GnomeSequencer Feral PvP Burst Macro 6.1.2 - 2015-05-07

Hello there my old friends!
I’m back again for writing macros and doing some other fun stuff.
I have been on vaccation and did not bother doing anything else on my free time!

I have been lurking around and been really frustrated but here is finally my macro for PvP Burst.

What I need you to do yourself is to watch “Healing Touch” when it procs, then you manually use it and re-spam my macro, since I use Bloodthalon talent, instead of Claws of Shivarrah or how it spells.

Cat Form (For 2v2 Soloing or for 2 dps combo)
Savage Roar (For the DMG ability, so great!!)
Cyclone (just incase I need to interrupt a healer or a mad rogue, but THIS IS VERY uncommon)

Sequences['Feralburst'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/castsequence reset=target Rake',
'/cast Shred, Shred',
'/castsequence reset=10 Shred, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite',
PostMacro = [[
/use Incarnation: King of the Jungle
/use Nature's Vigil
/use 14
/use Berserking
/use Berserk
/use Tiger's Fury
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

I have Razer Synapse 2.0 and I am using 0.55 click/second.
Please comment and if there is any issues, tell me and I will try fix this.

Remember, this is just a burst macro so please do not use it as opener or long-time-combat.

Sincerely, Tobias
Hit them with the flex!

For my unfreeze/snare I use

/cast !Cat form

This’ll unform and form you again in cat form.


do u by chance have any opener aoe and single target macros? i imagine this is perfect for pvp but im also going through proving grounds and cant use a burst every fight

Hey there, Yiffking Fleabag.

I may try make a Single & AoE macro on your demand, but I cannot promise it will be flawless unless you have to change target and then back again to reset the macro.

But I will try my best, so please wait a while until I’ve solved this.


I’ve made a Single and AOE macros, hopefully these works as expected for you as they did for me.

Keep in mind that you use Savage Roar and the defencives and all your Cooldowns (not tiger’s fury, since it is in the macro) on a seperate button, so that you can use them whenever you like.

Sequences['Feralsingel'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite',
'/castsequence reset=10 Rake, Shred, Rip, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite',
PostMacro = [[
/use Tiger's Fury
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Sequences['Feralaoe'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast Thrash, Maul',
'/castsequence reset=10 Thrash, Thrash, Maul, Maul, Thrash',
PostMacro = [[
/use Tiger's Fury
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Follow me up with updates so that I know how they look and work.


Love the burst Macro, but on the second round, it stays at 5cp and doesn’t move. I would love more than anything if I could put your FeralBurst on top of a normal rotation. You rock Tobb. I’ll try your Feralsinge1 macro and if it works, perhaps I can work something out.

I’m trying to make a PVP survival one too. Something that’d do healing touch, rejuvi, cen ward then survival instinct / barkskin. If I could get down to Burst, single, and survival macro, I’d be so happy I would sht.

So, since it’s PVP that I’m using this, I’m going to see if I can piece together to do the following :

Burst: CDs (making sure to have 25 energy) Ferocious Bite, rotation, rip -> repeat using trinkets
Healing Touch+Rejuvination (to be used after every 5cp finishing move)
Survival: Cen Ward, pop all defensive CDs, Stampeding Roar / Dash

Those big FBs are awesome right now. Rip has always been kinda meh as it does so little damage over so long of a time. You gotta pressure folks to pop defensive CDs fast if you’re going to survive out there.