Gnome Sequencer for Idiots - Ask and you will be answered


Select the macro and hit the button “Create Icon”

Just an observation recently, but I’ve seen that for Paladin macros I’ve had already imported, it seems the abilities Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous are being swapped. I’m not sure if this is a bug, spec/talent-related, or what. I initially believed it was a series of macros that were uploaded to this website that had Hammer of the Righteous instead of Crusader Strike. But then two Ret macros in-game as I was playing had swapped to Hammer of the Righteous as well.

A little help with “keyrelease”

I’m a ret pally and I wanted to fire off “Inquisition” whenever I released the key (my macro keybind) but its not working.

I’m using a priority sequence macro in the main body, nothing in pre/post macro space, so I put /cast Inquisition in the “keyrelease” but when I release the key, Inquisition does not fire off (yes I have Holy Power points), so, is it working right? What does “keyrelease” do ?

Hy there,

My problem is when i try to use the /gs command on my monk, it not pop up the macro windows.
Strange thing , it working on other chars.

the problem started, after i tried to import this macro.

Please help to solve this problem.

@pete Misc – Difference between KeyPress and KeyRelease? - Lazy Macros - WoW Lazy Macros

@lilcosta – First check that GSE_GUI is enabled for your monk. If its not that - GSE2 Howto: Fix Unable to import macros. - How To's - WoW Lazy Macros

Hey this is a dumb question I’m sure, but I’m asking anyways. How do you get the MODS to work. In a macro you have Mod:ctrl and Mod:shift I use a Naga Mouse and have it set to repeat my hotkey which currently is set to the #5. I have the #5 keybind on my bars with the Macro in it. It repeats and works perfectly fine for firing off the macro. What it will not do is if I hold down the Ctrl or Shift key actually do the MOD that I want. I have made sure there is not any other keybinds that use Control 5 or Shift 5. Can you help me with this. I’d like to use your macro the way you have it including the keybinds.

It’s not a dumb question if you are having probs, and the answer is hidden in here.

Go into Keybindings and remove every appearance of ‘Ctrl-', 'Shift-’ and ‘Alt-***’ in all the TABS. Once you’ve done that then the system will not be confused by what the keybindings is telling it to do.

I then logged out of completely and relogged in so that all saved actions (in memory) are wiped. You should then be able to use the MODS.

I wonder if it is possible to create even more precise macros, being careful to debuff proc? what calculations the stach of the dots and everything? in the end the macros only perform a predefined rotation without really counting the spells that should be used at the right time?

When the Macros can use: -

if…else statements

then we could write macros to change dependant on the environment. Unfortunately that isn’t currently available.

Unfortunately to date, addon as we knew him no longer makes as before.
now it works differently, no longer can it put the cd in keypress andandol iad use perfectly to 100% as before, the sequences aimè of priority do not work correctly. currently it seems that addon works quite well with list of 1234 base sequence etc. .
since after legion things have got worse, I don’t know what the reason is, if blizzard itself has changed addon lua making in fact gnomesequence worse than legion. often now it is late in using the spell sequences and there seems to be no way to make it work properly as before. I hope that author fixes and manages to fix it and make it again as in legion thanks.

I guess this is a pretty easy question for you guys but I´m actually dont understand what I´m doing wrong.

´til now I just imported the macros from here into game when it was necessary … now I tried to write a simple macro , just to bind 2 of my totems on 1 key … this was what I tried :


so my question is : what did I wrong - cause this doesnt work the way I thought .
I just wanted a macro which places my Healing Tide Totem when hitting the button and set a Capacitor Totem at my cursor-location when I press alt and the button ._.

Thx for your help

btw: sorry for my bad english x.x hope you all will understand what I´m asking for ^^*

why does having /stopattack in the PostMacro field not work? Here is what i tested:
PreMacro: /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
Sequence: /cast Blade of Justice
PostMacro: /stopattack or /cleartarget neither work in that field.

I use autohotkey so if /stopattack is in the keyrelease field it fires after every spell in the Sequence field. is this because I have not defined a loop?

Okay so I am using the Assasination Macro from John Mets, who is doing awesome work. I imported the macro and it immediatly worked, but my stats seems to differ from the Rogue is was created for.
Basically I have to keep 2 DoTs up as a Assansin Rogue, Rupture and Garotte.

Garotte is working fine and it refreshes properly, but the Rupture gets renewed way to soon. At 10s left it will be refreshed and I want to change that, only like five seconds later.
Is this possible and if yes how? I tried adding another Combo Point collector and another finisher to make the sequence “longer” but then everything is off.

Hi I’ve a big problem with gse addon.
I correctly installed via twitch but isn’t loaded from the game.
In the section of addon is not visible.
How can resolve please help me thanks

I have problem with trinkets being cast. I deselected all item use options and when I try to do it in macro itself GSE put it back on.
How to do it so the options stay off?


I already have issued a report on Github about the /use options, have to wait for Timothy to take a look at it.

Pertaining to READ ONLY macro authors…so frustrating for me to want to change macro and be faced with this… i label and list all my macros with build sequences…aoe…st … etc as i have many toons and builds on them all … i remember seeing an item on how to change READ ONLY so that it can be edited but cant find that short instruction…did i misread or is there a way I can take the READ ONLY aspect out of the authors macro so i can edit and make notes for my information?? thanks all… cheers.

No there isn’t and it’s there for a reason. No one is saying you have to use a read only macro. Don’t like it don’t use it.

In the next version there is a function that will depend on a specific macro existing And it not being changed in anyway. This macro will come most definitely read only.

Having said that you do have a case for editing the help information for your own benefit. This might be worth raising on GSE’s GitHub if you want any action taken on it.

whats funny is there really isn’t a ‘read only’ … i mean copy paste open it up and see what it says and make your own with the ‘exact’ sequences… and then rename it