Hey guys, here’s my macro I’ve been working on for a while. Since I’m a mythic difficulty raider, I tailored this macro around using the best talents, and abilities possible… and at the right moments. Of course, not everything in this macro can be automated 100% and make you top DPS at a competitive level (it just makes things easier), that’s just impossible for ANY macro on this website. Now, on to the nitty gritty stuff.
1.) Talents:
<strong>Double Time</strong>: Should be your default choice.
<strong>Enraged Regeneration</strong>: Should be your default choice.
<strong>Sudden Death</strong>: Should be your default choice.
<strong>Storm Bolt</strong>: Single target fights. / <strong>Dragon Roar</strong>: Fights with more than 1 target.
<strong>Vigilance</strong>: Should be your default choice.
<strong>Bloodbath</strong>: Single target fights. / <strong>Bladestorm</strong>: Fights with more than 1 target.
<strong>Anger Management</strong>: Fights that make Ravager's placement null. / <strong>Ravager</strong>: Fights where you will benefit from a full Ravager duration.
2.) Glyphs:
<strong>Glyph of Unending Rage</strong>: This is your only mandatory glyph, all others are purely situational.
3.) The Macro:
If you wish to activate / deactivate certain abilities in this macro (see the Recklessness line for example), simply add or remove the “–” before the desired line inside the macro. Certain abilities or items, you will need to fire off manually… such as: your DPS potion, Ravager, Bladestorm, all defensive / mobility abilities, and most importantly… your Berserker Rage.
IMPORTANT: If you want your DPS to be as optimal as it can be with this macro, be sure to have good control and uptime on your Enrage, hence leaving out Berserker Rage. Leaving out this ability will ensure you have a backup to your Bloodthirst not being a critical strike. If your Bloodthirsts continue to not be critical strikes, and your Berserker Rage is on cooldown, cease any further action with the macro and just manually use Bloodthirst until you are Enraged again, then continue again with the macro.
NOTE: Hold the Wild Strike mod to dump rage (or procs) on single target fights. Hold the Whirlwind mod to dump rage on any fights with more than 1 target.
Sequences['Fury'] = {
--'/cast [combat] Recklessness',
'/cast [combat] Blood Fury',
'/cast [combat] Bloodbath',
'/use [combat] 13',
'/use [combat] 14',
'/cast [mod:shift] Wild Strike',
'/cast [mod:alt] Whirlwind',
'/cast Bloodthirst',
'/cast Victory Rush',
'/cast Execute',
'/cast Storm Bolt',
'/cast [combat] Dragon Roar',
'/cast Raging Blow',