Gnome Sequencer for Idiots - Ask and you will be answered

Hi i have problems with my GS can someone plz post a working lua for as many classes as possible and plz post it from top to bottom, i have tried all the fixes i can “i think” and i just want it to work… plz plz plz

Hi! I somewhat have a noobish question…. i got GS to work with a 1 button macro… so what do you guys do?? just keep smashing on that 1 button??? or do you guys wait for a sec this pushing the button again? just curious….

because when i keep pushing on the button real quick… i can hear a lot of not ready skills, so does that mean i should push them slower? or at least til the next skill lights up (since it does have #showtooltip on the macro)

[quote quote=26046]

Why is: ! sometimes put in front of a spell/ability such as

/cast !Rapid Fire
/cast !Barrage
/cast !Cobra Shot
</blockquote>It is for spells/abilities that can be toggled on/off. It tells the UI to turn it on if it is off, but don’t turn it off if it is already on. It gets misused quite a bit, thus the confusion on it’s true purpose. Hope this helps!

so for all of teh skills stated above.. all of them are not suppose to have "!"? or which ones are suppose to have.. am a bit confused.

Hello! I find that there are commands such as “reset=10” in many GS macros including updated ones, but they don’t seem to make any difference in my tests. Am I missing something?

I notice some people will add a ! in front of a spell. example:

'/cast !Shield Slam', '/cast Revenge', '/cast !Execute', '/cast Impending Victory', '/cast Devastate', '/cast Shield Slam', Same spell, one has !, one doesn't?

I understand it has something to do with the UI… Why do some people have the same spell twice, one with ! and without?

Hello all!

I am trying to find the latest version of GS. Wowinterface has this one, but it was last updated 2-24-15. Is this the version that everyone is using? If not, could you please point me in the right direction.



Firstly, thank you so much for putting this guide here. It has helped me so much and aided me in writing my own scripts.

Secondly, In your Survival hunter macro you have the Explosive trap on a modifier. Whenever I press my modifier the whole macro stops until I place my trap and let go of the modifier. then the macro continues perfectly as directed. I would like to incorporate this into other macros… so how do I get the modifier to stop the macro and cast another ability?

[quote quote=26758]Hi! I somewhat have a noobish question…. i got GS to work with a 1 button macro… so what do you guys do?? just keep smashing on that 1 button??? or do you guys wait for a sec this pushing the button again? just curious….

because when i keep pushing on the button real quick… i can hear a lot of not ready skills, so does that mean i should push them slower? or at least til the next skill lights up (since it does have #showtooltip on the macro)[/quote]

Just spam the crap out of it. I personally use a razor naga set to .04 to spam it. But if you don’t have one, then yes you want to spam it as fast as you can.

I am currently using a macro from the sub rogue forum, but the eviscerate usage is very poor. I tried to re-write it. My knowledge of what I am changing is basically just guess and check. I am wanting to cast eviscerate when i have 5 stacks only. Not at two or one.

Sequences['Subfront'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth
/cast [nochanneling] Marked For Death
	'/castsequence [nochanneling]reset=combat Ambush,Hemorrhage,Hemorrhage,Rupture,Eviscerate',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Slice and Dice,Hemorrhage,Rupture,Eviscerate',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Hemorrhage',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Hemorrhage',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Eviscerate',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Rupture',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Backstab',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Slice and Dice',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Eviscerate',
	'/cast [nochanneling] Premeditation',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=60 Shadow Dance,Slice and Dice,Garrote,Ambush,Backstab,Ambush,Garrote',
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/use [combat]14

with the macros on this site is it a simple matter of just copy and paste or do i need to alter stuff around, plus a noob question but wat does GS stand for?

Ok so i am trying to multibox with this addon. The only thing keeping me from perfection (not really) is I need 2 more factors in my macros. I need a
/assist focus
/follow focus
at the beginning and end of my macro receptively. I am using these 2 that I got from someone (sorry I don’t remember who) on this website

Sequences["Fury2h"] = { PreMacro = [[ /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /startattack /cast [combat] Berserker Rage ]], [[/cast !Execute]], [[/cast !Raging Blow]], [[/cast !Bloodthirst]], [[/cast !Wild Strike]], [[/cast !Victory Rush]], [[/cast !Execute]], [[/cast !Dragon Roar]], PostMacro = [[ /startattack /cast [combat] !Recklessness /cast !Siegebreaker /use [combat]13 /use [combat]14 ]], }

Sequences[“Furyaoe2h”] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
[[/cast !Raging blow]],
[[/cast !Victory Rush]],
[[/cast Bloodthirst]],
[[/cast whirlwind]],
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat]Recklessness
/cast [combat]Bladestorm
/cast !Siegebreaker
/cast [combat]Berserker Rage

Where can i put these into the macros without breaking them and having them function properly?

