[Gnome Sequencer] [6.0.3] 1 Button PvE TG Fury Warrior Macro (DETAILED)

Hey guys, here’s my macro I’ve been working on for a while. Since I’m a mythic difficulty raider, I tailored this macro around using the best talents, and abilities possible… and at the right moments. Of course, not everything in this macro can be automated 100% and make you top DPS at a competitive level (it just makes things easier), that’s just impossible for ANY macro on this website. Now, on to the nitty gritty stuff. :slight_smile:

1.) Talents:

     <strong>Double Time</strong>: Should be your default choice.
     <strong>Enraged Regeneration</strong>: Should be your default choice.
     <strong>Sudden Death</strong>: Should be your default choice.
     <strong>Storm Bolt</strong>: Single target fights. / <strong>Dragon Roar</strong>: Fights with more than 1 target.
     <strong>Vigilance</strong>: Should be your default choice.
     <strong>Bloodbath</strong>: Single target fights. / <strong>Bladestorm</strong>: Fights with more than 1 target.
     <strong>Anger Management</strong>: Fights that make Ravager's placement null. / <strong>Ravager</strong>: Fights where you will benefit from a full Ravager duration.

2.) Glyphs:

     <strong>Glyph of Unending Rage</strong>: This is your only mandatory glyph, all others are purely situational.

3.) The Macro:

If you wish to activate / deactivate certain abilities in this macro (see the Recklessness line for example), simply add or remove the “–” before the desired line inside the macro. Certain abilities or items, you will need to fire off manually… such as: your DPS potion, Ravager, Bladestorm, all defensive / mobility abilities, and most importantly… your Berserker Rage.

IMPORTANT: If you want your DPS to be as optimal as it can be with this macro, be sure to have good control and uptime on your Enrage, hence leaving out Berserker Rage. Leaving out this ability will ensure you have a backup to your Bloodthirst not being a critical strike. If your Bloodthirsts continue to not be critical strikes, and your Berserker Rage is on cooldown, cease any further action with the macro and just manually use Bloodthirst until you are Enraged again, then continue again with the macro.

NOTE: Hold the Wild Strike mod to dump rage (or procs) on single target fights. Hold the Whirlwind mod to dump rage on any fights with more than 1 target.

ENJOY!!! :smiley:

Sequences['Fury'] = {
	--'/cast [combat] Recklessness',
	'/cast [combat] Blood Fury',
	'/cast [combat] Bloodbath',
	'/use [combat] 13',
	'/use [combat] 14',
	'/cast [mod:shift] Wild Strike',
	'/cast [mod:alt] Whirlwind',
	'/cast Bloodthirst',
	'/cast Victory Rush',
	'/cast Execute',
	'/cast Storm Bolt',
	'/cast [combat] Dragon Roar',
	'/cast Raging Blow',

i puting it to addon and i have all line error NO MACRO COMMAND ?

I’ve been seeing a few people say this on multiple topics. I’m not sure what’s causing it… but this is copied straight from my sequences, and it’s working for me. :\

Try using this macro instead, I accidently put the block quote around it rather than the code function. If a mod or admin can fix that for me since I can’t edit it… that would be great, thanks! :smiley:

Sequences['Fury'] = {
	--'/cast [combat] Recklessness',
	'/cast [combat] Blood Fury',
	'/cast [combat] Bloodbath',
	'/use [combat] 13',
	'/use [combat] 14',
	'/cast [mod:shift] Wild Strike',
	'/cast [mod:alt] Whirlwind',
	'/cast Bloodthirst',
	'/cast Victory Rush',
	'/cast Execute',
	'/cast Storm Bolt',
	'/cast [combat] Dragon Roar',
	'/cast Raging Blow',

Hey guys I tried this macro and it was okay but I didnt like the modifiers too much and I made some changes to it a little from the time I been using it so far it works pretty well, decided to sign up and share it.

edit* nvm it all fires off well but for some reason wildstrike isnt as much.

Sequences['FuryA'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
'/cast !Execute',
'/cast !Raging Blow',
'/cast !Bloodthirst',
'/cast Wild Strike',
'/cast Victory Rush',
'/cast Execute',
'/cast Storm Bolt',
'/cast [combat] Dragon Roar',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Recklessness
/cast [combat] Bloodbath
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

Technically, if you want to be EXTREMELY lazy… your macro will get the job done. In terms of functionality, control, and better DPS, mine will continue to shine in those aspects. I did a 5 minute test with each @657 ilvl in both single target, and cleave, and yours was consistently about 3-5k DPS lower in each attempt.

Having Berserker Rage out of the macro is a very important thing to have better control of your Enrage, most people don’t know that. Having Wild Strike and Whirlwind on modifiers also will greatly improve your DPS, because where your macro makes you burn rage with Wild Strike by default, you will lose out on much needed cleave damage. One example being Twin Ogron (where they share health) where cleaving is a HUGE increase in DPS and total damage done.

