. So I manage Lifebloom separately. Other than that it seems to work great.
[quote quote=19350]So I thought I’d see if GnomeSequence worked with Clique and it does! Anyway I made these two macros for my Resto spec. They seem to work ok and don’t hang up. I have yet to prove these in a dungeon but I can’t imagine they wouldn’t work well.
The first macro, ‘RestoHoT’ is designed for blanket HoTing and using Wild Growth on CD. The second on, ‘RestoHeal’ is made for single target/tank healing. I’m going to try running a few dungeons and see how they work there. Any feedback would be appreciated!
dear sir what is ur talent and glyph ? if u dont mind sharing it …
Probably I foolish question but I have attempted to bind your sequences through Clique but I am obviously missing something with this addon…How can bind these?
Just in case you guys didn’t know these will work with healbot as well just bind the macro to a button in the ui and as long as there is a /target mouseover in the pre macro they are clickable