I just got back from a year long hiatus and went to reinstall everything. I downloaded the GS, I added the most recent Ass build (wink) and nadda. Have i missed some secret trick? I used to just create a new macro, name it the name of my sequence and it added the code and worked.

Has much changed over a year? It looks like GS is still working for people.

[quote quote=27929]I just got back from a year long hiatus and went to reinstall everything. I downloaded the GS, I added the most recent Ass build (wink) and nadda. Have i missed some secret trick? I used to just create a new macro, name it the name of my sequence and it added the code and worked.

Has much changed over a year? It looks like GS is still working for people.


It’s still working, just as intended.

Unfortunally I can’t smell what’s wrong with yours.
Hopefully you figured it out already.



hello, im from peru triying to explain this comunity this wonderful tool, but i have some problems to make some macro, for example, in english i can use “Expel Harm”, but my game is in spanish language, and I use “Expulsar daño”, and when I type “expulsar daño” in the gnomesequencer, the spell doesn’t work, I tried to use ´n, ñ, 115072, and only n, and still the spell “expel harm” or in spanish “expulsar daño”, doesn’t work, I need help

i have made 3 videos for every aspect of gs from do’s and donts to simple install .short and easy

(and no not trying to hijack thread or get views just trying to help folks out) if anyone has questions message me and i will help as long as its in english lol

i was using GS from the beginning and took a 3 month break and now it doesnt work it was out of date. So i tried the load out of date addon button and tryed it again and nothing. what else should i try?

[quote quote=28273]i was using GS from the beginning and took a 3 month break and now it doesnt work it was out of date. So i tried the load out of date addon button and tryed it again and nothing. what else should i try?


have you tried going into the gnomesequencer addon folder, find the TOC file, open it and change the first line to this.

Interface: 60200

got it to work thx for the tip

I just had to chime in since another OP that someone else made here had gotten deleted.

People new to GS (and other addon macro editors) have the misconception that they would be best served by an all-in-one macro, and so they come to use GS for that reason (confession: I know that I did cough, cough).

But its been my experience that when using GS macros that have all of my spells and abilities rolled up into one GIANT macro = bad

I call them “kitchen sink” macros because they include everything including the kitchen sink.

Especially for PVP and especially for arenas.

The reason being is that those macros use up your spells/abilities/trinkets usually when you do not need them; and therefore, leave you high-and-dry when you later do need them, as they are on cooldown.

So, part of the soloution is (as HealMe stated) is a good, solid step function macro where you can time everything in advance and taking ticks + GCDs into account.

This means that you will need to spend some time in front of practice dummies to get your rotation and your timing right and revising your macro in your Sequences file.

Another part of the solution as I have touched on before is to break down your fat-assed DPS or HPS macro into smaller, more flexible ones.

Some examples are:

*One for (self) healing

*One for longer-term buffs

*One for standard rotation non-burst DPS or HPS

*Another for bursts (allows you to use pre-pots, trinkets, potions, flasks, and spells—suchs as TW or Heroism, and etc)…at the best time in a fight.

*One for executes with the /stopcasting command in them (i.e., Kill Shot, Shadow Word: Death, and others like these two examples)

*One for each of your escapes and freedoms (Blink, Disengage, Hand of Freedom, Master’s Call, PVP freeing trinket, etc)
Damage Mitigation (Deterrence, Dispersion, etc)
*All of your CCs

*Depending on the class that you play (utility vs. straight up DPS classes), you will also need to cover your your teammates.

Now, why even bother with GS when you can either use these spells in the game macro?

True. You can get away with many of these simple macros with the in-game editor; I use them a lot myself.

However the beauty of GS is that you can string a lot of abilities/spells/together and it (the macro) will function; the in-game editor simply does not offer enough flexibility in your macros.

Here is an example. The following macro is for my Loot-A-Rang. After a fight, it targets a dead body then loots it. It then clears my target (helps with pet management), and puts me back in Aspect of the Cheetah after (likely) getting knocked out of it during said fight.

Sequences['Rang'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
	'/targetenemy [dead]',
	"/cast Findle's Loot-A-Rang",
PostMacro = [[
/cast !Aspect of the Cheetah
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Doing all of that on one button only would be difficult with the in-game editor.

I hope that helps many new(er) GS users with their mindset when it comes to making their macros.

–John Q.

Sorry if these questions have been asked before:
What does this do? - /targetenemy [noharm][dead]
Many peoples Macros are such as - /castsequence reset=0.3 !holy shock,
Why castsequence instead of cast for a single action?
What is the purpose of the reset=number if its just a single action?
Why put a ! in? Isnt it only for checking whether an action is already in place (eg blessing of kings)?