I’ve been playing a Warrior at a high level of play since Vanilla Naxxramas. The reason I make these macros this way is for the people who want to do better DPS and perform better at a higher raiding difficulty, not so much for the people who want to be 110% lazy. So, if you’re going to make a macro that’s completely different than mine, please make your own thread and don’t try to self promote on mine, thank you. :slight_smile:

I never attempted to self promote on yours. This site is for helping people with macros its not a popularity contest. I actually used your macro as a building block but cleaned it up a bit and made it more of a spamable “lazy” macro. using SMF I was able for do ~18k in heroics and 24k in LFR. Its not the best but still pulls numbers. I did try yours out but just couldnt get the hang of it and even by pressing shift or alt neither WW or WS went off, not sure why.

Most people won’t be able to get the hang of mine, especially if they don’t have a strong understanding of warriors. It requires very precise timing and decision making. The only thing I can think of is that you have whatever button you bound the macro to + shift / alt, is conflicting with an already existing keybind you may have, or forgot you may have. Personally I put mine on =, so it’s far from anything I’d ever use manually by hand, and made my Razer Naga spam that button at .025 and everything fires off without a hitch. It will take a little playing around with speeds because of your own latency if you plan to use that method, otherwise… I’m not sure what the problem could be. =\

I am really not sure what I am doing wrong b/c I only were able to ever get 2 gnome macros to work the rest never get noticed…and I am straight copy and pasting w.e is posted on it…I am not sure if I am missing anything but yeah…all I added what the target part.
(Sequences[‘Furyp’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
–’/cast [combat] Recklessness’,
‘/cast [combat] Blood Fury’,
‘/cast [combat] Bloodbath’,
‘/use [combat] 13’,
‘/use [combat] 14’,
‘/cast [mod:shift] Wild Strike’,
‘/cast [mod:alt] Whirlwind’,
‘/cast Bloodthirst’,
‘/cast Victory Rush’,
‘/cast Execute’,
‘/cast Storm Bolt’,
‘/cast [combat] Dragon Roar’,
‘/cast Raging Blow’,

You have some unnecessary symbols in there, I’m not sure where you got them from… but try this. If this doesn’t work, then I have no idea what’s going on. It seems like people’s Gnome Sequencers aren’t meshing well with some people’s macros. I personally haven’t had any problems with any macro I’ve used, but I’ve seen this problem going around on multiple topics.

Sequences['FuryP'] = {
PreMacro = [[
        /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
        –‘/cast [combat] Recklessness’,
        ‘/cast [combat] Blood Fury’,
        ‘/cast [combat] Bloodbath’,
        ‘/use [combat] 13′,
        ‘/use [combat] 14′,
        ‘/cast [mod:shift] Wild Strike’,
        ‘/cast [mod:alt] Whirlwind’,
        ‘/cast Bloodthirst’,
        ‘/cast Victory Rush’,
        ‘/cast Execute’,
        ‘/cast Storm Bolt’,
        ‘/cast [combat] Dragon Roar’,
        ‘/cast Raging Blow’,
PostMacro = [[

Friendly bump. :slight_smile:

I’d love to try this macro and take the initiative to learn more about timing in order to utilize the DPS boost that this macro boasts, but this macro just won’t activate for me. I know what you’re thinking, I did something wrong with Gnome or something. I hate to say this, but all my other macros work, and I’ve tried each one you listed up here. I’ve change the names on both ends thinking maybe something was off. It’s not. It just won’t activate.

when i mash the buttons wildstirke now whirlwind isnt clicking what does mod shot and mod alt mean?

steve u there?

correction on my first reply *mod shift and mod alt

Hey, sorry about the late reply… holidays and all. If you haven’t fixed the issue with the macro, someone pointed out to me what was going on over on my Gladiator / Protection macro.

The reason why they don’t work is there’s a formatting issue with the forums that changes all of the ‘ to ’. The user, after pasting the code in to his/her notepad of choice, needs to replace every ’ in the code to ‘ in order to for it to work properly.

Hey there, the [mod:shift], and [mod:alt] functions are simply a button modifier. While activating the macro, and you want to use Wild Strike, or Whirlwind, simply hit the button that matches with it. This ensures you can have better control and precision over the macro without having unnecessary abilities in the auto-rotation, and also not leaving them out completely. I hope you understand now. :slight_smile:

so i justift and it activates? what if i have and key bindings to shift and alt? shoul di just take out? click hthanks buddy happy holidays!

Yes, that’s how it works. Me personally, I use a Razer Naga and I have my macro bound to = (which is far from anything I’d ever use normally) that way, I don’t have to worry about Shift + =, or Alt + = conflicting with any of my other keybindings. Play around with them and use what feels most comfortable. :slight_smile:

Steve, I have been playing Arms for a long time but don’t like it much in WOD so I want to give Fury a try. But, before I try using your Fury macro, I would like to ask what is the purpose of the dash in front of your first cast command for Recklessness? None of the cast commands that follow use it and I don’t see other GS macros with it. Also, I see in your Prot macro that you have double dashes in front of one of the cast commands, so same question about that.

Also, I currently have GS macros for my Ret Pally, Arms Warrior, and BM Hunter and all work great. To avoid the problems with copying and pasting macros from the forum I have been changing all the single quotes to double quotes in all my GS macros and this seems to ensure that all work.

BTW I like that you are taking the time to really explain your macros, build, etc.
